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When was 3D knitting first introduced in fashion industry? 

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3D knitting was first introduced in the fashion industry when large circular knitting machines were developed to produce 3D structures, marking a significant advancement from the previous limitation to flat knitting machines . This innovation allowed for the creation of fully fashion knitwear patterns based on 3D body data of individuals, enabling the production of contour fit 3D knitwear without cutting and sewing, thus revolutionizing the traditional garment-making process . The integration of 3D knitting technology in fashion design not only enhances productivity but also offers opportunities for sustainable production by reducing waste, enabling the use of recycled materials, and facilitating disassembly for recycling at the end of a product's life cycle .

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3D knitting was introduced in the fashion industry as a sustainable production method, offering benefits like reduced waste, local production, and use of recycled materials, enhancing circularity in design.
3D knitting was introduced in the fashion industry through the creation of contour fit three-dimensional fully fashion knitwear patterns based on 3D body data, enabling seamless knitwear production without cutting and sewing.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Oct 2017
5 Citations
3D knitting was first introduced in the fashion industry when large circular knitting machines enabled its production, offering increased productivity and cost reduction for applications in various industries.
3D knitting was introduced in the fashion industry through the creation of contour fit three-dimensional fully fashion knitwear patterns based on 3D body data, revolutionizing knitwear design and production.
3D knitting for fully fashion knitwear was introduced with a method for creating contour fit patterns based on 3D body data, revolutionizing the fashion industry with personalized designs.

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