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Showing papers in "Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research in 2017"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explore the phenomenon of human being through the lens of the Eastern philosophy and T. Leary's transpersonal perspective and propose a transpersonal experience that overcomes our common perception and goes beyond the usual "body-mind" frame.
Abstract: Introduction. The complex multifaceted essence of human as a biological, psychological, social being has attracted the attention of researchers and has caused hot debates during centuries. Still now, human being, her/his nature requires a broader understanding in the context of the synthesis of long-standing philosophical, psychological, religious traditions and contemporary sciences. Purpose. This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of human being through the lens of the Eastern philosophy and T. Leary’s transpersonal perspective. Methodology. Exploratory research design was used for conducting this study. The author has used philosophical hermeneutics, secondary data collected from reports, journals, and periodicals along with own transpersonal experience. Theoretical basis and results . The essence of Eastern worldview is an awareness of unity and coherence of all things and phenomena. All things are the interdependent and interrelated parts of the One Whole: they are the different manifestations of the same unconditional reality. This is Tao for Taoists, Dharmakaya for Buddhists, Brahman for Hindus. These non-dualistic traditions emphasize: we have to transcend our dual thinking in order to perceive true nature of our inner self and to achieve the state of the absolute unity with everything that exists. “Subject – object” duality is illusory. Being disintegrated from the Oneness, a human is dissociated into different parts. The goal of a new interpretation of a human is to reintegrate these poles and transcend them. Merely theoretical approach to the problem of reintegration is insufficient. Reintegration requires a vivid experience of the “liberation” – the experience of enlightenment. This is a transpersonal experience that overcomes our common perception and goes beyond the usual “body-mind” frame. This experience was breathtakingly described by T. Leary. Experimenting with psilocybin and LSD, T. Leary was astonished that creativity was organically based; that human body contained billions of universes; and that human himself was the movement of various forms of energy. T. Leary proposed his own theory of evolution. Originality. The expansion of human horizons leads us to the new understanding/interpretation of a human being. Bringing the Eastern spiritual traditions, which perceive all objects and phenomena as various interrelated aspects of a single supreme reality, transpersonal psychology and modern sciences together, contemporary philosophers are able to design and develop a new approach to a human that will bridge the gap between different interpretations of a human being. T. Leary’s ideas resonate with both quantum physics and the Eastern philosophy. In the 21 st century, T. Leary’s ideas are relevant again. Conclusion. The Eastern spiritual teachings and transpersonal experience put the human problem in a completely different context. It induces us to switch from identifying human beings with the body, mind, ego to embracing them as whole organisms interwoven into the fabric of universal entity. This holistic approach, according to which a human is an undivided, alive and organic, ideal and material being, may be seen as a launching pad for a new transdisciplinary paradigm.

19 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors discuss the effect of different types of information on the performance of a user's interaction with the system and propose an approach to improve the system's performance.
