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Who counters historical revisionism or denialism? 

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Counteracting historical revisionism or denialism is undertaken by various scholars and researchers across different historical contexts. Losurdo challenges historical revisionism by defending the French and Russian revolutionary cycles against demonization and highlighting the violence in the history of classically liberal countries and Western colonialism . Carter advocates for a "post-revisionist" reading of Mexican murals to counter revisionist interpretations . Obradovic-Wochnik discusses anti-ICTY discourse in Serbia's public sphere as a response to revisionism and denial . Gkotzaridis argues against the conflation of historical revisionism with negationism, emphasizing the importance of critical historical thinking . Shapira, Penslar, and others address strategies of historical revisionism in the context of Israeli collective memory and national liberation .

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Historical revisionism or denialism is countered by scholars advocating for critical historical thinking to prevent distortion of historical facts and combat the spread of misinformation.
Open accessBook
Derek Jonathan Penslar, Anita Shapira 
10 Oct 2002
21 Citations
Counter-intellectuals, as discussed by Anita Shapira in the paper, play a role in countering historical revisionism or denialism in the context of Israeli historical revisionism.
Domenico Losurdo counters historical revisionism by defending revolutionary and anticolonial traditions against demonization, highlighting the violence of liberal countries and colonialism.
Historical revisionism or denialism is countered by various entities such as international tribunals like the ICTY, legal institutions, and scholars focusing on transitional justice and reconciliation.
The paper advocates for a "post-revisionist" approach to counter historical revisionism, particularly in analyzing Diego Rivera's mural as a response to revisionist interpretations.

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