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Which tool is used in this paper? 

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The paper by Banshchikov and Vetrov uses a software tool called a graphical editor and a software package for modeling mechanical systems in a symbolic form with a computer . The paper by Pescaru, Kyratsis, and Oancea presents a software tool written in Visual Basic for Application integrated in CATIA environment for automated design of customizable footwear . The paper by Sharifov, Perets, Zhdanov, Belonogov, and Margarit describes a tool for analysis and waterflooding management of large fields with a long development history . The paper by Steen introduces a logic embedding tool that provides a procedural encoding for non-classical reasoning problems into classical higher-order logic .

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The tool used in this paper is a tool for analysis and waterflooding management of large fields with a long development history.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2017
1 Citations
The tool used in this paper is a software tool implemented in Visual Basic for Application and integrated in the CATIA environment.
The paper uses two software tools: a graphical editor for forming a symbolic description of a mechanical system using the Lagrange formalism, and a software package for modeling mechanical systems in a symbolic form with a computer.
The tool used in this paper is JavaSlicer, a public and open-source tool written in Java for slicing Java programs.

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