Abstract: Цель. В статье предпринята попытка проанализировать феномен человеческого «Я» в западной и восточной традициях, его диссоциацию и отчуждение в современном мире и медитацию как путь к Истинному Я. Методология. В процессе исследования был использован антропологический интегративный подход, достижения философской герменевтики, а также трансперсональный подход. Теоретический базис и результаты. Для преодоления ощущения одиночества, изоляции и отчуждения человеку необходимо прорваться к духовному полюсу, который привнесет в его жизнь новый глубокий смысл; выйти за пределы бинарного мышления для восприятия истинной природы своего ума. Представители восточных религиозно-философских школ уделяли значительное внимание преодолению отчуждения от себя и от мира и направляли человека на пути к его настоящему дому. Для достижения состояния абсолютного единства восточные традиции используют медитативные техники, которые разрабатывались веками. Медитация способствует переживанию глубокой причастности ко всему сущему: это состояние, в котором исчезает сама идея «Я» и возникает единство «субъект – объект». Человек видит вещи в их истинном виде, его сознание характеризуется состоянием абсолютного покоя и гармонии, когда все имеет значение и ценность. Это состояние свободы. Человек становится экзистенциально поглощенным миром. Это мир художника, а также и мир ребенка, трансформирующийся каждое мгновение, а вместе с ним трансформируется и сам человек. Новизна. Слияние с космическим телом вселенной, осознание единства со всем, что существует, меняет восприятие мира. Возвращаясь в мир, ограниченный пространством, временем и каузальностью, осознавая невозможность бегства от мира дифференциации, человек оказывается перед новой дилеммой, с которой ранее не встречался. Это влечет за собой внутренний конфликт, преодолени ю которого необходимо научиться, продолжая находиться в этом мире, избегать различения, то есть развивать в себе непривязанный ум. Инкорпорирование медитации в повседневную жизнь приносит немало пользы. Однако сами молекулярные механизмы этих процессов до сих пор недостаточно изучены. Сегодня современная наука активно исследует влияние медитативных практик, расширяющих сознание, на физическое и ментальное здоровье людей. Выводы. Поскольку современная жизнь становится все более напряженной и сложной, человек ищет путь, который приведет его к гармоничному, уравновешенному и счастливому существованию. Поэтому совсем неслучайно то, что духовное наследие Востока привлекает существенное внимание и вызывает глубокий интерес. Восточные духовные практики могут стать путеводителем к счастливой жизни.

18 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the anthropological aspects of communicative and informational awareness of reality by university researchers and librarians are analyzed based on the experience of the Scientific and Technical Library of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan.
Abstract: Introduction. Integration of knowledge and communications, the movement for open access to knowledge lead to the emergence of factors that update the philosophy of functioning and development of university libraries. There is a need to comprehend the ongoing innovations in the activities of university libraries in the world. Purpose. The study assumes understanding of the substantial changes in the library services for scientists related to Open Access and the new role of university libraries – a partner in the production, preservation and spread of knowledge. Methodology. On the basis of empirical and theoretical methods, the features of modern university libraries are considered. They include shift of the priority vector towards the services for an author-scientist and support of the philosophy of open access to knowledge. The study identifies and analyzes the anthropological aspects of communicative and informational awareness of reality by university researchers and librarians. The realities of modern services for scientists of Ukraine are examined based on the experience of the Scientific and Technical Library of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. The observations and surveys of scientists, librarians, publishers of scientific periodicals allow analyzing the anthropological aspects concerning new digital library services. The aspects affect: 1) relationship between communicants; 2) explanations of why it is the authors-researchers who have been at the center of the attention of libraries, why they are provided with exactly these services and exactly in this way; 3) levels of impact of new services on both scientists and librarians. Originality. It is established that in the process of communicative and informational awareness of reality, there are changes in the dimension of scientists and university librarians, namely, the ways of their behaviour and the communicative features associated with the development of Open Access and the new role of university libraries as partners in the production, preservation and spread of knowledge. Conclusions. The leading role of university libraries in the implementation of digital initiatives of scientific communication, based on free access to knowledge, leads to changes: 1) in the dimension of scientists and librarians, namely, the ways of their behavior and communicative features; 2) in the emotional, psychological, physical states of librarians as intermediaries between two conflicting requirements – ensuring stability in the activities of the library and the need for changes in the services it provides.

16 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors defined the series "fatal" mistakes of the European Security Strategy and formulated the list of objectives of the revised security strategy, which can make mentioned strategy more holistic having clear vision of the essence of war and peace phenomena.
