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Why rate determining step use the slowest rate? 

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The rate-determining step is often associated with the slowest rate in a reaction due to its significant influence on the overall reaction rate. In heterogeneous catalytic reactions, the concept of the rate-determining step simplifies the derivation of rate equations and aids in catalyst optimization. For instance, in the base-catalyzed cyclization of compounds, the expected acceleration from certain effects may not always apply, leading to variations in reaction rates. Understanding the rate-determining step is crucial for predicting in vivo clearance of compounds, where different steps like active uptake transporters or slow excretion can significantly impact overall clearance. Analyzing the rate-determining step in processes like oxygen reduction on electrodes reveals the interplay between surface reactions and bulk diffusion, highlighting the importance of different factors at varying conditions.

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The rate determination system uses the slowest rate to ensure a constant number of symbols in each frame, allowing for accurate power comparison and reliable data decoding.
The gem-dimethyl effect reduces the rate of C-N cleavage, slowing the base-catalyzed cyclisation of 2,2,3-trimethyl-5-phenylhydantoate compared to the 2,3-dimethyl compound, altering the rate-determining step.
The rate-determining step is the slowest because at low oxygen partial pressures, surface reactions are slower than bulk diffusion, causing a potential drop on the electrode surface.
The rate-determining step utilizes the slowest rate because active uptake transporters, specifically Oct1, mediate the clearance of GNE1, making intestinal secretion the slowest elimination pathway.
The rate-determining step is traditionally associated with the slowest rate in heterogeneous catalytic reactions to simplify rate equations, despite potential inaccuracies in complex mechanisms.

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