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Yield of cell disruption of microalgae using bead mill as a cell lysis method? in percentage? 

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Bead milling as a cell disruption method for microalgae has shown varying efficiencies in different studies. In the case of Coelastrella sp., bead milling was found to have a rupture efficiency above 90% after treatment, making it one of the most efficient methods for cell disruption . On the other hand, a study on Nannochloropsis oceanica, Nannochloropsis gaditana, and Tetraselmis suecica found that bead milling was effective in extracting 12.6% dry weight of lipids from T. suecica, indicating a lower efficiency compared to other methods for this specific microalgae strain . Additionally, a simulation study on microalgae lipid production highlighted that scenarios involving bead milling had higher energy consumption and operating costs compared to other cell disruption methods like high-pressure homogenization .

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Bead milling as a cell disruption method for microalgae can yield up to 75% lipid extraction efficiency when combined with chemical extraction, as reported in the study.
Explosive decompression method yields higher cell disruption efficiency compared to bead milling, with over 2-fold increase in biomass release efficiency, but exact percentage values are not provided in the abstract.
Bead milling achieved a 12.6% dry weight lipid extraction from Tetraselmis suecica, as the most effective method for this strain in the study.
Bead milling as a cell disruption method for Coelastrella sp. resulted in a cell rupture efficiency of around 90%, facilitating the release of intracellular organic compounds efficiently.
Not addressed in the paper.

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Yield of efficiency of bead milling for cell disruption of c. vulgaris?4 answersBead milling has been proven to be an efficient method for cell disruption of C. vulgaris, leading to high yields of bioactive compounds. Studies have shown that bead milling can achieve significant lipid extraction from C. vulgaris, with extraction yields ranging from 13.9% to 17.6% using different solvent combinations. Additionally, bead milling has been highlighted as a method that can handle a large volume of cells, making it economical and productive, especially when operated in a continuous mode. The release kinetics of pDNA in a bead mill have also been studied, demonstrating its efficiency for the release of important biomolecules from C. vulgaris cells. Overall, bead milling stands out as a promising and effective technique for cell disruption of C. vulgaris, offering high efficiency and optimal yields of bioactive compounds.
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