Abstract: Introduction. The contemporary European social and cultural landscape feels the pressure of security challenges. It is true, that Europe has a strategy of overcoming the possible challenges, but it has sense to review ones strategy abilities to be effective at the face of new manifestations of aggression. Methodology. The authors use heuristic philosophical methodology which can make mentioned strategy more holistic having clear vision of the essence of war and peace phenomena. The research is going to perform precious conceptualization of the strategy contours initiated at the previous publications of O. Bazaluk. Originality . Authors defined the series “fatal” mistakes of the European Security Strategy and formulated the list of objectives of the revised security strategy. Conclusions . Five key objectives of perspective European Security Strategy were formulated. The first objective should include the complex measures for the identification, registration and organization of the system of preventive work with mentalities, in which the pathologies in the structure and function of the neural ensembles of subconsciousness and consciousness are clearly expressed that refract the active principle (as natural force) in aggressive manifestations. The second one should include the complex measures ensuring control over the direction of the physicochemical, predisposing, provoking and supporting factors of the external environment that have a direct impact on the manifestations of a mental space in ontogeny. The third objective should include the complex measures of prediction and solution of international (interstate) conflicts. The fourth objective of the security strategy should be aimed at eliminating the cause of war. The fifth objective should provide the complex measures involving the peaceful extension of comfortable conditions for the full realization of its internal creative potentials by a mental space.

15 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors highlight the factors that stipulated the awareness of gender equality in European social and cultural space, while leaving alive the traditional gender values in a number of other cultural environments.
Abstract: Purpose of the work. Forming the axiological system of Western society, with the intentions to establish gender equality as a guarantee of a just society being taken into account, on the one hand, and preserving the traditional gender stereotypes inherent to patriarchal gender roles in a considerable part of the world, on the other hand, is actualizing the study of the factors that have contributed to realizing the problem of gender inequality and discrimination. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to highlight the factors that stipulated the awareness of gender equality in European social and cultural space, while leaving alive the traditional gender values in a number of other cultural environments. Methodology of the study is determined by interdisciplinary approach involving the use of general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc. The leading role belonged to the principle of the historical and logical unity. At the same time the study applies the basic principles of philosophical hermeneutics and the contextual analysis method. Originality lies in putting forward the new theoretical statements aimed to show that in the ancient and pre-modern society, gender inequality and discrimination did not exist, because at that time gender relations were considered either as a result of the biological characteristics of a human body, or were explained by worldview ideas about the origin and structural features of the world, prevailing in a specific historical dimension. Consequently, gender roles were taken for granted and were not subject to any doubt. Conclusions . Despite all the worldview shifts that had been taking place in the pre-modern era social outlook, nevertheless, as history has shown, they failed to generate sufficient philosophical foundations either for recognizing the equality of women, or changing their social, legal and political status. This led to accumulating the unconscious internal resistance to dominant social standards, which was expressed primarily in behavioural arbitrariness that, whatsoever had not been acquiring any openness by the beginning of industrialization. The latter, having destroyed rural communities with their inherent division of labour and lifestyle, which eventually weakened significantly the mythological social structures, has opened an opportunity not only to understand but also to commence the fight for the recognition of gender equality.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors proposed a method to improve the quality of the data collected by the system by using the information from the users' own data and the information provided by the service provider.
Abstract: Мета статті – окреслення та осмислення чинників становлення антропологічного проекту Декарта, що передбачає послідовне розв’язання таких задач: а) акцентувати укоріненість антропологічного проекту Декарта в науковій революції, результатом чого є образ людини як втілення розуму; б) наголосити на переході Декарта до цілісного бачення природи людини як передумова змістовної розробки етики. Новизна. Автор виходить з незадовільності поверхового тлумачення антропології Декарта, де людина приймається до уваги як носій абстрактного розуму, а етика – як сукупність кількох простих правил. Чинники домінування редукованого образу людини в дослідницькій літературі пропонується пов’язувати з поверховою рецепцією наукової революції. Автор наполягає на необхідності прийняти до уваги вихід Декарта за межі поверхової рефлексії наукової революції в ході пошуку відповіді на виклик часу, пов’язаний з радикальною трансформацією світу та людини, що зумовлює актуалізацію проблеми належного способу існування людини). В ході змістовного осмислення останньої проблеми Декарт виходить за межі гносеології та переходить до цілісного бачення природи людини. Висновки. В основі редукованого тлумачення природи людини, як носія абстрактного розуму та етики, як простих правил лежить поверхове тлумачення ставлення Декарта до наукової революції. Аналіз до текстів Декарта відкриває перед нами як приховані досі глибини філософської спадщини мислителя ХVІІ століття Картезія, так і можливості – перспективи розуміння самих себе на початку ХХІ століття.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors proposed a method to improve the quality of the data collected by the system by using the information of the user's interaction with the system and the system itself.
