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Showing papers in "Anatomia Histologia Embryologia in 1975"

Journal ArticleDOI
R. Leiser1
TL;DR: Kontaktaufnahme zwischen Trophoblast und Uterusepithel während der frühen Implantation beim Rind ist gefunden.
Abstract: Zusammenfassung Kontaktaufnahme zwischen Trophoblast und Uterusepithel wahrend der fruhen Implantation beim Rind Der Nidationsverlauf der bovinen Blastozyste last sich in eine Vorkontakt-, Appositions- und Adhasionsphase unterteilen. Makroskopisch wird diese Gliederung von der wechselnden Beschaff enheit des Endornetriurns angedeutet, indem das Chorion im Embryobereich, wo die Nidation am 18./19. Tag post inseminationem beginnt, sich anders verhalt als in den extraembryonalen Bereichen. Licht- und elektronenmiskokopisch zeigen der Trophoplast und das Uterusepithel im Verlauf der Nidationsannaherung je Phase typische Erscheinungen. Die apikale Oberflache beider Epithelien vergrosert sich und wird durch Interdigitation ihrer Mikrovilli-Saume miteinander verbunden. Die mutmaslichen, von der Struktur hergeleiteten funktionellen Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Blastozyste und Mutter zur Zeit der Kontaktaufnahme werden diskutiert. Summary Development of contact between trophoblast and uterine epithelium during the early stages of implantation in the cow Implantation in the cow may be divided into precontact, apposition, and adhesion phases. These can be recognized grossly at the site of nidation (18 or 19 days post inseminationem) by changes in the endometrium and in the embryonic chorion, which differs from the extraembryonic chorion. Also light and electronmicroscopical examinations of the trophoblast and uterine epithelium during the course of nidation show typical phase-correlated differences. The surfaces of trophoblastic and uterine epithelia increase and unite by interdigitiation of their microvilli. The functional relationship between blastocyst and uterus at the time of contact, as determined from their structure, is discussed. Resume Accroissement du contact entre le trophoblaste et l'endometre au debut de l'implantation chez le Boeuf Le processus de nidation du blastocyste de bovin comporte une phase de procontact, une phase d'apposition et une phase d'adhesion. Sur le plan macroscopique cette division est indiquee par l'evolution des proprietes de l'endometre: dans le territoire embryonnaire, la ou la nidation commence au 18e/19e jour aprees l'insemination, le chorion se comporte differemment de celui des territoires extraembryonnaires. A l'approche de la nidation, le trophoblaste et l'endometre montrent a chaque phase, en microscopie optique comme en microscopic electronique, des phenomenes typiques. Les surfaces apicales des deux epitheliums s'epaississent et s'unissent d'une a l'autre par les interdigitations des bords microvillositaires. La discussion porte sur les probables relations fonctionelles dechange, decoulant de la structure, au moment de l'accroissement du contact, entre le blastocyste et la mere. Resumen Establecimiento del contacto entre trofoblasto y epitelio uterino durante la implantacion temprana en la vaca El proceso de anidacion del blastocisto bovino puede dividirse en tres fases: una antes del contacto, una de aposicion y una de adherencia. Macroscopicamente, estas etapas se demuestran en la constitution diferente del endometrio, comportandose el corion de una manera diferente en la region del embrion, donde comienza la anidacion el dia 18 o 19 despues de la inseminacion, y en las partes fuera de la misma. Utilizando el microscopio corriente y el electronico, se demuestran fenomenos tipicos durante el acercamiento para la anidacion, tanto en el trofoblasto como en el epitelio uterino, que corresponden a las fases mencionadas. La superficie apical de ambos epitelios aumenta su extension y se establece la union mediante la interdigitacion de sus microvellosidades. De tales estructuras pueden deducirse interrelaciones funcionales entre blastocisto y madre en el momento de establecerse el contacto, cuya importancia se discute.

48 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In the evolution of the horse the development of intertarsal ligaments, reduction of lateral digits and shortening of the astragalar neck contributed in providing the stability at the hock joint.
Abstract: Summary In Equidae, the limb structure adapted for fore and aft running motion first developed during late Paleocene (Hyracotherium). Since then, almost all the modifications contributed in developing a limb structure in which flexion and extension were primary movements. In Hyracotheriinae and Anchitheriinae, the hip and stifle joints were more flexed and had stronger semitendinosus muscles for fore and aft motion of the limb than in Equinae. Hyracotheriinae and Anchitheriinae had unstable hock joint and had significant intertarsal movement. In Hemphillian and earlier Equinae, the intertarsal movement was considerably reduced and in post Hemphillian Equinae it was negligible because of the presence of strong intertarsal ligaments. In the evolution of the horse the development of intertarsal ligaments, reduction of lateral digits and shortening of the astragalar neck contributed in providing the stability at the hock joint. Four types of limb structures are recognized in Equidae: (1) Hyracotheriinae, (2) Anchitheriinae, (3) Tridactyl Equinae, and (4) Monodactyl Equinae. Monodactyl tendencies appeared for the first time in Hemingfordian Parahippus (reduced metatarsals II and IV and their phalanges). The foot structure of this group is more like Equinae rather than Anchitheriinae, and is considered one of the Equinae in this paper. Early Clarendonian Pliohippus was the first equid to achieve monodactylism, but is not in the directancestry of Equus. Dinohippus became monodactyl at about the same time and has more in common with Equus (skull and dental characters) than Pliohippus.

36 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The stomach of the Hippopotamidae is four‐chambered and the first three compartments situated near the cardia, the visceral and the parietal (including the vestibulum) blindsac together with the connecting chamber, are forestomachs with non‐glandular epithelium.
Abstract: Summary The stomach of the Hippopotamidae is four-chambered. The first three compartments situated near the cardia, the visceral and the parietal (including the vestibulum) blindsac together with the connecting chamber, are forestomachs with non-glandular epithelium. The fourth compartment has a glandular lining. The compartments of the stomach make it possible to store the food and enable symbionts to live within the organ. Very likely the complicated system of folds within the forestomachs permits the separation of gastric liquid and the fine food particles from the coarse particles that remain in the forestomachs for a longer time to be decomposed by microbial activity. Since it can be assumed that the absorption of products of microbial activity and the increase of the forestomachs' internal surfaces corellate with each other, the factor of increase in surface area has been measured in these gastric compartments. Digestion in the hippo stomach could be ruminant-like. Most functional phenomena in the stomach of the Hippopotamidae, however, are not yet clarified.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors examined the mucosal surface of the cecum of domestic mammals and found that despite uniform technic marked species differences in the surface architecture, some species differences were encountered in places.
Abstract: Summary On the mucosal surface of the cecum in some domestic mammals. A scanning electronmicroscopical study The cecal mucosa of the pig, domestic ruminants and horse was examined with the scanning electron microscope. Despite uniform technic marked species differences in the surface architecture were encountered in places. These were irregularly shaped openings of the glands of Lieberkuhn and irregularly shaped territories between the crypts in horse and goat; and in the pig and ox, and especially in the sheep, a mosaic of mostly uniform crypt areas. Most of the differences encountered were thought to be related to different functional states. There is a possibility however that some of the differences were species-bound.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In the chicken the tracheal cartilages are complete circular rings of unequal width around their circumference, made up of a thick central part and two winglike projections, one cranial, the other caudal, gradually thinning out towards the edges.
