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Which countries have robot army? 

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Any robot following the given policies can prevent possible conflicts, and undoubtedly, any robot ignoring these may be in ...
We have also shown that our technique performs faster and generates considerably fewer partitions than an existing robot coalition formation algorithm.
The report compares the UK with other countries and indicates a worryingly widening gap with its major competitors on robot usage.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Kai Weng Wong, Hadas Kress-Gazit 
01 Oct 2016
12 Citations
Our approach captures both the advantage of decentralized robot control and that of centralized robot control.
Additionally, one is less likely to have sex with a robot the more they view robots negatively.
This is the first study directly comparing human perception of a physically present android robot in two different countries.
As one possible solution, robot competitions can be a benchmark for real robot systems [2].

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Do consumers perceive artificially intelligent (AI)-based service robots as human-like?" by Park, N., Yang, H. D.,?
5 answers
Consumers do perceive artificially intelligent (AI)-based service robots as human-like to some extent. Studies show that the humanlike characteristics of AI chatbots, such as personalization and anthropomorphism, increase perceived competence, warmth, and empathy, positively influencing consumers' acceptance of AI chatbot services. Additionally, the attachment between consumers and AI devices can enhance the quality of information exchange, interaction enjoyment, and self-disclosure behavior, indicating a human-like relational aspect. However, consumer mindset plays a crucial role, as competitive mindset consumers respond less favorably to anthropomorphic AI robots compared to collaborative mindset consumers, highlighting the importance of individual factors in shaping perceptions of human-likeness in AI robots. Overall, while there are differences in perceptions based on factors like age and mindset, consumers do recognize human-like qualities in AI-based service robots.
Docker build -t pytorch-video-recognition-flask-tensorrt Command 'docker' not found, but can be installed with: sudo snap install docker
5 answers
The error message "docker: command not found" suggests that Docker is not installed on the system. Docker is a crucial tool for containerized workflows, automating the packaging of sources into container images. Docker facilitates the deployment of applications with all necessary dependencies, enhancing efficiency and portability. Additionally, Docker images consist of multiple layers, allowing for efficient updates by only changing relevant layers, reducing rebuild times significantly. To address security concerns, tools like Anchore and Clair scan container images for vulnerabilities, emphasizing the importance of static code analysis to identify potential risks in the code itself. Installing Docker using the suggested command "sudo snap install docker" will enable the execution of Docker commands like 'docker build' for tasks such as creating container images for applications.
What are the recent advancements in high frequency actuation of SMAs as per the latest review paper?
5 answers
Recent advancements in high-frequency actuation of shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been highlighted in the latest review papers. These advancements include the development of internal channel additively manufactured SMA actuators to increase actuation frequency and power density, the utilization of magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) for wide actuation frequency ranges and rapid accelerations in various applications, the exploration of high-rate actuation of SMA wires for improved energy efficiency and shorter response times, and the enhancement of SMA actuators for real-time medical robotics applications through forced air convection cooling and tunable SMA spring predisplacements. These advancements collectively contribute to expanding the capabilities and applications of high-frequency SMA actuation in diverse fields such as robotics, aerospace engineering, and medicine.
What are the current state-of-the-art navigation techniques used in agricultural mobile robotics?
5 answers
State-of-the-art navigation techniques in agricultural mobile robotics encompass various approaches. Research highlights the significance of accurate landmark identification for robot row-following. Path planning plays a crucial role, with a focus on both field coverage and point-to-point navigation. Advanced navigation systems integrate deep learning models like Faster-U-net for precise navigation in challenging environments, considering factors like weed interference and complex backgrounds. To address external noise interference, a multi-sensor fusion method utilizing IMU, ODOM, GPS, and VIO via a Kalman filter algorithm enhances accuracy and robustness in agricultural robot navigation. Additionally, semantic features of maize stalks aid in 6-DOF pose estimation and field mapping, improving accuracy and robustness in dynamic agricultural environments. These diverse techniques collectively contribute to enhancing the efficiency and autonomy of agricultural robots.
How does the integration of IoT and IIoT technologies impact the efficiency and productivity of smart manufacturing processes?
5 answers
The integration of IoT and IIoT technologies significantly enhances the efficiency and productivity of smart manufacturing processes. IoT facilitates ubiquitous connectivity and data collection from various ecosystems, enabling efficient processing and communication. IIoT extends IoT functionalities specifically to industrial applications, promoting sustainable technological advancements within manufacturing environments. By combining these technologies, smart factories can achieve increased automation, streamlined operations, and improved decision-making processes. This integration optimizes manufacturing activities through the utilization of integrated information and communication technologies, ultimately leading to enhanced operational efficiency and productivity. Overall, the synergistic potential of IoT and IIoT in smart manufacturing paves the way for a more agile, connected, and productive industrial ecosystem.