Abstract: Мета роботи. В изначити основні напрями та способи філософської легітимації ідеї особистого самовизначення, як фундаментальної та наскрізної ціннісної інтенції західної культури, в контексті її просвітницької парадигми. Методологія. Основоположними для даного дослідження стали історичний і логічний методи, використання яких дозволило теоретично реконструювати культурно-історичний контекст та філософсько-теоретичні засади осмислення та легітимізації ідеї особистого самовизначення як феномена західної культури доби Просвітництва. Автор при цьому спирався на власну теоретичну модель на зразок “ідеального типу” М.Вебера, створену на підставі методів узагальнення, абстрагування та ідеалізації, що дозволило представити феномен індивідуалізму в максимально узагальненому вигляді як систему ціннісних орієнтацій особистості, сутнісне ядро якої складає прагнення індивіда до збереження власної неповторності та незалежного самовизначення. Наукова новизна. У ході історико-філософської реконструкції показано, як саме філософія Просвітництва створювала духовні засади модернізації європейської культури, зокрема, на шляхах визнання її прав на власну ініціативу і суверенність, її індивідуальної своєрідності як суспільного блага, раціоналізації та поширення ідеї політичної, економічної і духовної незалежності особистості. Істотно, що ідея самовизначення особистості в просвітницькій філософії корелює не лише з визнанням природних прав людини, а з пошуками шляхів її включення до системи чинного права, умов гармонізації приватних і суспільних інтересів. Висновки. У філософії Просвітництва був зроблений дуже важливий, у плані подальшого становлення ідеї особистого самовизначення, крок щодо її раціоналізації – розмежування свободи і сваволі, усвідомлення того, що необхідною умовою дійсно вільного самовизначення особи є вміння керувати власними пристрастями і будувати своє життя на раціональних засадах, здатність відмовлятися від проявів надмірного егоїзму, погоджувати власні інтереси з інтересами інших, суспільства взагалі. Всі ці ідеї знайшли своє вираження у філософсько-правовій системі лібералізму, яка, виникнувши внаслідок синтезу концепцій індивідуалізму і раціональності, і стала світоглядною основою модернізації західної цивілізації.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the relationship between symbol interpretation, project of object-oriented ontology and the modern philosophy of science, in particular the role of religious symbols for the construction of identity and self-positioning of modern man.