Abstract: Summary In the chicken the tracheal cartilages are complete circular rings of unequal width around their circumference. They are made up of a thick central part and two winglike projections, one cranial, the other caudal, gradually thinning out towards the edges. In each ring one half, left or right, is alternatively broader than the other. At the level of the sagittal median plane, each cranial and caudal margin of the ring displays two notches; at this level the change-over point from the broad to the narrow half of the ring is seen to occur. The interconnections between contiguous rings are characteristic. The broad half of one ring with its winglike projections covers the narrow halves of the rings in front and behind, resulting in a characteristic tile-like pattern. The broader halves of the rings lie always superficially with respect to the narrow ones which are overlaid by them and are deeper situated. This arrangement allows for a high degree of sliding movement of the rings one over the other. Zusammenfassung Morphologie und gegenseitige Bezichungen der Luftrohrenknorpel bei Gallus gallus Die Luftrohrenknorpel des Huhnes sind geschlossene kreisformige Ringe, deren Breite im Kreisumfang nicht gleichformig ist; sie bestehen aus einem dickeren, mittleren Teil, von welchem zwei, sich allmahlich nach den Randern verdunnende Fortsatze (Flugelfortsatze) ausgehen, der eine kranial und der andere kaudal gerichtet. In jedem Ring ist eine der Halften, abwechselnd die rechte oder die linke, breiter als die andere. Entsprechend der Sagittalebene weist der kraniale und kaudale Rand des Ringes zwei Einschnitte auf, an denen sich die breitere Halfte der einen Seite in die engere der anderen Seite fortsetzt. Charakteristisch sind die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen benachbarten Ringen. Die breite Halfte eines Ringes uberlagert mit den Flugelfortsatzen die enge Halfte des kranial und kaudal benachbarten Ringes. Somit ergibt sich eine typische Dachziegel-Anordnung. Die breiten Halften der Ringe sind immer oberflachlicher gelegen gegenuber den engeren, die tiefer liegen und durch die ersteren verdeckt sind. Diese Anordnung erlaubt den Ringen gegenseitige gleitende Verschiebungen von weiter Ausdehnung. Resume Caracteres morphologiques et rapports mutuels des anneaux tracheens chez Gallus gallus Les cartilages de la trachee sont des anneaux circulaires complets dont la largeur n'est pas uniforme sur toute leur circonference; ils sont constituees en effet par une partie centrale epaisse et deux expansions (prolongements alaires), l'une craniale et l'autre caudale, qui s'amincissent graduellement vers les bords de l'anneau. Dans chaque anneau, une des deux moities, droite ou gauche, est alternativement plus large que l'autre. En correspondence du plan median, les bords craniale et caudale de l'anneau presentent deux echancrures, qui representent le limite entre la partie large et la partie etroite de l'autre cote. Les rapports entre les anneaux contigus sont tres caracteristiques. La moitie large de chaque anneau se superpose avec ses prolongements alaires a la partie etroite de l'anneau precedent et suivant. On obtient ainsi une disposition imbriquee caracteristique. Les moities larges gardent toujours une position superficielle, tout en couvrant les moities etroites qui se trouvent en position plus profonde. Cette disposition permet aux anneaux de glisser aisement l'un sur l'autre. Resumen Caracteres morfologicos y relaciones mutuales de los anillos traqueales en Gallus gallus Los cartilagos de la traquea del polio son anillos circulares completes cuyos ancho no es igual en toda su circunferencia; los anillos se hallan formados por una parte central espesa y por dos expansiones (prolongaciones alares) una craneal y una caudal, que se adelgazan progresivamente hacia los bordes. En cada anillo una mitad, derecha o izquierda alternativamente, esta mas ancha. En correspondencia del piano medio, los bordes craneal y caudal de l'anillo presentan dos escotadures, que representan el limite entre la parte mas ancha y la mas estrecha del lado opuesto. Los anillos adyacentes presentan relaciones characteristicas. La parte ancha de un anillo se sobrepone con sus prolongaciones alares a la parte estrecha de los anillos adyacentes. El resultado que se consigue es una characteristica disposicion escamada. Las mitades anchas siempre se hallan en posicion superficial, cubriendo las mitades estrechas que se encuentran en posicion mas profunda. Esta disposicion permite a los anillos de efectuar uno por encima de l'otro movimientos de escurrimiento muy amplios.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Electronmicroscopical studies of transudation between blood capillaries and lymph capillary in the lymphobulbus of the phallus of the cockerel (Gallus domesticus) show positive results for apoptosis and “cell reprograming”.
Abstract: Summary Electronmicroscopical studies of transudation between blood capillaries and lymph capillaries in the lymphobulbus of the phallus of the cockerel (Gallus domesticus) The blood capillaries of the lymphobulbus cloacae may be divided into circulatory and transudation capillaries and may be distinguished from one another and from the lymph capillaries by ten criteria. The specific structure of the wall of these capillaries permits transudation of lymph from the blood-vascular to the lymphatic system. The lymph passes through the pores and fenestrae of the transudation capillaries into the interstitium and from here by two routes into the lymphobulbus. One route is intracellular-vesicular, and the other is intercellular (between the endothelial cells of the lymph capillaries). The contraction of the striated M. sphincter cloacae during erection of the phallus presses the lymph through the ductus lymphaticus bulbospongiosus cloacae into the corpus cavernosum of the phallus. There is a relationship between the structure and functional stages of the lymphobulbus and age, and between the former and the levels of the steroid sex hormones.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The levator ani is, contrary to earlier descriptions, interwoven at its insertion with the external anal sphincter and constrictor vestibuli muscles forming a complex morphological unit.
Abstract: Summary The levator ani is, contrary to earlier descriptions, interwoven at its insertion with the external anal sphincter and constrictor vestibuli muscles forming a complex morphological unit. Most fibres of the anal sphincter decussate in the perineal body but a contingent from the lateral border of the muscle descends directly into the ipsilateral constrictor vestibuli. The more superficial fibres of the greater (decussated) part continue into the contralateral constrictor vulvae whilst the deeper fibres join the contralateral constrictor vestibuli. The motor nerve supply to the perineal muscles was established by electrical stimulation of the sacral nerves and electromyographical recording of the evoked potentials. The cloacal sphincter derivatives are innervated by the pudendal nerve but the coccygeus and levator are muscles are innervated by rami musculares (from S4 and sometimes S5) and not from pudendal branches as reported for the cow and horse. The levator ani and coccygeus muscles develop together. Both initially arise from the pelvic symphysis without connexion with the primordia of the anal and urogenital sphincters. Their insertions shift secondarily to the pelvic spine and coccygeal vertebrae