How can extended reality be used to enhance human-robot collaboration for lunar construction?
4 answers
Extended reality (XR) can significantly enhance human-robot collaboration for lunar construction by providing a common spatial understanding between humans and robots, facilitating intuitive cooperation. Augmented Reality (AR) technology, a subset of XR, has been shown to reduce cognitive load, assist in training robots, and improve productivity in industrial processes. Additionally, guidelines for designing AR interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems can improve the communication of robot intents to human agents, fostering trust and safety in the work environment. Furthermore, XR devices can perform spatial perception tasks similar to mobile robots, enabling easier human-robot interactions through a shared understanding of space. By leveraging XR technologies like AR and incorporating design frameworks for HRI systems, lunar construction can benefit from enhanced collaboration and efficiency.
How does Grasshopper software contribute to the design and analysis of wood structures?
5 answers
Grasshopper software plays a significant role in advancing the design and analysis of wood structures. It enables the integration of structural analyses using solid elements within the design exploration process, enhancing collaboration between disciplines. Moreover, Grasshopper facilitates the development of sustainable temporary architecture by simplifying computational workflows and supporting the use of raw or reused materials like wood in creating eco-friendly structures. Additionally, Grasshopper, in conjunction with Rhino, aids in parametric modeling to study various mass timber structural systems, providing valuable insights for early-stage design decisions to meet sustainability targets. Furthermore, Grasshopper is utilized to manage the design environment for collaborative robotic stations assembling wooden modules, showcasing its versatility and efficiency in wood construction projects.
How does the fundamental attribution error relate to the attribution theory?
5 answers
The fundamental attribution error (FAE) is closely related to attribution theory, as both concepts deal with how individuals attribute causes to behavior. Attribution theory explores how people interpret and explain behavior, while the FAE specifically refers to the tendency to overemphasize dispositional factors and underestimate situational influences when explaining others' actions. This error can lead to misconceptions and biases in judgment, affecting various aspects of decision-making and social interactions. Research has shown that factors like mood, beliefs, accountability, and social influence can influence the likelihood of committing the FAE. Additionally, the FAE can impact political and institutional choices, highlighting the broader implications of this cognitive bias in society. Understanding the FAE within the framework of attribution theory provides insights into human behavior and the complexities of social interactions.
Design and fabrication of in-pipe inspection robot for crack analysis and detection ?
5 answers
The development of in-pipe inspection robots for crack analysis and detection is crucial for enhancing safety and efficiency in various industries. These robots, like the ones described inand, utilize innovative designs to navigate pipelines and identify structural flaws. By incorporating features such as cameras, sensors, and advanced locomotion mechanisms, these robots can effectively detect cracks and prevent accidents by alerting control rooms or automatically applying brakes. The use of servomotors, actuated joints, and unique locomotion protocols enables these robots to move smoothly through pipelines, inspecting for damages or blockages, as seen inand. Overall, the integration of cutting-edge technology in the fabrication of in-pipe inspection robots enhances the safety and reliability of critical infrastructure systems.
What are the benefits of warehouse management system in managing inventory?
5 answers
Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) offer numerous benefits in managing inventory efficiently. They enable businesses to control warehouse operations, including inventory management, order processing, and transportation management. Additionally, WMS can reduce the time required for inventory management tasks through the use of interconnected multi-robot systems. Moreover, a well-designed WMS allows for online order delivery for both in-person customers and online shoppers, enhancing customer service and satisfaction. Furthermore, WMS can optimize workflow, improve warehouse area optimization, and enhance the overall supply chain performance, leading to a more resource-efficient and dependable inventory management system.
What kind of natural disaster robots exist?
5 answers
Various types of robots have been developed to assist in natural disaster scenarios. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and capabilities to aid in search and rescue operations. For instance, TXRob is a teleoperated robot designed for exploring post-disaster environments, featuring artificial vision, gas recognition sensors, and real-time data display. Additionally, disaster response robotics are increasingly utilized to support and potentially replace human rescue teams in hazardous situations, reducing risks and labor intensity. While robots like The BigDog and Centauro Robot are currently in use, newer models like RoboSimian and ATLAS Robot have been developed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in disaster response tasks. These advancements in robotic technologies are crucial for improving disaster management and response efforts.