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Who is more overdramatic women or men? 

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In a study assessing self-dramatization perceptions, it was found that there was no significant bias towards attributing dramatic behavior more to women than men, challenging the notion of inherent sexism in diagnosing histrionic personality disorder . Additionally, societal norms influence gender-specific behaviors, with boys often encouraged in physical play while girls are discouraged from it, leading to different forms of aggression being associated with each gender . The study also highlights how physical aggression between females is perceived differently compared to males, with societal expectations and stereotypes playing a significant role in shaping these perceptions . Therefore, the perception of who is more overdramatic, women or men, is influenced by societal norms, stereotypes, and individual biases rather than inherent gender differences.

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Open access
01 Jan 2010
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
In male weepies, men are portrayed as stoic with others, often women, expressing emotions for them, suggesting women may be depicted as more overdramatic in certain contexts within these films.
In the study, there was no significant difference in attributing dramatic behavior to women versus men, indicating no clear gender bias in overdramatization judgments.
Journal ArticleDOI
Jana Evans Braziel, Kathleen LeBesco 
01 Jan 2005-Weatherwise
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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