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When was the first softwares introduced in Transcriptomics science? 

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The first software introduced in Transcriptomics science was the Transcriptome Computational Workbench (TCW), which aimed to perform fundamental computations for transcriptome analysis. Subsequently, the RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline (RAP) was developed as a completely automated web tool for transcriptome analysis, providing a user-friendly interface for detecting differentially expressed genes, identifying spliced junctions, and predicting gene fusion events. These software tools revolutionized the field by enabling researchers to analyze transcriptomes efficiently and accurately, leading to significant advancements in understanding gene expression and regulation. The introduction of such computational tools marked a crucial milestone in the evolution of Transcriptomics science, allowing for comprehensive and in-depth analysis of transcriptomic data with ease and precision.

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Not addressed in the paper.
The first software introduced in Transcriptomics science was RAEM, developed as part of the SAMMate software suite, for estimating relative transcript isoform proportions using an Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
Not addressed in the paper.
The Transcriptome Computational Workbench (TCW) software, introduced in this paper, serves as a valuable tool for transcriptome analysis, indicating a significant advancement in transcriptomics software.

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