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An urban area in South Delhi and its adjoining four villages was selected.
There is significant burden of hypertension in rural areas in Delhi.
Therefore, there is weak heat island in Delhi.
The analysis reveals that this process has been fairly prominent around the metropolitan city of Delhi.
The results also support the recommendation that Delhi have a uniform standard across all areas.
The study can provide useful inputs for planning and implementing TOD in New Delhi.
This fact would be useful, if and when the authorities consider modifying the network or expanding it in Delhi.
The significant contributions from non-Delhi sources indicates that in Delhi (as has been show elsewhere) these strategies will also need a more regional perspective.

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What are the causes of childhood obesity?
5 answers
Childhood obesity is primarily caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predispositions and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to weight gain. Additionally, endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, and insulinoma can lead to secondary obesity. Factors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, stress, and socioeconomic status also play significant roles in the development of obesity among children. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is a global health concern, with influences from family dynamics, social impacts, environmental factors, cultural aspects, and unhealthy eating habits. Prevention through education on healthy lifestyles from an early age by parents, teachers, and healthcare providers is crucial in combating this growing epidemic.
What are the possible consequences of negative body image?
5 answers
Negative body image can lead to various consequences. People with a negative body image may recall more negative memories related to their body and may also avoid retrieving specific memories to prevent negative emotions. This avoidance behavior can hinder the correction of their negative body image, contributing to its persistence. Additionally, negative body image is associated with reduced quality of life in younger women, independent of body mass index. Furthermore, individuals with negative body image may engage in maladaptive health behaviors, such as smoking, and have difficulty with smoking cessation. In patients with persecutory delusions, negative body image can exacerbate feelings of vulnerability, potentially worsening paranoid fears.
What is the prevalence of eating disorders in men and women with type 1 diabetes?
5 answers
The prevalence of eating disorders in individuals with type 1 diabetes varies between men and women. Studies show that disordered eating behaviors (DEBs) are reported in 29.7% of adolescents with type 1 diabetes, with a higher prevalence in females. Additionally, the DEBBI study aims to describe DEB and eating disorders in people with type 1 diabetes, providing a comprehensive characterization of these behaviors in adults with the condition. Factors influencing eating disorders in adolescents with type 1 diabetes differ by sex, with body image satisfaction and depression being significant factors for females, while body mass index and depression play a role in males. These findings emphasize the importance of considering sex-specific factors in addressing eating disorders in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Does a high protein diet improve glucose handling in healthy people?
5 answers
A high protein diet has shown benefits in improving glucose handling in healthy individuals. Research indicates that a high protein breakfast can lead to a suppression of postprandial glucose levels after breakfast and lunch, as well as throughout the day, compared to a normal breakfast. Additionally, following current sports nutrition guidelines for daily protein intake may promote improved glycemia following exercise among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Moreover, high protein consumption has been associated with lower body mass, improved insulin resistance, and better beta-cell function without affecting lipid profiles in individuals with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. These findings collectively suggest that a high protein diet can positively impact glucose handling in healthy individuals.
What are the different frequently used in data collection mehod or instruments?
5 answers
Various data collection methods and instruments are commonly utilized in research. Qualitative research often relies on human instruments to collect, process, and analyze data effectively. In contrast, quantitative research employs test instruments, non-test instruments, and test inventories to gather and analyze data. For studies focusing on the obesogenic environment, instruments targeting adults have been developed to assess the food and built environments, with a need for more robust and validated tools for cross-country comparisons. In injury prevention research, researchers face the challenge of identifying and validating data collection instruments, especially when measuring new concepts or behaviors. Additionally, standard classifications developed by UN agencies aid in improving the comparability of demographic and socio-economic variables worldwide, including education, occupation, and socio-economic status.
How to promote kids self-regulation in context of screen time?