and, where the levator ani is concerned, to the perineal sphincters. Zusammenfassung Die Anatomie und Embryologie des Beckenausganges der weiblichen Ziege Entgegen fruheren Angaben ist der M. levator ani an seiner Insertion mit den Mm. sphincter ani ext. und constrictor vestibuli durchwebt, so das hier eine komplexe morphologische Einheit besteht. Die meisten Muskelfasern des M. sphincter ani kreuzen in den Dammkorper hinein; ein Anteil des lateralen Randes des Muskels begibt sich jedoch direkt zwischen die Fasern des gleichseitigen M. constrictor vestibuli. Die mehr oberflachlich gelegenen Fasern des groseren, gekreuzten Teiles setzen sich in den andersseitigen M. constrictor vulvae fort, wahrend die tieferen Fasern sich mit dem andersseitigen M. constrictor vestibuli vereinen. Die motorische Innervation der Damm-Muskeln wurde durch Elektrostimulation der Kreuznerven und elektromyographische Aufzeichnung der entstandenen Potentiale gewonnen. Die Abkommlinge des M. sphincter cloacae werden vom N. pudendus versorgt, die Mm. coccygeus und levator ani durch Muskelaste (von S4, zuweilen S5) und nicht durch Rami pudendi, wie fur Rind und Pferd angegeben. Die letzten beiden Muskeln entwickeln sich gemeinsam. Beide kommen ursprunglich von der Symphysis pelvis, und zwar ohne Verbindung mit den analen und urogenitalen Sphinkteren. Ihre Insertion erreicht sekundar die Spina ischiadica und das Kreuzbein sowie, mit Beteiligung des M. levator ani, die perinealen Sphinkteren. Resume Anatomie et embryologie de la region perineale chez la Chevre Contrariement aux descriptions anterieures, le releveur de l'anus mele ses insertions aux muscles sphincter externe de l'anus et constricteur vestibulaire en formant avec eux un ensemble morphologique complexe. Beaucoup de fibres du sphincter anal s'entrecroisent dans le centre fibreux du perinee mais un contingent descend directement du bord lateral du muscle dans le constricteur vestibulaire ipsilateral. La plupart des fibres superficielles de la partie principale, entrecroisee, se continuent dans le constricteur contralateral de la vulve, tandis que les fibres plus profondes rejoignent le constricteur contralateral du vestibule. La distribution des nerfs moteurs dans les muscles du perinee a eteetudiee par stimulation electrique des nerfs sacraux et par enregistrement electromyographique des potentiels evoques. Les derives du sphincter cloacal sont innerves par le nerf honteux mais le coccygien et le releveur de l'anus le sont par des rameaux musculaires de S4 et quelquefois S 5 et non par des branches du nerf honteux, comme cela est decrit chez la Vache et la Jument. Les muscles releveur de l'anus et coccygeus se developpent ensemble. Tous deux prennent origine sur la symphyse pelvienne, sans relation avec les ebauches des sphincters anal et uro-genital. Leurs insertions se reportent secondairement au sacrum et aux vertebres coccygiennes et en ce qui concerne le releveur de l'anus, au sphincter du perinee. Resumen La anatomia de la apertura inferior de la pelvis en la cabra En desacuerdo con opiniones anteriores, el M. levator ani se entreteje con los Mm. sphincter ani ext. y constrictor vestibuli en su insercion, de manera que se forma una unidad morfologica muy compleja. La mayoria de las fibras musculares del M. sphincter analis cruzan hacia el cuerpo del perine; una parte del borde lateral del musculo va directamente a entremezclarse con las fibras del M. constrictor vestibuli del mismo lado. Las fibras superficiales de la porcion mayor, cruzada, se continuan con el M. constrictor vulvae del otro lado; al mismo tiempo, las fibras profundas se unen al M. constrictor vestibule del otro lado. La inervacion motora de los musculos del perine se estudio mediante la estimulacion electrica de los nervios sacros y la anotacion electromiografica de los potenciales asi producidos. Los derivados del M. sphincter cloacae reciben su inervacion del N. pudendo, los Mm. coccygeus y levator ani estan inervados por ramas musculares (de S4 y a veces S5) y no por ramas pudendas como se anota para las reses y los caballos. Los ultimos dos musculos mencionados se desarrollan conjuntamente. Ambos provienen originalmente de la Symphysis pelvis sin relacion con los musculos esfinteres anales o urogenitales. Su insercion llega secundariamente a la Spina ischiadica y al sacro, asi como, mediante la contribucion del M. levator ani, a los esfinteres perineales.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A definite pattern evolves, indicating vascular pathways, regions where bloodvessels can be expected to enter or leave, the size of vessels involved and age differences.
Abstract: Summary The position, size and connections of all the macroscopically visible foramina of Cervical vertebrae 3–7 in 20 oxen are described. The nomen-clature of various structures is discussed. A definite pattern evolves, indicating vascular pathways, regions where bloodvessels can be expected to enter or leave, the size of vessels involved and age differences. In regard to the latter there seems to be two opposing patterns: on the external surface foramina seem to increase in size and distribution with increasing age; on the internal surface (including that of the “transverse canal”) the opposite pattern prevails. Zusammenfassung Die Locher der Halswirbel des Rindes II. Halswirbel 3–7 Lage, Grose und Verbindungen aller makroskopisch sichitbaren Locher der Halswirbel 3–7 von 20 Rindern werden beschrieben. Die Nomenklatur ver-schiedener Strukturen wird diskutiert. Man kann Gegenden untersdieiden, welche die Ein- und Austrittsstellen von Blutgefasen anzeigen. Kaliber- und Altersunterschiede schieinen dabei 2 entgegengesetzte Muster zu bilden: an der auseren Oberflache scheinen die Locher mit zunehmendem Alter groser und zahlreicher zu werden; an der inneren Oberflache (einschlieslich der des “Can. Transversarius”) herrschien entgegengesetzte Verhaltnisse. Resume Les trous des vertebres cervicales du Boeuf II. Vertebres cervicales 3–7 On decrit la situation, les dimensions et les connexions de tous les trous macroscopiquement visibles sur les vertebres cervicales 3 a 7 de 20 bovins. On Peut discute de la nomenclature des differentes structures. On peut distingeur des territoires caracteristiques des lieux d'afference et des lieux d'efference des vaisseaux sanguins. L'examen des variations du calibre en fonction de l'âge semble aboutir a 2 modeles opposes: sur la face externe, les trous semblent croitre en nombre et en dimension avec l'âge; sur la face interne (y compris celle du Can. Transversarius), on observe, au contraire, l'evolution inverse. Resumen Los agujeros en la columna cervical del buey II. Vertebres cervicales 3–7 Se describen situacion, tamatno y comunicaciones de todos los agujeros macroscopicamente visibles en las vertebras cerviales 3 a 7 de 20 bueyes, discutiendose la nomenclatura de varias estructuras correspondientes. Se desta can diferentes regiones y tipos de distribucion de acuerdo con la trayectoria de los vasos, su entrada y su salida. Diferencias del calibre de los vasos y de la edad, permiten observar dos dechiados tipicos: en la superficie externa del hueso, parece que con la edad aumentan tambien el numero y tamano de los agujeros vasculares; en la superficie interna (incluyendo la del “Canalis transversarius”) prevalecen characteristicas opuestas.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Results of this investigation indicated that the portal vessels were the sole supply to the equine pars distalis.
