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Who is Kwesi Wiredu? 

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Kwasi Wiredu is a Ghanaian philosopher known for his unique approach to decolonization, focusing on disentangling African thought from colonial influences and emphasizing genealogical projects over syllabi changes . He advocates for a genetic methodology in philosophy, inspired by John Dewey, aiming to trace the origins of foundational human understanding components . Wiredu also delves into the concept of consensual governance, proposing a non-party consensual democracy as an alternative to majoritarian democracy in African societies, aiming to address the exclusion of minority interests and political instability . Additionally, Wiredu engages in philosophical debates on modal logic, critiquing C. I. Lewis's cautious approach and suggesting a more adventurous exploration of modal systems .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
24 Aug 2019-Organon F
2 Citations
Kwasi Wiredu is a philosopher who argued against C. I. Lewis on the choice of modal logic for logical necessity, advocating for at least S4 over S2.
Kwasi Wiredu advocates for non-party consensual democracy as an alternative to majoritarian democracy in Africa, aiming to address minority interests and political instability issues in contemporary societies.
Kwasi Wiredu, a Ghanaian Akan philosopher and Oxford graduate, is known for his genetic approach to philosophy, focusing on cross-cultural issues and advocating for consensual governance and sympathetic impartiality.
Kwasi Wiredu is a philosopher who defines conceptual decolonisation as Africans freeing themselves from colonial influences, focusing on intellectual effects rather than political liberation.
Kwasi Wiredu is a Ghanaian decolonial philosopher who advocates for decolonization through focusing on concepts to disentangle African thought from colonial influences, enabling informed choices in worldview defense.

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