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Why are the electrodes of a capacitor not perfectly parallel? 

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The electrodes of a capacitor are not perfectly parallel due to the design and configuration of the capacitor structure. The arrangement of the electrodes is determined by the specific requirements and functionality of the capacitor. In some cases, the electrodes may be arranged in a complementary pattern, where the positive and negative electrodes have a specific arrangement that allows for efficient operation . In other cases, the electrodes may be mobile and capable of varying their relative position to control the capacitance of the capacitor . Additionally, there are capacitor structures where the first electrodes are partially embedded within a second electrode, resulting in a non-parallel configuration . The specific design of the capacitor, including the arrangement and configuration of the electrodes, is determined by the desired performance and functionality of the capacitor .

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The provided paper does not mention why the electrodes of a capacitor are not perfectly parallel. The paper is about capacitor structures with embedded electrodes and fabrication methods.
Dörr Thomas, Weiss Ingo 
10 Feb 2021
The provided paper does not mention anything about the electrodes of a capacitor not being perfectly parallel.
The provided paper does not mention why the electrodes of a capacitor are not perfectly parallel. The paper is about a capacitor with electrodes arranged in a horizontal direction and having a complementary pattern.
The provided paper does not mention why the electrodes of a capacitor are not perfectly parallel. The paper is about a variable-capacitance capacitor with four electrodes and its control system.
The provided paper does not discuss why the electrodes of a capacitor are not perfectly parallel.

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