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Why cracks are the common problem in concrete? 

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Cracks in concrete structures are a common issue due to various factors such as faulty design, construction errors, overloading, and internally induced stresses . These cracks can be classified into structural and non-structural categories, with structural cracks posing safety risks to buildings . The formation of cracks in concrete can lead to reduced load-bearing capacity, compromised tightness, and aesthetic deterioration of structures . Detection of cracks is traditionally done manually, which is time-consuming and impractical for regular monitoring, leading to the development of automatic detection methods using artificial neural networks and machine learning . Despite the significant impact of cracking on construction projects, the exact financial implications are not always clear due to inadequate record-keeping, potentially resulting in hidden costs and underestimation of the true impact .

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Cracks are common in concrete due to their significant impact on construction projects, affecting cost, deadline, and quality, as highlighted in the Chilean construction projects study.
Cracks are common in concrete due to flawed construction steps and various causes impacting structural integrity, aesthetics, safety, and durability, making crack-free concrete rare in practice.
Cracks are common in concrete due to factors like structural overloading, material shrinkage, and temperature fluctuations, leading to reduced load-bearing capacity and potential structural failures.
Cracks in concrete structures are common due to stress exceeding strength, faulty design or construction, overloading, and internally induced stresses, with causes often related to concrete specification and construction practices.
Cracks in concrete structures are common due to various factors like construction errors and unavoidable reasons, impacting aesthetics, integrity, safety, and durability of buildings.

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