Abstract: Summary The blood supply to the equine pituitary gland, with special attention to its portal system, was studied by the aid of vascular injections and histological serial sections. The primary capillary plexus of the median eminence was supplied by the rostroventral and rostrodorsal infundibular arteries, which were branches of the internal carotid arteries and the ramus communicans caudalis, respectively. The neural lobe was supplied by the caudal infundibular arteries, which originated from the arteria intercarotica caudalis. Dorsal and ventral groups of the portal vessels were described. Their regional distribution into the sinusoidal capillaries of the pars distalis was discussed. Results of this investigation indicated that the portal vessels were the sole supply to the equine pars distalis. No direct arterial supply to this part of the adenohypophysis was observed. Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen am hypophysaren Pfortadersystem des Pferdes Die Blutversorgung der Hypophyse des Pferdes wurde mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Pfortadersystems mittels Gefasinjektionen und histologischen Serienschnitten untersucht. Der primare Kapillarplexus der Eminentia mediana wird von den rostroventralen und rostrodorsalen Infundibulararterien (als Asten der A. carotis int. resp. des R. communicans caud.) versorgt. Der Neurallappen wird von den kaudalen Infundibulararterien versorgt, die aus der A. intercarotica caud. kommen. Gruppen von ventralen und dorsalen Pfortadern werden beschrieben. Ihre regionale Verteilung in die Sinusoide der Pars distalis wird diskutiert. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, das die Pfortadern die Pars distalis des Pferdes allein versorgen. Keine direkte arterielle Versorgung dieses Teiles der Adenohypophyse wurde festgestellt. Resume Observations sur le systeme porte hypophysaire du Cheval On a etudiea l'aide d'injections et de coupes histologiques seriees, la vascularisation de l'hypophyse et specialement son systeme porte. Le plexus capillaire primaire de l'eminence mediane est alimente par des arteres infundibulaires rostro-ventrales et rostro-dorsales, qui proviennent respectivement de la carotide interne et du rameau communicant caudal. Le lobe nerveux est irrigue par les arteres infundibulaires caudales, qui proviennent de l'artere intercarotidienne caudale. On a reconnu un groupe dorsal et un groupe ventral de vaisseaux portes. On discute leur distribution regionale dans les capillaries sinusoides de la Pars distalis. Les resultats de cette recherche montrent que les vaisseaux portes fournissent seuls la vascularisation de la Pars distalis chez le Cheval. On n'a pas observe de vaisseaux arteriels directs destines a cette partie de l'adeno-hypophyse. Resumen Observaciones en el sistema portal hipofisario del caballo Mediante la inyeccion de los vasos y en cortes histologicos seriados, se estudio la irrigacion sanguinea de la hipofisis del caballo con atencion especial en su sistema portal. El plexo capilar primario de la eminencia mediana esta irrigado por arterias infundibulares rostroventrales y rostrodorsales (ramas de la A. carotida interna o de la R. comunicante caudal, respectivamente). El lobulo neural recibe su irrigacion de las arterias infundibulares caudales que provienen de la A. intercarotica caud. Se describen grupos de vasos portales ventrales y dorsales y se discute su distribucion regional en los sinusoides de la parte distal. Las investigaciones demostraron que solo el sistema portal irriga la Pars distalis en el caballo, no encontrandose una irrigacion arterial directa de esta parte de la adenohipofisis.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: L'expérimentation a porté sur les modifications cytologiques and architecturales du parenchyme thymique en réponse à des incitations hormonales.
Abstract: Resume Des cobayes mâles et femelles ont ete traites par des hormones sexuelles et gonadotropes pendant des temps variables. L'experimentation a porte sur les modifications cytologiques et architecturales du parenchyme thymique en reponse a des incitations hormonales. On a pu en deeduire essentiellement que la folliculine est la seule hormone sexuelle capable d'entrainer une involution majeure du thymus et l'apparition de cellules a corps de Foa-Kurloff. Cette action est independante des stimulines hypophysaires. Les resultats obtenus permettent d'affirmer l'existence de correlations etroites entre le thymus et les glandes genitales, et plus particulierement la secretion aestrogenique de la theque interne du follicule ovarien. Zusammenfassung Beziehungen zwischen Thymus und Geschlechtshormonen beim Meerschweinchen Mannliche und weibliche Meerschweinchen wurden verschieden lange mit Sexualhormonen und Gonadotropinen behandelt. Es ergaben sich Veranderungen der Zytologie und der Parenchymarchitektur des Thymus. Die wichtigste Schlusfolgerung ist, das das Follikulin eine stark involutive Wirkung auf den Thymus ausubt und zum Auftreten von Zellen mit Foa-Kurloff-Korpern fuhrt. Diese Wirkung ist unabhangig von der Hypophysenstimulation. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse bekraftigen die Existenz enger Beziehungen zwischen Thymus und Geschlechtsdrusen, insbesondere zwischen Thymus und Ostrogensekretion der Theca interna der Eierstocksfollikel. Summary Relations between thymus and sex hormones in Guinea Pigs Male and female Guinea Pigs were treated for different periods of time with sex hormones and gonadotropins. There were changes in the cytology and architecture of the thymic parenchyma. The most important conclusion was that folliculin has a strong involuting effect on the thymus and leads to the appearance of cells with Foa-Kurloff bodies. This effect is independent of hypophyseal stimulation. The obtained results underline the existence of close relations between thymus and gonads, and especially between the thymus and the estrogen secretion in the theca interna of the ovarian follicle. Resumen Relaciones entre el timo y las hormones sexuales en el cobayo Conejillos de Indias de ambos sexos se trataron durante periodos diferentes con hormonas sexuales y gonadotropinas. Resultaron cambios citologicos y de la arquitectura del parenquima del timo. La conclusion mas importante, es la influencia involutiva de la foliculina sobre el timo, que produce celulas con corpusculos de Foa-Kurloff. Este efecto es independiente de una estimulaentre de la hipofisis. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la relacion intima entre timo y glandulas sexuales, especialmente entre el timo yla secrecion de estrogenos, realizada por la teca interna de los foliculos del ovario.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Entwicklung and Strukturveränderung des Dottersackstiels werden auf experimentellem Wege licht‐ and elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht.
Abstract: Zusammenfassung Entwicklung und Strukturveranderung des Dottersackstiels werden auf experimentellem Wege licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Entwicklung des Stiels beginnt am 5. Tag der Inkubation und ist am 7.–8. Tag beendet. Die Muskelschicht des Stiels ist an 2–3 Stellen dreischichtig. Das Darmende des Stiels bildet bei Huhn und Truthuhn eine ins Darmlumen vorspringende Papille mit basalem Schliesmuskel. Gans und Ente fehlen Papille und Schliesmuskel. Eine Lymphzellinfiltration ist charakteristisch fur das Diverticulum ductus vitellini; sie erreicht bei Gans und Ente das Ausmas vom Lymphfollikeln. Durch den Stiel, der bis zum Alter von 3–7 Tagen offen bleibt, fliest ab 6. Tag der Inkubation wenig, ab 15. Tag etwas mehr und wahrend der Schliesung des Nabelringes, ab 17. Tag, eine grose Menge Dotter in den Darmkanal, was nach dem Schlupfen wieder nachlast. Der Dotter wird im Darmkanal bis zum Drusenmagen regurgitiert und unterwegs absorbiert. Die Untersuchung der Trypsin-Hemmungskapazitat des Dottersackes beweist, das vom 11. Tag an oral abgeschlucktes Eiklar uber den Stiel in den Dottersack gelangt. Summary The ontogenetic development of the stalk of the yolk sac in domestic birds, and its role in the absorption of the yolk Development and structural changes of the stalk of the yolk sac were studied experimentally using light and electronmicroscopy. The development begins on day 5 of incubation and ends on day 7–8. The muscular layer of the stalk is translucent in two or three places. The intestinal end of the stalk in the chicken and turkey forms a papilla which is provided with a sphincter and projects into the lumen of the intestine. Goose and duck have neither papilla nor sphincter. The diverticulum ductus vitellini is characteristically invaded by lymphocytes and in the goose and duck this lymphoid tissue reaches the organisation of fossulae. The stalk remains patent until postnatal day 3–7. Beginning on day 5 of incubation some yolk flows through the stalk into the intestine; from day 15 of incubation onward a little more, and during the closure of the umbilious on day 17, a large amount of yolk flows into the intestine, but this flow is reduced after hatching. The yolk is regurgitated into the glandular stomach and absorbed on its way there. Experimental evidence indicates that, from the day 11 of incubation onward, swallowed egg white reaches the yolk sac through the stalk. Resume Le developpement ontogenetique du pedicule vitellin des Oiseaux domestiques et son role dans la resorption du jaune de l'oeuf On a etudie expeerimentalement, em microscopie optique et electronique, le developpement et les modifications de structure du pedicule vitellin. Son developpement commence au 5e jour d'incubation et est termine au 7e–8e jour. Sa musculeuse est, en 2–3 endroits, disposee en trois couches. Son extremite proximale forme, chez la Poule et la Dinde, une papille saillante dans la lumiere intestinale et pourvue d'un sphincter basal. Ces formations papillaires et sphincterielles n'existent pas chez l'Oie et le Canard. Le Diverticulum ductus vitellini presente une infiltration lymphoide caracteristique qui, chez l'Oie et le Canard, atteint les dimensions de follicules lymphatiques. Par le pedicule, qui reste ouvert jusqu'a l'âge de 3–7 jours, s'ecoule une quantite variable de vitellus: faible a partir du 6e jour d'incubation, plus forte a partir du 15e jour, abondante a partir du 17e jour tandis que se ferme l'anneau ombilical. Le jaune est regurgite dans le canal intestinal jusqu'au niveau du ventricule succenturie et se trouve absorbe en chemin. La recherche de l'activite antitrypsique au niveau de la vesicule vitelline demontre qu'a partir du lle jour, le blanc d'oeuf degluti atteint cette annexe par le pedicule. Resumen El desarrollo ontogenico del tallo vitelino de las aves domesticas y su importancia en la absorcion del vitelo En forma experimental, mediante el microscopic corriente y electronico se estudian el desarrollo y los cambios estructurales del tallo vitelino. Su desarrollo comienza el 5° dia de la incubacion y finaliza el 7°–8° dia. La musculatura del tallo muestra tres capas en dos o tres sitios. Su extreme intestinal, en el polio y el pavo, presenta una papila saliente hacia la luz del intestino, provista de un musculo esfinter basal. Una infiltracion linfocitaria caracteriza este «Diverticulum ductus vitellini»; en el ganso y el pato, se forman foliculos linfaticos. Por el tallo, que queda abierto hasta una edad de 3–7 dias, pasa el vitelo al intestino, a partir del 6° dia de la incubacion todavia muy poco, a partir del 15° dia una cantidad mayor y durante el cierre del anillo umbilical a partir del 17° dia una cantidad muy grande, que despues de salir del huevo se reduce otra vez. El vitelo regurgita hasta el estomago glandular absorbiendose en el camino. Estudios de la inhibicion de la tripsina por el saco vitelino demostraron que a partir del 11° dia, clara de huevo tragada por la boca, llega al saco vitelino por medio del tallo.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Mm. scaleni of 20 bovine cadavers were dissected and their attachments and nerve supply are described and illustrated and the principles of subdividing the muscles are discussed.
