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Showing papers by "Julia Hidalgo published in 2014"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors introduce a systemic modelling approach to the problem of how best to adapt cities is especially challenging as urban areas will evolve as the climate changes, and examine adaptation strategies for cities requires a strong interdisciplinary approach involving urban planners, architects, meteorologists, building engineers, economists, and social scientists.
Abstract: Societies have to both reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and undertake adaptation measures to limit the negative impacts of global warming on the population, the economy and the environment. Examining how best to adapt cities is especially challenging as urban areas will evolve as the climate changes. Thus, examining adaptation strategies for cities requires a strong interdisciplinary approach involving urban planners, architects, meteorologists, building engineers, economists, and social scientists. Here we introduce a systemic modelling approach to the problem. Our four-step methodology consists of: first, defining interdisciplinary scenarios; second, simulating the long-term evolution of cities on the basis of socio-economic and land-use models; third, calculating impacts with physical models (such as TEB), and; finally, calculating the indicators that quantify the effect of different adaptation policies. In the examples presented here, urban planning strategies are shown to have unexpected influence on city expansion in the long term. Moreover, the Urban Heat Island should be taken into account in operational estimations of building energy demands. Citizens’ practices seem to be an efficient lever for reducing energy consumption in buildings. Interdisciplinary systemic modelling appears well suited to the evaluation of several adaptation strategies for a very broad range of topics.

146 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a statistical clustering k-means method is used to produce long term climatic forcing fields to force Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere transfer (SVAT) models in off-line mode.
Abstract: This paper presents a method to produce long term climatic forcing fields to force Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere transfer (SVAT) models in off-line mode. The objective is to increase the temporal frequency of existent climate projections databases from daily frequency to hourly time step to be used in impact climate studies. A statistical clustering k-means method is used. A tens of clusters seems to be enough to describe the climate variability in term of wind regimes, precipitation and thermal and humidity amplitude. These clusters are identified in the future projections of climate and reconstructed sequences at hourly frequency are obtained for all the forcing variables needed by a SVAT model, typically: air temperature, specific humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, direct short-wave radiation, downward long-wave radiation, and scattered short-wave radiation. Eleven years of observations from two sites in France are used to illustrate the method: the Chartres station (Paris) and Blagnac station (Toulouse). The reconstruction algorithm is able to produce diurnal cycles that fits well with hourly series from observations (1998–2008; 1961–1990) and from climatic scenarios (1961–2100). The diurnal amplitude and mean value is well represented for variables with marked daily cycle as temperature or humidity. Changes in the mean wind direction are represented and, to a certain extent, changes in wind intensity are also retained. The mean precipitation is conserved during the day even if the method is not able to reproduce the short rain picks variability. Precipitation is used as input in the clusterization process so in clusters representative of rainy days some diurnal variability is nevertheless retained.

18 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a complementary study of the urban heat island (UHI) over Bilbao, and its aim is to explore how the properties and structure of the ABL change depending on different urban scenarios during two short periods in summer and in winter under calm wind conditions.
Abstract: Most of medium-sized coastal cities are in continuous development and therefore the future impacts of urbanization on the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over them are expected to become more significant. This study is a complementary study of the urban heat island (UHI) over Bilbao, and its aim is to explore how the properties and structure of the ABL change depending on different urban scenarios during two short periods in summer and in winter under calm wind conditions. The analysis is carried out with the Enviro-HIRLAM model coupled with the Building Effect Parameterization urban module. The scenarios are defined according to two independent drivers: the expansion of the city in several sizes, and the increase of the anthropogenic heat fluxes. This study shows the differences between the scenarios in terms of the horizontal extension of the urban plume and the vertical development of the UHI. The expansion of the city is the driver that has the largest impact on the ABL.

12 citations

Posted Content
TL;DR: In this article, the authors introduce a systemic modelling approach to the problem of how best to adapt cities is especially challenging as urban areas will evolve as the climate changes, and examine adaptation strategies for cities requires a strong interdisciplinary approach involving urban planners, architects, meteorologists, building engineers, economists, and social scientists.
Abstract: Societies have to both reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and undertake adaptation measures to limit the negative impacts of global warming on the population, the economy and the environment. Examining how best to adapt cities is especially challenging as urban areas will evolve as the climate changes. Thus, examining adaptation strategies for cities requires a strong interdisciplinary approach involving urban planners, architects, meteorologists, building engineers, economists, and social scientists. Here we introduce a systemic modelling approach to the problem. Our four-step methodology consists of: first, defining interdisciplinary scenarios; second, simulating the long-term evolution of cities on the basis of socio-economic and land-use models; third, calculating impacts with physical models (such as TEB), and; finally, calculating the indicators that quantify the effect of different adaptation policies. In the examples presented here, urban planning strategies are shown to have unexpected influence on city expansion in the long term. Moreover, the Urban Heat Island should be taken into account in operational estimations of building energy demands. Citizens' practices seem to be an efficient lever for reducing energy consumption in buildings. Interdisciplinary systemic modelling appears well suited to the evaluation of several adaptation strategies for a very broad range of topics.