Abstract: Purpose. The aim of the study is to clarify the changed interpretation of symbol in the context of the ontological turn in cultural anthropology and philosophical anthropology and their correlation with the functioning of the semantic field of culture, and in particular with religious symbols. The paper also considers an epistemological-ideological positions of representationalism, functionalism and relativism with respect to philosopheme of symbol. Methodology. The authors implemented theoretical and conceptual analysis in synchronic and diachronic aspects, the methodology of comparative consideration of the character within the analytical and existential paradigms in the 20th century philosophy. Originality. The work presents the study of correlation between aspect consideration of the nature and specific character in representationalism, functionalism and relativism within the philosophical projects of the cognitive position. The authors substantiated the position of symbol ontologization in the contemporary cultural and philosophical anthropology and the importance of convergence of the symbol concept and philosopheme with the concepts of an object and a thing. They fixed the value of the ontological turn in cultural anthropology for philosophical anthropology. The authors specifically examined the correlation between the declared symbol interpretation, project of object-oriented ontology and the modern philosophy of science. They substantiated ontological concept of symbolic landscape of modern philosophical anthropology, social philosophy and philosophy of mind. The symbol and religious symbolism have the significant importance for human identity, the symbol is considered to be the tool of human’s self-knowledge. Conclusions. The paper outlines the specific character of existence of symbol philosopheme in communicative field of modern man, the social media space, in particular the role of religious symbols for the construction of identity and self-positioning of modern man.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
Abstract: Purpose. In order to consistently distinguish between violence, which is always primarily a destructive force, and the civilized use of force that involves constructive, creative goals, one should explore the main possible philosophical approaches to understand the nature of violence and try to give it a systematic outline . Methodology . This study uses a systematic approach to identify the internal relationship between different forms of violence and, accordingly, the counteraction against violence. Also, the author uses an axiology to identify the values that are the basis for distinguishing violence from its prototypes, as well as for the distinction between violence and coercion, as well as different types of coercion. Originality. This article presents significant clarifications on the classification of types of violence, in particular, it is clearly established that certain types of violence can not have ethical relevance, since they belong to the sphere of biology (expansion, aggression) or social anthropology (cultural, institutional coercion). Actually violence or violence in the narrow sense implies the existence of will, consciousness and destructive purpose. Accordingly, counteraction against violence should include the formation of a certain non-violent type of will, non-violent culture and creative, constructive goals. This requires both personal effort and institutional support and the availability of appropriate moral traditions. Ethical theory is intended to clarify and systematize these efforts. In this sense, ethics is the core of practical philosophy. To the extent that the influence of ethics on changes in human culture and sociality in the counterfactual regime is increasing, one should also speak of the anthropological significance of ethics. Conclusions. From the socio-philosophical point of view, it is necessary to specify exactly which social institutions and in which constellation generate violence. The ethical aspect of the study of violence involves categorizing the problem in terms of good and evil: violence is evil, as opposed to coercion, which can be justified, legitimated - but always from the point of view of promoting the development of society and the individual, encouraging the disclosure of his creative potential. Counterfactuality acts as an important ethical category, which reveals the transformation mechanism applied by human relative to himself and society while focusing on the values of goodness and other constructive and creative values.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors describe the fear in the human consciousness as natural and constructive psychological phenomenon indicating an objectless world and make a conclusion as for empirical isolation of the fear determination in applied psychology and its narrow phenomenological interpretation as well.
Abstract: Introduction . The article describes the fear in the human consciousness as natural and constructive psychological phenomenon indicating an objectless world. The author makes a conclusion as for empirical isolation of the fear determination in the applied psychology and its narrow phenomenological interpretation as well. Person`s attitude to fear is still one of the urgent and key issues in psychoanalytic and philosophical science. Reflection on the fear term and mode is the underlying foundation for existential and metaphysical understanding of the fundamentals of life. Motivational human activity is governed by fear, which concerns new space and time, loneliness, God and transcendent. The feeling of fear is presented in each living being, but in a great extent it is presented in a man with thin mental organization. Purpose. The article analyzes the fear as the integral phenomenon. Methodology. The fear is described as emotion which is important to avoid dangers, so the author used hermeneutical methodology and anthropological integrative approach while doing the research. Originality. The fear is interpreted here as a result of direct physical stimulation of biological reactions within the human body in response to external stimuli (real or imaginary). The fixation of the fact that fear does not inhibit, but rather activates human activities is an important in socio-theosophical interpretations of fear. The author emphasizes that the fear is objectified in the culture and is amenable to the mechanism of minimization. Great attention is paid to the provocation of the depression by fear. The depression is also interpreted as adaptive form of behavior which in its turn allows a weak person to save power and prevent possible conflicts. Conclusions. Thus fear as the modus is considered to be the way of understanding the origin of entity indicating not its substantial meaning but its peculiar «Ontological intensity».