Abstract: Summary The Mm. scaleni of 20 bovine cadavers were dissected and their attachments and nerve supply are described and illustrated. The literature is reviewed and the principles of subdividing the muscles are discussed. The emerging roots of the brachial plexus rather than the axillary vessels are taken as the dividing line between the middle and ventral scalene muscles. This principle can also be applied to the other domesticated species. Fascicles formerly described as M. iliocostalis cervicis are grouped with the M. scalenus medius as its Pars superficialis on the ground of their nerve supply. The scalene muscles are innervated by the ventral branches of spinal nerves C4—T2. The subdivisions and innervation in the ox are as follows: 1. M. scalenus dorsalis, C5—T2. 2. M. scalenus medius: Pars superficialis, C4—C8; Pars profunda, C8. 3. M. scalenus ventralis, C4—T2.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The blood vascular system of the bovine omasum is studied to determine the phytochemical properties of the Bovine Omasum and its role in milk production.
Abstract: Summary The blood vascular system of the bovine omasum The blood vessels supplying and draining the omasal wall and laminae are described and are compared with those of other ruminants. A detailed study revealed that the subepithelial vascular networks in the papillae were in part similar to those of intestinal villi. One or more arterioles branch radially and form a capillary network which does not, as in the villus, drain into a central venule but is succeeded by several subepithelial venules. Capillaries and venules differ only in diameter which are 10 μm. and 40 μm. respectively. The walls of both have a complete basal membrane, perforated endothelium and pinocytotic vesicles. This emphasizes their significance in resorption. Inside and between the papillae the capillaries form a dense network which is separated from the basal cells by a thin layer of connective tissue 5 to 6 μm. thick. Hemodynamic problems related to the presence of elastic connective tissue and to the motor activity of the omasum are discussed.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Ultrastructure of the Neuro‐and Adenohypophysis of the Teleost, Chasmichithys dolichognathus is studied for the first time with implications for drug discovery and regenerative medicine.
Abstract: Summary Ultrastructure of the Neuro-and Adenohypophysis of the Teleost, Chasmichithys dolichognathus The hypophysis of the gobiid teleost investigated is embedded in the hypothalamus except for its ventral surface. The neurohypophysis constitutes a thin sheet covering the adenohypophysis. The anterior part of the neurohypophysis, which wraps the rostral pars distalis and the most rostral part of the caudal pars distalis, contains neurosecretory axons the most predominant type of which is characterized by granulated vesicles between 70 and 120 nm. in diameter. In the posterior part of the neurohypophysis which covers the main part of the caudal pars distalis and the pars intermedia the most abundant neurosecretory axons contain granulated vesicles between 110 and 170 nm. in diameter. Following discussion of the regional structural differences, the goby neurohypophysis is compared with the median eminence and the posterior lobe of tetrapods.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The delineation of the fowl's hypoglossal nucleus was determined by severing the hypogslossal nerve or its branches and observing retrograde degeneration.
Abstract: Summary The delineation of the fowl's hypoglossal nucleus was determined by severing the hypoglossal nerve or its branches and observing retrograde degeneration. Birds were killed 7 or 10 days after surgery, the brains embedded in paraffin and cut at 10 μm. Transection of the hypoglossal nerve stem resulted in chromatolysis near the obex and no chromatolysis was found in the Nuclei cervicales. Severing of the laryngolingual branch led to degeneration phenomena near the obex nearly similar to the degeneration observed after severing of the hypoglossal nervestem. Cutting of the superior laryngeal branch caused a degeneration of cells caudal to the obex, and cutting of the syringeal branch resulted in chromatolysis in about the same area. The origin of the anastomosing branch between the first cervical and hypoglossal nerve was not found because no chromatolytic cells could be detected. Similarly the cutting of several upper cervical nerves did not lead to chromatolysis in the areas we investigated.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Like other amphibia, the western newt feeds intermittently and thus is a good experimental animal for the study of gastric secretion and occasional continuity between the two can be demonstrated.
