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Why do sharp resonances occur in reactions that are induced by neutrons? 

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Sharp resonances occur in reactions induced by neutrons due to the presence of neutron resonances in the nuclear system . Neutron resonances are quasi-stationary energy states of the compound system of the target nucleus and the incident neutron . These resonances play a significant role in reaction cross sections and nuclear data, making them important in nuclear technology, nuclear level densities, and stellar nucleosynthesis . The study of neutron resonances is facilitated by the R-matrix formalism, which provides a framework for analyzing the statistical behavior of resonance observables . The presence of excited baryons can also contribute to the reaction amplitudes in charge-exchange pion-nucleon scattering, leading to significant contributions from excited baryons with masses up to 3 GeV . The complete description of (n, γ) angular correlations requires a multi-resonance approach, which has been successful in explaining recent experimental data .

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The provided paper does not provide an answer to the query. The paper discusses the use of the resonance approximation in neutron-induced reactions and the need for a multi-resonance approach to explain experimental data. It does not specifically address why sharp resonances occur in these reactions.
The provided paper does not directly answer why sharp resonances occur in neutron-induced reactions. The paper focuses on the importance of resonances in neutron-induced reactions and provides an introduction to the R-matrix formalism and statistical behavior of resonance observables.
The provided paper does not discuss sharp resonances in reactions induced by neutrons.

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