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors focus on the question of identity of a modern man which constantly emerges as a powerful wave and is brought up to date with new force by using modernized methodology, and the purpose of the research is to substantiate scientific approaches, epistemological coordinate changes, and critical trends in the issue of identity that would allow solving the problems of nature of modern person being.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the question of identity of a modern man which constantly emerges as a powerful wave and is brought up to date with new force. Thus, continuing scientific research on identity and individual identity are being held, but from a different point of view, i.e. by using modernized methodology. The purpose of the research is to substantiate scientific approaches, epistemological coordinate changes, and critical trends in the issue of identity that would allow solving the problems of nature of a modern person being. In this respect the narrative approach is considered to be up-to-date. Methodology. Interdisciplinary research perspective allowed using a comprehensive methodology where, complementing each other, there are phenomenological, cultural, anthropological, hermeneutic, systematic, historical and genetic methods and method historical-philosophical and socio-cultural comparative studies. Originality. Personal being occurs in time, and it’s the narrative method, the main feature of which is its temporality and extension, that can involve all of us to self-understanding on the basis of certain turning points in our history. The compliance with relevant ethical standards in dealing with other people, and requirements of certain supra-individual structures properly correlates with our least resistant inner world view and outlook. As the narrative identity exists in the subjective sense of time, experience and understanding of the events of life, thus, despite the ontogenetic secondary of the personal identity with respect to the social one, the domination of the former one is more probable. Conclusions. The adoption of such an understanding of identity by everyone signifies a high degree of responsibility for self-constructing, which implicitly assumes not just to say “I”, but first of all to define your being as a certain social debt: to another person, to society, its history and everyday life through which we get a chance to be happy.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors studied the emergence and adoption of the phenomenon of gender as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman in the historical, philosophical and legal realm.
Abstract: Topicality . Under the conditions of Ukraine’s integration into the European community, there is an urgent need to restructure all social institutions, freeing them from all forms of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Modern problems of the state's socioeconomic development require a new look at the functional roles of men and women, as well as the understanding that the political, economic, cultural future of society depends on overcoming gender stereotypes that are deeply rooted in the social and individual consciousness and inhibit social progress, and also the development of democracy. That is why, today, it is extremely important to study the issue of social influence and the role of women and determine their social status against the backdrop of the historical development of our state. Purpose. The article studies the emergence and adoption of the phenomenon of gender as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman in the historical, philosophical and legal realm. Methodology. In the research process the authors used the methods of analyzing and synthesizing historical sources to study the content and main provisions of philosophical concepts and legal norms that formed the social status of a Ukrainian woman at different historical periods of society development, with their subsequent comparison and generalization. Originality. The work further develops the theory of gender processes with the use of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the phenomenon of gender in the historical, philosophical and legal field as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman, to critically re-evaluate the value guidelines on the construction of modern society and the formation of new ideas about the role and model of behavior of men and women and their interaction in society. Conclusions. For a long time, the social status of women was formed under the influence of philosophical views and concepts, slowly turned into the moral traditions of peoples and the rule of law. The high status of a woman, as a full-fledged member of society, formed in the early state stages, lost its relevance already in the days of antiquity. The woman became a symbol of exclusively domestic, family relations and played the role of guardian of the private foundations of the social being of men. This trend found its continuation in the Roman Empire, significantly increased in the Middle Ages and left an imprint in the philosophy of modern times and German classical philosophy. In the period from Kievan Rus to the twentieth century, the Ukrainian woman remained a victim of stereotyped thinking. Despite the normative settlement of the equality of men and women in modern conditions, this equality has a purely declarative nature.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors studied the emergence and adoption of the phenomenon of gender as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman in the historical, philosophical and legal realm.