Abstract: Summary Triturus torosus has a resting fundic stomach with gastric pits and glands and cell types similar to previously described amphibian species. Lining the surface and the gastric pits are columnar mucus-secreting cells. They differ in morphology and staining reactions from the mucous-neck cells, the second type of mucus-secreting cells. The latter are confined to a limited region at the necks of gastric glands where they empty into the pits and appear to “isolate” the main oxyntic, acid-secreting cells from the surface mucous cells. The gastric glands are lined by a single cell type, the oxyntic cell, which shows features of both the mammalian chief (zymogenic) and parietal (oxyntic) cells and which presumably secretes both enzymes and acid. This cell has a prominent granular endoplasmic reticulum with prezymogen and zymogen granules, numerous mitochondria, and in the apical cytoplasm an extensive system of tubules and tubulovesicles. The membrane bounding these tubules appears identical to the surface plasmalemma, and occasional continuity between the two can be demonstrated. The oxyntic cells have also a few apical microvilli and intercellular but not intracellular canaliculi. Occasional argentaffin or enterochromaffin cells with few granules are scattered among the oxyntic cells. Like other amphibia, the western newt feeds intermittently and thus is a good experimental animal for the study of gastric secretion. Zusammenfassung Feinstruktur des Epithels des Magenfundus beim “Western” Molch (Triturus torosus) 1. Normalstatus Der normale Magenfundus bei Triturus torosus hat Grubchen, Drusen Zelltypen gleich denen fruher beschriebener Amphibienarten. Das Oberflachenepithel der Grubchen ist hochprismatisch und schleimsezernierend; es weicht formal und farberisch von der mukosen Halszelle als zweitem schileimzernierendem Zelltyp ab. Letzterer kommt nur in bestimmten Halsabschnitten der Drusen vor; er entleert sich in die Grubchen und scheint die sauresezernierenden Belegzellen von den oberflachlichen mukosen Zellen zu separieren. Auf die Halszellen folgen Belegzellen als einziger Zelltyp, der jedoch Eigentumlichkeiten sowohl der Hauptzellen als auch der Belegzellen der Sauger zeigt und wahrscheinlich sowohl Enzyme als auch Saure sezerniert. Er hat ein ausgepragtes rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum mit Prazymogenund Zymogengranula; zahlreiche Mitochondrien und, apikal, massenhaft Tubuli und Tubulovesikel. Die Grenzmembran dieser Tubuli gleicht dem Zytolemm; beide gehen gelegentlich ineinander uber. Die Belegzellen besitzen apikal auch einige Microvilli sowie interzellulare (nicht intrazellulare) Kanalchen. Argentaffine oder enterochromaffine Zellen mit wenig Granula sind gelegentlich zwischen den Belegzellen vorhanden. Gleich anderen Amphibien nimmt diese Molch-Art periodisch Nahrung zu sich, so das sie sich als Versuchstier uber das Studium der Magensekretion gut eignet. Resume La Structure de L'epithelium Fundique de L' estomac du Triton (Triturus torosus) 1: Au repos, sans stimulation Au repos, la muqueuse fundique de l'estomac de Triturus torosus preesente les memes cryptes, glandes et types cellulaires que ceux decrits anterieurement chez les Amphibiens. Le revetement de la surface et des crypts gastriques est forme de cellules cylindriques a mucus. Leurs formes et leurs reactions tinctoriales different de celles des cellules a mucus des cols glandulaires, lesquels constituent un second type de cellules a mucus. Ces dernieres sont limitees a un etroite region du col des glandes gastriques, par lequel elles deversent leurs produits dans les cryptes; elles semblent isoler les cellules oxyntiques des cellules a mucus de la surface. Les glandes gastriques sont tapissees par un type unique de cellules, dont les caracteres evoquent a lafois ceux des glandulocytes principaux et des glandulocytes parietaux des Mammiferes et qui secretent probablement a la fois les enzymes et l'acide chlorhydrique. Ces cellules ont un reticulum endoplasmique granuleux, avec des grains de prezymogeene et de zymogene, de nombreuses mitochondries et dans le cytoplasme apical, un systeme important de tubules et de tubulovesicules. La membrane qui limite ces tubules semble identique au plasmalemme superficiel et une continuite peut etre parfois rencontree entre les deux. Les cellules oxyntiques ont aussi quelques microvillosites apicales et intercellulaires mais n'ont pas de canalicules intracellulaires. On trouve de temps en temps quelques cellules argentaffines ou enterochromaffines pourvues en granules, disseminees parmi les cellules oxyntiques. Comme les autres amphibiens, Triturusto rosus se nourrit de facon intermittente et par consequent est un excellent animal d'experience pour l'etude de la secretion gastrique. Resumen Ultraestructura del epitelio en el fondo gastrico de la salamandra «del oeste» (Triturus torosus) 1: Hallazgos normales El fondo gastrico normal de Triturus torosus presenta foveolas, glandulas y tipos celulares iguales a los descritos en otras especies de anfibios. El epitelio superficial de las foveolas es prismatico alto y tiene secrecion mucosa; se distingue morfologicamente y en su coloracion del otro tipo de celulas de secrecion mucosa, representado por las celulas mucosas del cuello. Este ultimo se encuetra solo en ciertas regiones del cuello de las glandulas; vierte su secreto a las foveolas y parece separar las celulas mucosas de la superficie de las celulas de revestimiento que segregan sustancias acidas. A las celulas del cuello siguen las celulas de revestimiento como unico tipo celular, que reune las characteristicas de las celulas principales y de revestimiento de los mamiferos, segregando probablemente acido y encimas a la vez. Presenta un reticulo endoplasmatico bien desarrollado con granulos precimogenos y cimogenos; mitocondrias numerosas y abundantes tubulos y tubulovesiculas en la region apical. La membrana limitante de estos tubulos se asemeja al citolema; ambos se continuan a veces entre si. Las ceelulas de revestimiento presentan microvellosidades apicales y canaliculos intercelulares (no intracelulares). Entre las celulas de revestimiento, a veces se encuentran celulas argentafines o enterocromafines con muy poca granulacion. De manera analoga a otros anfibios, tambien esta salamandra ingiere sus alimentos periodicamente. Por eso puede considerarse como un animal muy util para estudios de la secrecion gastrica.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The mast cells from the mammary gland of the cow greatly resemble the mast cells of man and small laboratory animals, however, certain ultrastructural differences are found in the mast cell granules.
Abstract: Summary The mast cells from the mammary gland of the cow greatly resemble the mast cells of man and small laboratory animals. However, certain ultrastructural differences are found in the mast cell granules. These granules are divided into four different types according to their morphology. All contain a granular material of varying fineness, bounded by a membrane. In addition a fibrous or crystalline part is found in some granules, while in others a large light vacuole can be seen. All the granules are surrounded by a unit membrane.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: This is a study of the origin, formation, course, distribution, the fascicular number, their area and arrangement, total fibre count, density and diameterspectra of the accessory nerve in the Indian buffalo.
Abstract: Summary This is a study of the origin, formation, course, distribution, the fascicular number, their area and arrangement, total fibre count, density and diameterspectra of the accessory nerve in the Indian buffalo. The radices spinales are located from the level of C1 to midlevel of C6cord segments. The radices craniales arise in series from the medulla oblongata caudal to those of the vagus nerve. The accessory nerve contains 7931 myelinated fibres arranged in 31 fascicles. Of these 41 % have an external diameter of 10–12 μm. The greatest density of fibres viz. 1781/mm2 is obtained in the anastomosing ramus from the second cervical spinal nerve. The least value (377/mm2) is found in its ventral ramus. However, the dorsal ramus appears to have a larger cross-sectional area. Zusammenfassung Zur Anatomie des N. accessorius beim Indischen Buffel (Bubalus bubalis) Die Spinalwurzeln des N. accessorius kommen von den Ruckenmarkssegmenten C1 bis C6. Die Kranialwurzeln kommen bundelweise aus der Medulla oblongata kaudal der Vaguswurzeln. Der N. accessorius besteht aus 7931 ummarkten Fasern, die zu 31 Bundeln zusammengefast sind. Von diesen haben 41 % einen auseren Durchmesser von 10–12 μm. Die groste Faserdichte (1781 auf den mm2) besitzt der R. anastomoticus vom 2. Hals-spinalnerven; die geringste Dichte (377 auf den mm2) weist der R. ventralis auf. Der R. dorsalis dagegen scheint einen groseren Querschnitt zu haben. Resume Recherches Anatomiques sur le nerf Accessoire du buffle indien (Bubalus bubalis) On a etudie l'origine, la constitution, le trajet, la distribution, le nombre de faisceaux, leur repartition et leur organisation, le nombre total de fibres, le spectre de densite et de diametre de ces fibres dans le nerf accessoire du Buffle indien. Les racines spinales sont echelonnees depuis le premier segment cervical jusqu'au milieu du sixieme. Les racines crâniales naissent en ligne sur la moelle allongee caudalement a celles du nerf vague. Le nerf accessoire contient 7931 fibres myelinisees disposees en 31 fascicules. De celles-ci 41 % ont un diametre externe de 10 a 12 μ. La plus grande densite de fibres, representant 1781 par mm2, a ete trouvee dans le rameau anastomotique du second nerf cervical. Le plus petit nombre, soit 377 par mm2 a ete trouve dans le rameau ventral. Toutefois, le rameau dorsal semble posseder une plus grande surface de section. Resumen Contribucion a la anatomia del N. accesorio (espinal) en el bufalo indico (Bubalus bubalis) Las raices espinales del N. accesorio provienen de los segmentos C1–C6 de la medula espinal. Las raices craniales salen en forma de majojos del bulbo, caudal de las raices del N. vago. El N. accesorio esta compuesto de 7931 fibras mileinicas, unidas en 31 fasciculos. De estos, un 41 % tienen un diametro externo de 10–12 μm. La densidad mas grande de fibras (1781 por mm. 2) se encuentra en la R. anastomotica del 2° nervio cervical, la mas pequena (377 por mm2) esta en la rama ventral. La rama dorsal tiene aparentemente un diametro mayor.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The effects of varying intensities of histamine stimulation on cells of the western newt fundic stomach epithelium have been studied and results in apparent damage to the oxyntic cells.