4 citations

01 Mar 2014
TL;DR: In this article, the authors propose a model to represent the evolution of a systeme ville, its evolution and its processus in terms of its energy consumption and energy balance.
Abstract: La ville est un systeme complexe particulierement concerne par le changement climatique: ses bâtiments consomment de l’energie et rejettent des gaz a effet de serre ; son climat local est accentue par la formation d’ilots de chaleur urbains ; les usages de climatisation ou chauffage de ses habitants sont varies ; ses modifications structurelles sont soumises a une forte inertie qui obligent a raisonner, tout comme pour le changement climatique, a l'echelle du siecle. Dans ce contexte, quelles mesures auront un effet significatif sur le climat urbain et la consommation d’energie des bâtiments d’une ville : L’application du Grenelle de l’environnement concernant les bâtiments et l’energie ? La production d’energie locale ? Les usages energetiques des bâtiments ? La vegetalisation des toits ? La forme urbaine ? Le verdissement de la ville ? Les avancees technologiques ? Le projet MUSCADE etudie les interactions entre ces differents processus et propose des strategies d’adaptation qui mettent en perspective la consommation energetique de la ville et ses capacites de production d’energie. En se placant a l’echelle du siecle, le projet MUSCADE vise ainsi a apporter des elements d’evaluation aux decideurs urbains qui doivent bâtir la ville durable de demain. UN MODELE NUMERIQUE POUR EVALUER DES STRATEGIES D’ADAPTATION DE L’AGGLOMERATION PARISIENNE AU CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE. Pour representer le systeme ville, son evolution et les processus lies a l’energie, un modele numerique a ete developpe a partir de plusieurs modeles : Le modele NEDUM d’expansion urbaine du CIRED (Viguie 2012, Viguie, Hallegatte 2012) reproduit les mecanismes socio-economiques sous-jacents a la dynamique du systeme urbain et permet de representer son evolution des annees 1900 jusqu’a la fin du XXIeme siecle. La morphologie a l’echelle du quartier est obtenue grâce au modele GENIUS developpe par le LRA et le GAME, qui permet de generer des cartes archetypales et de simuler l’evolution ilots. Le modele Town Energy Balance du CNRM-GAME (TEB, Masson 2000) simule le microclimat urbain a partir des processus physiques lies a la geometrie urbaine, et le calcul du bilan interne du bâti (Bueno et al, 2012) permet de representer la consommation energetique de la ville. Une analyse par le LIENS de l’expansion passee de l’agglomeration parisienne et une etude parametrique de l’energetique du bâtiment par le CSTB ont permis de valider les modeles jusqu’au periodes contemporaines. Enfin, pour representer la ville future, des projections ont ete construites en combinant des hypotheses climatiques, macroeconomiques (prix de l'energie, croissance, demographie), evolutions du domaine urbain (ville etendue, compacte), techniques de bâti (materiaux, reglementations) et production d'energie decentralisee (technologies, choix d’implantation). PRODUCTION SCIENTIFIQUE La production scientifique disciplinaire du projet represente au total 18 conferences internationales et 11 articles en anglais de rang A, et porte principalement sur l’energetique du bâtiment dans le modele de climat urbain, les differents types d’expansion urbaine (NEDUM), l’analyse des formes urbaines, le role de la morphologie de l’ilot dans la production d’energie et les forcages climatiques. La simulation integree « ville–energie-climat » a deja fait l’objet de 4 conferences scientifiques ou de vulgarisation, et une production interdisciplinaire est attendue sur l’evaluation des strategies d’adaptation de la ville au changement climatique. ILLUSTRATION RESULTATS MAJEURS DU PROJET Le modele developpe permet d’evaluer le climat urbain et l’efficacite energetique pour repondre de facon transversale aux questionnements d’architectes (quel type de bâti est le mieux adapte au climat futur ? ) d’urbanistes (quelle morphologie de quartier permet la meilleure performance energetique ?) et de collectivites (quel est l’impact de la forme urbaine sur le climat des villes ? sur les loyers ?). Il est ainsi possible de comparer differentes strategies d’adaptation de l’agglomeration parisienne au changement climatique. Ainsi, les resultats majeurs concernent : - les comportements des habitants et usagers apparaissent comme un gisement potentiel important de diminution des consommations d'energie - la vegetation, qui si elle est arrosee, peut sensiblement ameliorer le confort exterieur en ete. Les toits vegetalises ont une influence limitee sur le confort exterieur mais peuvent ameliorer l'isolation du bâti. - Les panneaux solaires, outre leur propriete intrinseque de production d'energie, permettent d'attenuer l'ilot de chaleur urbain. - Une ville etalee ne consomme pas plus d'energie pour le chauffage et la climatisation qu'une ville dense, mais elle produira plus d'energie solaire. Toutes choses egales par ailleurs, les deux types de villes presentent des bilans energetiques comparables Ainsi, au final, les deux villes sont aussi efficaces en termes d'energetique du bâti. En climat futur, du fait de la baisse de consommation d'energie liee au chauffage, la ville pourrait produire plus d'energie qu'elle en consomme pour le bâti.

1 citations

01 Jan 2014
TL;DR: In this paper, aussi le role de lamenagement sur le climat urbain pour lutter notamment contre la hausse des temperatures is considered.
Abstract: L’influence du climat sur la conception des villes n’est plus a demontrer. En revanche, le fait que la ville puisse influencer son climat au point de creer des microclimats est une idee neuve qui peine a s’imposer. La transformation de la geometrie des surfaces et l’alteration des echanges d’energie et d’eau entre l’atmosphere et le sol artificialise se traduit, dans l’espace urbain, par une modification du regime des vents, une hausse de l’humidite et de la pluviometrie et par une augmentation de la temperature par rapport a ce que l’on observe dans l’espace rural environnant. L’ilot de chaleur urbain(ICU), ou l’elevation localisee des temperatures en centre-ville , est le phenomene le mieux connu d’un point de vue scientifique et mediatique dont traite cet article, qui envisage aussi le role de l’amenagement sur le climat urbain pour lutter notamment contre la hausse des temperatures.

1 citations