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Why frequency can't reflect collocation strentgh? 

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Frequency alone may not fully reflect collocation strength due to various factors. Research by Durrant highlights that while frequency moderately correlates with learner knowledge of collocations, the strength of this correlation varies widely across different corpora . Additionally, Wermter and Hahn's study suggests that purely statistics-based measures, including frequency counts, show little difference compared to more sophisticated measures when assessing collocations . Durrant's work further indicates that high frequency of occurrence in a corpus does not always guarantee independent mental representation of collocations by native speakers, emphasizing the complexity of the relationship between frequency and collocation strength . Therefore, factors beyond frequency, such as linguistic context and salience, play crucial roles in determining the actual strength of collocations.

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Frequency alone cannot reflect collocation strength because statistical measures without linguistic knowledge show little difference from frequency counts, while linguistically informed metrics do exhibit significant distinctions.
Open accessDissertation
01 Jan 2008
61 Citations
Frequency alone may not fully reflect collocation strength due to unreliable association measures for low-frequency collocations and the inability of corpora to provide stable evidence for infrequent events.
Frequency alone may not fully reflect collocation strength as shown in the meta-analysis. While frequency correlates moderately with learner knowledge, other factors may influence collocation strength beyond frequency.
Frequency alone cannot reflect collocation strength due to various factors. The method in the paper uses simulation to analyze frequency deviation factor collocation, enhancing power grid control abilities.

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