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Which research uses TAM theory? 

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The research that uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory includes the following papers: - "Agung Purwanto, Nurahman, Andy Ismail" - "Mainatul Ilmi, Fetri Setyo Liyundira, Afria Rachmawati, Deni Juliasari, Palupi Habsari" - "Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Usha Ramanathan, Lok Wan Lorraine Ko"

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Papers (4)Insight
This research uses TAM theory to explore factors affecting logistics service providers' intention to use RFID technology.
Swarm robotics research uses the TAM theory to abstract complex tasks and enable research on cooperative behaviors with simple robots.
Journal ArticleDOI
Na Liu, Zuoliang Ye 
25 Mar 2021-Applied Economics
25 Citations
The research mentioned in the abstract uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) theory.
Several researchers in Indonesia have implemented the TAM theory in different locations, sectors, and situations using various methods of analysis.

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What did the paper says about TAM?5 answersThe paper by Sharma et al. proposed a language and a front-end for an auto-parallelizing compiler, with the aim of achieving auto-parallelization in multi-core architectures. Chancusig and Bayona-Oré conducted a systematic review focused on the use of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) in education to explain user adoption of new information and communication technologies, such as e-learning, web 2.0, and m-learning. López Binnqüist and Wolf both proposed a new memory system that improves the performance of parallel processors by making all of its content available to processors, decoupling the slow memory from the fast processor. Nahotko used TAM to study the acceptance of e-books by young readers, finding that the ease of use of e-books significantly influences the attitude towards their use and the perceived usefulness of the technology.
What is TAM?5 answersThe Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is an information systems model that examines how consumers use and accept technology. It has been widely implemented to study the effectiveness and ease of use of online learning platforms. TAM provides insights into technology acceptance and has been used to analyze various online learning environments such as MOOC, Moodle, E-learning, flipped learning, and blended learning. TAM serves as a roadmap for potential researchers, highlighting critical areas for success in accepting online learning platforms. However, more research is needed to further utilize the TAM model and incorporate different online learning environments.
Who first time created TAM model?4 answersThe Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was first created by Fred D. Davis in 1986.
Is there a research that proves that TAM is a suitable framework for assessing something else?5 answersThe research conducted by Haverila et al.and Malatji et al.both support the suitability of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework for assessing the adoption and usage of technology. Haverila et al. found that the TAM relationships were positive and significant in the context of the use of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) during the COVID-19 outbreak. They also identified a positive and significant impact of social influence on the perceived usefulness, attitudes, and behavioral intentions towards the usage of NPIs. Similarly, Malatji et al. reviewed the usage, modifications, limitations, and criticisms of TAM and concluded that the model has been utilized to measure the usage and adoption of various technologies. These studies provide evidence that TAM is a suitable framework for assessing the adoption and usage of technology in different contexts.
What is TAM model?5 answersThe Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a widely studied and popular analysis tool for understanding the social mechanisms of technology adoption. It predicts the acceptance or rejection of technology based on factors such as beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and usage behaviors. TAM has been applied in various domains, including information systems, web development, online sports product purchasing, and pattern analysis. Studies have provided empirical support for the model in different contexts, including traditional and internet-based computing settings. TAM has been found to be useful in predicting successful web page development and online sports product purchasing behavior. The model has also been validated in the context of internet tools, showing its relevance to internet technologies.
How does TAM model theory explain the adoption of new technologies?2 answersThe Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a widely used theory that explains the adoption of new technologies. TAM has been applied in various disciplines, including educational sciences, computer science, and agriculture. It has been used to understand the acceptance and adoption of technologies such as e-learning, web 2.0, m-learning, and agricultural green production technologies. The model focuses on factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived utility, which influence individuals' intentions to use a technology. TAM has been extended and adapted depending on the specific context of the study, incorporating external variables and other theories. Researchers have also explored the role of factors such as government regulation, social network, and risk perception in the adoption behavior. The model has been recognized for its predictive power and has been used to identify predictors of technology adoption and use.

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