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Why is the tips sheat beveled? 

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The tips are sheathed beveled to facilitate various functions in different applications. In the medical field, beveled tips are utilized in dilator assemblies to guide wires effectively and prevent separation during procedures . In gear machining, a tip beveler is designed to streamline gear chamfering processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs . Optical fibers with beveled tips are used in laser delivery systems to control irradiance distribution and prevent forward lighting, improving focusing effects . Surgical techniques leverage beveled tip cutters to access tight planes and remove membranes with precision and control, enhancing safety and efficacy in procedures . Overall, the beveled tips serve specific purposes such as guiding, machining efficiency, optical control, and surgical precision in various fields.

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The tips are beveled to facilitate the shovel and cut technique, allowing easier access and dissection of challenging plaques in diabetic membranes with improved safety and control.
08 Jan 1945
5 Citations
The tips are beveled to enhance the cutting and washing process of ferrous metals using a mixture of oxygen and liquefied petroleum gas in blowpipes.
The tips are beveled to enhance the focusing effect of laser beams transmitted through optical fibers, as discussed in the paper on forming laser beams by optical fibers with beveled tips.
30 Mar 2018
4 Citations
The tips are beveled to facilitate convenient gear tightening, addressing issues of complex operations, reduced efficiency, and increased costs in gear chamfering machines.
The tube tip is beveled to aid guide wire insertion by facilitating feeding into the catheter's lumen, preventing wire separation, and maintaining catheter shape and rigidity.

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