Abstract: Summary The effects of varying intensities of histamine stimulation on cells of the western newt fundic stomach epithelium have been studied. Oxyntic, mucous neck and surface mucous cells all secrete. In the oxyntic cell, the main effects are a movement of zymogen granules toward the apex, the discharge of their contents into the lumen and, eventually, their disappearance from the cytoplasm. Additionally, the tubular membrane elements (tubulo- vesicles) fuse with the apical plasma membrane with a corresponding reduction in their numbers and an increase in microvilli, which eventually are so numerous as to virtually occlude the lumina of gastric glands. Total histamine stimulation results in apparent damage to the oxyntic cells. Mucous neck and surface mucous cells release their mucigen droplets by exocytosis and are grossly changed in appearance also. Zusammenfassung Feinstruktur des Epithels des Magenfundus beim “Western” Molch (Triturus torosus) 2. Nach Histaminstimulierung Als Folge unterschiedlich starker Histaminstimulierung sezernieren alle Zellen (Belegzellen, mukose Halszellen und mukose Oberflachenzellen) des Magenfundus von Triturus torosus. Bei den Belegzellen ist besonders auffallig: eine Apikalstromung von Zymogengranula, ihre Entleerung ins Drusenlumen und, zuweilen, deren volliger Schwund aus dem Zytoplasma. Auserdem vereinigt sich die Membran der Tubuli (Tubulovesikel) mit dem apikalen Zytolemm, wobei die Tubuli zahlenmasig abnehmen, die Mikrovilli jedoch derart zunehmen, das sie praktisch das Drusenlumen verlegen. Starkste Histaminstimulierung schodigt die Belegzellen offensichtlich. Mukose Hals- und Oberflachenzellen schleusen ihre Mucigen-Tropfchen durch Exozytose aus; auch ihr Erscheinungsbild ist stark verandert. Resume La structure de l'epithelium fundique de l'estomac du triton (Triturus torosus) 2. Apres stimulation avec Histamine On a etudie les effets de stimulations d'intensites differentes par l'histamine sur les cellules de la muqueuse fundique de l'estomac du triton Triturus torosus. Les cellules oxyntiques, les cellules a mucus des cols glandulaires et les cellules a mucus de la surface sont toutes secretantes. Dans les cellules oxyntiques, les effets principaux consistent en un mouvement des granules de zymogene vers l'apex, la decharge de leur contenu dans la lumiere et eventuellement leur disparition du cytophsme. En outre, les elements de la membrane rubulaire (tubulo-vesicules) fusionnent avec la membrane plasmatique apicale, en meme temps que se reduit leur nombre et que les microvillosites augmentent; ces dernieres sont parfois si nombreuses qu'elles ferment virtuellement la lumiere des glandes gastriques. La stimulation histaminique totale semble provoquer une degradation des cellules oxyntiques. Les cellules a mucus des cols glandulaires et de la surface dechargent leurs gouttelettes de mucigene par exocytose et sont egalement tres modifiees dans leur apparence. Resumen Ultraestructura del epitelio en el fondo gastrico de la salamandra “del oeste” (Triturus torosus) 2. Despues de estimulacion con histamina Como consecuencia a una estimulacion variable con histamina, todas las celulas (celulas de revestimiento, celulas mucosas del cuello y celulas mucosas de la superficie) en el fondo gastrico de Triturus torosus muestran secrecion. En las celulas de revestimiento se observa especialmente un flujo apical de los granulos cimogenos, su vaciamiento hacia la luz de las glandulas y a veces su desaparicion completa en el citoplasma. Ademas, la membrana de los tubulos (tubolovesiculas) se une con el citolema apical, reduciendose el numero de los tubulos y aumentando el de las microvellosidades, de tal manera que pueden obstruir la luz de las glandulas. Estimulacion maxima con histamina produce danos en las celulas de revestimiento, aparentenemente. Las celulas mucosas del cuello y de la superficie segregan las gotitas de mucigeno mediante exocitosis; tambien estas celulas cambian su aspecto fundamentalmente.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Considerations on the kinematics of the pelvic limbs of the horse and their role in the development of horsemanship are considered.
Abstract: Summary Considerations on the kinematics of the pelvic limbs of the horse Some joint diagrams change their trigonometric value; this occurs in different ways depending on the type of joint and on the forces acting on the joint during the walk and trot. The morphological specialities of the hip, stifle, hock and fetlock joints are compared to the special morphology of the joint types and to the change of movement in the vertical and horizontal planes during the walk and trot. An attempt is made to relate the changes in the trigonometric value of the excursion of the limb to the structural peculiarities of the joints and to the chronaxy differences of the flexor and extensor muscles.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The cutaneous musculature of a young Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis Link, 1795; Mammals, Sirenia) is studied to establish a phylogenetic relationship between these animals and each other.
Abstract: Summary The cutaneous musculature of a young Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis Link, 1795; Mammals, Sirenia) Adaptation of the manatee to marine life and to a plant diet has markedly changed the cutaneous musculature of the head. Like whales the manatee lacks pelvic limbs and has an extensive cutaneous muscle of the trunk (m. panniculus carnosus) which also covers part of the head corresponding here to the m. platysma myoides of the other mammals. The muscle extends into the lateral parts of the overhanging upper lip, is very thick here and represents the m. zygomaticolabialis. As in whales whose skull is covered with thick skin, the occipitofrontal musculature has disappeared. The same is true for the musculature of the ear; only a connection between the m. platysma and the external acoustic meatus (pars auricularis) remains. The large upper lip with its pendulous lateral parts is thickened in addition by all the derivatives of the deep cervical sphincter (m. nasolabialis, m. maxillolabialis) and its very thick oral part. The oral part froms a ventral sling rostral to the fibrous plate situated under the chin, which, in conjunction with the mentalis and the mental part of the buccinatorius, seems to play a role in the prehension of plants in that it facilitates the grasp of the lateral part of the upper lip, The m. dilatator nasi together with the m. nasolabialis controls the opening and closing of the nostril similarly to what has been described for the hippopotamus.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Les trois paires de fosses rénales, qui logent les principales divisions des reins des Oiseaux domestiques, sont situées des deux côtés de la tige de l'os lombo‐sacral, entre les quatre zones de renforcement du bassin.