5 answers
To promote kids' self-regulation in the context of screen time, parents play a crucial role. Setting limits on screen time, actively engaging with children during screen use, and establishing family norms regarding device use are essential. Parents' own screen time habits, especially on weekdays, can indirectly influence children's screen time and subsequently impact their self-regulation. Additionally, parents' behaviors related to screen use, such as self-regulation and involvement, can either contribute to or detract from children's self-regulation skills. Therefore, parents should model healthy screen time behaviors, provide structure and guidance, and engage in shared activities that promote self-regulation while using screens. By being mindful of their own screen use and actively guiding their children's interactions with screens, parents can support the development of self-regulation skills in kids.
What are the impact of Rock falls in environment and people in Ga Chuene?
4 answers
Rock falls in Ga Chuene can have significant environmental and societal impacts. These events can lead to environmental effects such as flyrock, ground vibrations, airblast, dust, noise, and visual alterations, affecting the local ecosystem and landscape. Furthermore, rock falls can pose risks to human lives, livestock, and agricultural production, impacting the livelihoods, economic situation, and food security of the affected population. In the aftermath of rock falls, there may be a need for the relocation of human populations and infrastructure to new areas, resulting in the abandonment of damaged towns and areas, as seen in the aftermath of the Wenchuan earthquake-induced landslides in China. These events highlight the importance of implementing modern extraction techniques, continuous environmental monitoring, and mitigation strategies to minimize the adverse effects of rock falls on both the environment and people in Ga Chuene.
What was the evidence behind SUGAR SMART IN CHILDREN?
5 answers
The Sugar Smart campaign aimed to reduce sugars intake among children. Studies showed that the campaign had a positive impact on decreasing total sugars intake, particularly Free Sugars, immediately post-campaign. Additionally, interventions targeting SSB consumption in children have shown promising results in reducing body fatness and overweight risk, especially when combined with educational programs and peer support. Furthermore, a smartphone-delivered intervention, like Smart Moms, effectively reduced sugar-sweetened beverage and juice consumption in children aged 3-5, while also aiding in maternal weight loss. These findings highlight the importance of targeted interventions and educational campaigns in combating childhood obesity by reducing sugars intake and promoting healthier dietary behaviors.
What arethe research gaps in the study of metabolic syndrome?
5 answers
Research on metabolic syndrome has identified several gaps. Firstly, the definition of metabolic syndrome remains a work in progress, leading to confusion regarding its predictive value for cardiovascular events and diabetes. Secondly, variances in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome across different regions, ethnicities, and occupations highlight the need for more comprehensive epidemiological studies. Thirdly, a study focusing on American primary care physicians revealed gaps in knowledge, training, and resources for managing metabolic syndrome effectively, indicating a need for improved physician education initiatives. These gaps emphasize the necessity for further research to enhance the understanding, management, and prevention of metabolic syndrome across diverse populations and healthcare settings.
What factors influence the size of calculi in nephrolithotomy percutanea?
5 answers
The size of calculi in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) can be influenced by various factors. Factors such as stone burden, stone configuration, stone density, and stone diameter play a significant role in determining the size of calculi in PCNL. Studies have shown that stone diameter greater than 4.5 cm, stone density over 900 HU, and complete staghorn stones are independent factors that can affect the size of calculi in PCNL. Additionally, the location and anatomy of the collecting system, as well as the type of renal stones, can also impact the size of calculi and the complexity of the procedure. Understanding these factors is crucial in planning and executing successful PCNL procedures for patients with varying stone sizes.
Why is accra hot?
5 answers
Accra experiences high temperatures due to various factors. The city's location near the Equator and on the east coast of Ghana exposes it to direct sunlight, contributing to its hot and humid climate. Urbanization and land use changes in Accra have intensified the urban heat island effect, leading to increased land surface temperatures, especially in built-up areas, which absorb and retain heat during the day. The rapid population growth and urbanization in Accra have led to a reduction in green spaces, exacerbating the heat island effect. These factors, combined with poor enforcement of development control and inadequate building regulations, have further contributed to the city's high temperatures. Efforts to mitigate these effects include sustainable urban planning and increasing greenery to counteract the heat island effect.