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When was Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education formed? 

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Our results reveal the determinant but delicate role played by the band council in developing forestry entrepreneurship in the community.
From these findings we suggest a course for future research, and identify key policy challenges for the future of social forestry and for Indonesia.
The region's urban forestry research can be enhanced and made more meaningful by strengthening national and international networking within the research community, across disciplines, as well as between researchers and those commissioning and using research.
The creation of Forestry Development Funds in the districts could be a sustainable approach to running the Community Forestry programme in Nepal.
These issues may be essential for advancing research in individual forestry and for improving policy objectives and programmes on forest planning and management within the increasing demands for sustainable forestry and rural development.
Together, these contexts suggest that those engaged in forestry research and education for development will need to be politically and institutionally astute, and proactive and strategic, in catalysing and pursuing opportunities; and that various collaborative models, both nationally and internationally, will remain important vehicles for sharing resources, commanding the attention of decision-makers, and realising development impacts.
This study suggests that Community Forestry (CF) programmes together with extension and environmental education programmes should be encouraged in order to reduce dependence on the natural forests.
It is argued that the systematic forestry introduced in India by Brandis was along the lines of forestry developed in very different social and ecological conditions, and that its development was greatly constrained by colonial inter ests.
The data to be generated in the coming years in the areas of forestry at both national and international levels suggest that we should revise the research priorities and strategies.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Kevin L. O'Hara, Hal Salwasser 
9 Citations
Without educational programs in profes- sional forestry at high research universities, institutional support for forest science research and postbaccalaureate forestry education can erode rapidly.

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