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Showing papers by "Mustafa Şekkeli published in 2015"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based power electronic transformer (PET) is proposed for power electronic transformers (PET), which consists of input, isolation and output stages.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, power quality parameters such as voltage, current, active, reactive and apparent power and harmonics are measured, analyzed and evaluated taking into consideration IEEE 519-1992 standards.

8 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Nov 2015
TL;DR: In this article, a new controller has been proposed for pulse width modulation (PWM) based rectifiers, which has robust and nonlinear structure in order to control the reactive power and DC voltage of PWM rectifier.
Abstract: In this paper, a new controller has been proposed for pulse width modulation (PWM) based rectifiers. Control scheme of proposed PWM rectifier is used two Neuro-Fuzzy Controllers (NFC) which has robust and nonlinear structure in order to control the reactive power and DC voltage of PWM rectifier. Thus, reactive power and DC voltage are controlled effectively. Moreover, simulation studies are carried out to test the performance of the proposed control scheme at Matlab/Simulink environment. The simulation results obtained from the proposed control scheme are not only superior in the rise time, settling time and overshoot but have high power factor, lower total harmonic distortion (THD) and good power quality.

6 citations

Proceedings ArticleDOI
01 Nov 2015
TL;DR: In this paper, a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme based on GA and Fuzzy Logic (FL) has been used by the help of Vector Control type driving method based on Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM).
Abstract: In recent years, adaptive and intelligent control schemes have begun to take the place of conventional control methods. In this study, a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme based on genetic algorithm (GA) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) has been used by the help of Vector Control type driving method based on Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM). In this control technique, the conventional PI controller and the proposed control strategy has been applied to induction motor in real conditions by using an appropriate digital signal processor and peripheral units. As digital processor, DSPIC 30F6010 which is produced by Microchip Co. has been used. Experimental studies have been implemented for both of the control techniques under the same conditions. The results obtained from conventional PI controller and the proposed control strategy have been analysed and compared.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
28 Dec 2015
TL;DR: In this article, the authors discuss the role of the state-of-the-art technology in the development of the economy of the world, and propose a model for the state of the art in the area of information technology.
Abstract: Elektrik guc sistemlerinde guc katsayisinin duzeltilmesi islemi reaktif guc kompanzasyonu olarak adlandirilmaktadir . Asiri uyartilmasi durumunda kapasitif reaktif guc ureten senkron motorlar guc sistemlerinde dinamik kompanzator olarak kullanilirlar. Senkron motorun hem mekanik guc ureteci hem de guc katsayisi duzeltici olarak kullanilmasi endustriyel tesisler icin daha ekonomik olmaktadir. Bu durum endustriyel tesislerin verimini arttirmaktadir. Literaturde reaktif guc kompanzasyonu ile guc sisteminin verimliligini, kapasitesini ve degisik calisma kosullarinda kararliligini saglayabilmek icin bircok calisma bulunmaktadir. Bu makale dinamik senkron kompanzatorun denetimi icin uyarlamali bulanik PI denetim yontemini onermektedir.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
24 Dec 2015
TL;DR: Gun gectikce artan insan nufusuna paralel olarak elektrik enerjine olan ihtiyac da artis gostermektedir.
Abstract: Gun gectikce artan insan nufusuna paralel olarak elektrik enerjine olan ihtiyac da artis gostermektedir. Artan bu elektrik enerjisi gereksinimini karsilamak icin geleneksel enerji kaynaklarina ek olarak alternatif enerji kaynaklari da son yillarda sikca kullanilir hale gelmistir. Bu alternatif enerji kaynaklari kullanilarak elektrik enerjisi elde eden sistemlere gunes enerji santralleri (GES), ruzgar enerji santralleri (RES) ve hidro elektrik santrallerin (HES) ornek olarak verilebilir. Enerji ihtiyacina ek olarak; harmonik, gerilim cokmesi, gerilim yukselmesi, fliker gibi uretilen enerjinin kalitesini temsil eden parametreler de artan teknolojiyle birlikte daha sik gorulmekte ve onem arz etmektedir. Bu calismada ise; bir GES’in sebekeye baglandigi noktanin OG tarafindan bir sebeke analizoru vasitasiyla olcumler alinmis ve alinan bu veriler harmonik bozulma ve fliker acisindan incelenmistir. Bu incelemeler sonunda sebekede var olan tekil harmoniklerin sinir degerlerin altinda kaldigi, akima ait THB’nin belli zamanlarda kisa sureligine sinir degerleri astigi ve gerilime ait THB’nin gun boyunca siniri astigi gorulmustur. Fliker siddetinin ise genel olarak sinir degerler icinde kaldigi gorulmustur.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
14 Nov 2015
TL;DR: In this paper, a calismada bir hidroelektrik santralin modeli cikarilmis ve tum sistemin transfer fonksiyonu elde edilmistir.
Abstract: Ulkemizde son yillarda enerji gereksiniminin hizla artmasi sonucunda akarsularin cogunlukta oldugu bolgelerde hidroelektrik santrallerine (HES) ilgi oldukca artmistir. Bir hidroelektrik santrali temel olarak, hidrolik turbinler, generatorler ve hiz regulasyon sistemlerinden olusur. Hiz regulasyon sisteminin gorevi, bagli oldugu enterkonnekte sistemden anlik olarak talep edilen enerjinin verilmesini saglamaktir. Bu sistemde bulunan hiz regulatorunun gorevi ise, hidrolik turbine giren su miktarini kontrol eden ayar kanatlarinin konumlarini ayarlamaktir. Hiz regulatorleri, aktif guc ve sistem frekans parametrelerini referans alarak kontrol edilirler. Bu calismada bir hidroelektrik santralin modeli cikarilmis ve tum sistemin transfer fonksiyonu elde edilmistir. Hiz regulasyon sistemine PID denetleyici ve Bulanik-PID denetleyici uygulanmistir. Elde edilen benzetim calismasi sonuclarina gore bulanik-PID denetleyicinin klasik PID denetleyiciye gore daha iyi hiz cevabi verdigi gozlemlenmistir.

01 Jan 2015
TL;DR: A PCB machine that can draw trace lines and drill holes on a PCB card is developed and it is demonstrated that the machine successfully draws a trace line and drills holes on two pads which are at both ends of the line.
Abstract: A PCB machine that can draw trace lines and drill holes on a PCB card is developed. The machine consists of a computer, a driving circuit and a mechanical setup. The overall system is operated and controlled from a computer through a program written in Matlab. A relay based driving circuit is developed to perform operations onto the mechanical setup. A communication protocol is established between the computer and the driving circuit through LPT1 port. In this initial work, we demonstrate that the machine successfully draws a trace line and drill holes on two pads which are at both ends of the line. Currently the machine is used only for educational purposes at Microprocessor Control and Instrumentation lab of Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University and is utilized at development of educational boards for our labs.