Abstract: Resume Les trois paires de fosses renales, qui logent les principales divisions des reins des Oiseaux domestiques, sont situees des deux cotes de la tige de l'os lombo-sacral, entre les quatre zones de renforcement du bassin. La croissance en longueur et l'ossification de l'os lombo-sacral suivent deux directions opposees, crâniale et caudale, a partir de la region qui loge l'intumescence lombo-sacrale de la moelle epiniere. Les articulations entre le composant vertebral et les iliums subissent, suivant l'âge des individus, des modifications dont le resultat final est, pour beaucoup d'entre elles, la synostose. En general, la soudure s'etend crâniocaudalement. La denomination des trois paires des divisions principales des reins d'apres les fosses renales qui les logent simplifie leur nomenclature. Zusammenfassung Die Fossae renales der Hausvogel (Gallus domesticus, Meleagris gallopavo, Anser domesticus und Anas platyrhynchos Die 3 paarigen Nierengruben, in denen die Hauptabteilungen der Nieren der Hausvogel liegen, befinden sich beiderseits der Achse des Os lumbosacrale zwischen den vier Verstarkungsstreben des Beckens. Das Langenwachstum und die Verknocherung des Os lumbosacrale verlaufen in entgegengesetzter Richtung nach kranial und kaudal, dort beginnend, wo die lumbosakrale Anschwellung des Ruckenmarks liegt. Summary The renal fossae of the domestic birds (Gallus domesticus, Meleagris gallopavo, Anser domesticus, and Anas platyrhynchos The three paired renal fossae, which house the principal segments of the kidneys of the domestic birds, are on each side of the axis of the os lumbo-sacrale between the four connecting struts of the pelvis. Longitudinal growth and ossfication of the os lumbosacral begins at the level of the lumbosacral intumescence and proceed in opposite directions cranially and caudally. Resumen Las fosas renales de las aves de corral (Gallus domesticus, Meleagris gallopavo, Anser domesticus y Anas platyrhynchos Las tres fosas renales pares, en las cuales se encuentran las porciones principales de los rinones de las aves de corral, se situan en ambos lados del eje del hueso lumbosacro entre las cuatro lineas de refuerzo de la pelvis. El crecimiento longitudinal y la osificacion del Os lumbosacral, se efectuan en direcciones opuostas en sentido cranial y caudal, empezando en la region donde se encuentra la intumescencia lumbosacra de la medula espinal.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Contribution to the study of the neuroardiitecture of the periodontal ligament and itsfunctional significance and its functional significance.
Abstract: Summary Contribution to the study of the neuroardiitecture of the periodontal ligament and its functional significance In the present study particularly the specific receptors for certain sensory stimuli such as for pain, touch and pressure were studied. The vascular system is accompanied in its entirety by myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers which form a kind of satellite system to the vessels.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The fine structure of normal capillaries in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex of the pig was studied with the electron microscope in 8 specific pathogen-free pigs.
Abstract: Zusammenfassung Von 8 spezifisch pathogen freien Schweinen wurden die Kapillaren der Groshirnrinde uber dem Ammonshorn elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Diese Kapillare besitzen ein kontinuierliches schmales Endothel ohne perivaskularen Raum und weisen einen durchschnittlichen Lumendurchmesser von 5,8 ± 1,23 μm auf. Die Feinstruktur entspricht weitgehend den Befunden, wie sie bei anderen Spezies beschrieben sind. Summary Fine structure of normal capillaries in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex of the pig The capillaries in the cerebral cortex over the Ammon's horn were studied with the electron microscope in 8 specific pathogen-free pigs. The capillaries had a thin continuous endothelium without perivascular space and their lumina on the average measured 5.8 ± 1.23 μm. in diameter. Their fine structure was by and large similar to that described for the capillaries of other species. Resume Ultrastructure normale des capillaries de la substance grise du cortex cerebral chez le Porc Sur 8 Porcs, exempts de germes pathogenes specifiques, on a etudiea la microscopie electronique, les capillaires du cortex cerebral, au niveau de la corne d'Ammon. Ces capillaires possedent un endothelium regulierement fin, sans espace perivasculaire, et leur lumiere presente un calibre moyen de 5,8 ± 1,23 μm. Leur ultrastructure correspond tout a fait a celle qu'on decrit dans les autres especes. Resumen Sobre la ultraestructura de los capilares normales en la sustancia gris de la corteza cerebral del cerdo Con el microscopio electronico, se examinaron los capilares de la corteza cerebral sobre el asta de Amon en 8 cerdos especificamente libres de enfermedades. Estos capilares tienen un endotelio delgado y continuo, sin espacio perivascular, presentando un promedio del diametro de su luz de 5,8 ± 1,23 μm. La ultraestructura corresponde a los hallazgos descritos en otras especies.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A third eye in a higher vertebrate (Bos taurus L) has been found in higher vertebrates as mentioned in this paper, which is the first description presenting such findings in higher organisms.
Abstract: Resumen Del estudio realizado en la cabeza osea de un bovino adulto (Bos Taurus L.), asi como en el de la preparacion taxidermica con la piel correspondiente, y de conocimientos aportados por la zoologia (vertebrados fosiles y actuales) y la embriologia comparada, deducimos: (1) que el bovino de referencia poseia un tercer ojo (ojo medial) situado en la region fronto-dorsal: (2) que los conductos oseos que hemos encontrado en el fondo de la prominencia osea excavada (cavidad ocular) comunican: uno con la cavidad cerebral (parte izquierda) y el otro con el orificio orbitario que corresponderia al conducto supra-orbitario; existiendo, presumiblemente, el nervio pineal o parapineal en el primero de los conductos y vasos sanguineos nutricios del ojo medial en el segundo de esos conductos. Zusammenfassung Ein drittes (medianes) Auge bei einem hoheren Wirbeltier (Bos taurus L.) Untersuchungen am knochernen Schadel und an der Haut eines erwachsenen Rindes ergaben unter Berucksichtigung zoologischer und vergleichendembryologischer Studien an fossilen und rezenten Wirbeltieren, das das Rind ein drittes (medianes) Auge besas, das in der fronto-dorsalen Region gelegen war. Die knochernen Gange, die sich am Grund der Augenhohle vorfanden, stellen linkerseits die Verbindung zur Schadelhohle und rechterseits zum Canalis supraorbitalis her. Es ist anzunehmen, das in ersterem der N. pinealis oder parapinealis verlief, wahrend letzterer Blutgefase zur Ernahrung des medianen Auges enthielt. Vorliegender Fall stellt, soweit uns bekannt ist, den ersten seiner Art dar, der bei hoheren Wirbeltieren beschrieben wurde. Summary A third (median) eye in a higher vertebrate (Bos taurus L) Examination of the skull and skin of a mature ox, combined with zoological and comparative embryological studies on fossil and recent vertebrates led to the assumption that this ox had a third (median) eye in the frontal region. The bony canals at the bottom of the median orbit connected it on the left with the cranial cavity and on the right with the supraorbital canal. It was thought that the N. pinealis or parapinealis ran in the left canal while the right transmitted the blood supply to the third eye. As far as the authors can determine, this is the first description presenting such findings in higher vertebrates. Resume Un troisieme oeil (median) chez un Vertebre superieur (Bos taurus L.) Des recherches au niveau du crâne osseux et de la peau d'un veau, a la lumiere des donnees zoologiques et d'embryologie comparee sur les Vertebres fossiles et actuels, ont montre que le sujet possedait un troisieme oeil (median) situe dans la region fronto-dorsale. Les conduits osseux du plancher de sa cavite orbitaire eetaient en relation, du cote gauche avec la cavite crânienne, du cote droit avec le Canalis supraorbitalis. On peut penser que le contenu de ces conduits etait represente respectivement par le N. pinealis ou parapinealis et par des vaisseaux sanguins nourriciers pour cet oeil median. A notre connaissance, une anomalie de cette sorte n'avait jamais ete decrite chez les Vertebres supeerieurs.