Abstract: Topicality . Under the conditions of Ukraine’s integration into the European community, there is an urgent need to restructure all social institutions, freeing them from all forms of discrimination, including on the basis of gender. Modern problems of the state's socioeconomic development require a new look at the functional roles of men and women, as well as the understanding that the political, economic, cultural future of society depends on overcoming gender stereotypes that are deeply rooted in the social and individual consciousness and inhibit social progress, and also the development of democracy. That is why, today, it is extremely important to study the issue of social influence and the role of women and determine their social status against the backdrop of the historical development of our state. Purpose. The article studies the emergence and adoption of the phenomenon of gender as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman in the historical, philosophical and legal realm. Methodology. In the research process the authors used the methods of analyzing and synthesizing historical sources to study the content and main provisions of philosophical concepts and legal norms that formed the social status of a Ukrainian woman at different historical periods of society development, with their subsequent comparison and generalization. Originality. The work further develops the theory of gender processes with the use of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the phenomenon of gender in the historical, philosophical and legal field as a factor of the social status of the Ukrainian woman, to critically re-evaluate the value guidelines on the construction of modern society and the formation of new ideas about the role and model of behavior of men and women and their interaction in society. Conclusions. For a long time, the social status of women was formed under the influence of philosophical views and concepts, slowly turned into the moral traditions of peoples and the rule of law. The high status of a woman, as a full-fledged member of society, formed in the early state stages, lost its relevance already in the days of antiquity. The woman became a symbol of exclusively domestic, family relations and played the role of guardian of the private foundations of the social being of men. This trend found its continuation in the Roman Empire, significantly increased in the Middle Ages and left an imprint in the philosophy of modern times and German classical philosophy. In the period from Kievan Rus to the twentieth century, the Ukrainian woman remained a victim of stereotyped thinking. Despite the normative settlement of the equality of men and women in modern conditions, this equality has a purely declarative nature.

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TL;DR: These intentions of human activity are interpreted as vectors of free will in the structure of anthropic time, in a line with the tradition of anthropologization of the problem of good and evil.
Abstract: Purpose . The work is aimed at comprehending good and evil as vectors of free will in the structure of anthropic time. Methodology. The study is based on: 1) the general theory of systems (A. I. Uyomov, A. Yu. Tsofnas, L. N. Terentyeva) – while justifying the possibility of representing the anthropic time as a system in general; 2) synergetics – while considering the anthropic time as a complex self-organizing system; 3) the concept of «а whole in a whole» (I. V. Yershova-Babenko) – while identifying the optimal principle of correlation of the time units, taking into attention their ethical multi-vectority. Originality . In the context of the reconstruction of the concept of anthropic time: 1) the authors revealed ethical vectors of expansion of free will as the driving principle of human temporality (the vectors of «freedom for good» and «freedom for evil»); 2) the authors justified the optimality of using the principle of complementarity in solving the problem of harmonizing the coexistence of units of anthropic time («matryoshkas of time»). Conclusion . 1) In a line with the tradition of anthropologization of the problem of good and evil, these intentions of human activity are interpreted as vectors of free will in the structure of anthropic time; 2) the paper represented anthropic time as a system in general (based on the general theory of systems) and as a complex self-organizing system in particular (based on a synergetic methodology); 3) constituting of the system of anthropic time by the existential-actionable concept allowed to overcome the position of the one-vectored time, reveal the ethical binarity of the anthropic time vectors prepared by the duality of expansion of free will as its driving principle; 4) formulation of the problem of discrepancy between the intentions of different temporal systems showed the optimality of the complementarity principle in solving the question how to harmonize the relations of anthropic time units; 5) the conducted research opens prospects for consideration of external determinants of anthropic time, as well as for search of variants of their correlation with the internal mover (free will) in the structure of human temporality.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors interpret the gender issues and their interconnection of musical art that leads to analyzis of music pedagogy and educational system in general, and the purpose of the study is the selection and analysis of such gender definitions of music as ender dimension, gender roles, gender approach, the gender component in the system of music education.
Abstract: The article interprets the gender issues and their interconnection of musical art that leads to analyzis of music pedagogy and educational system in general. The purpose of the study is the selection and analysis of such gender definitions of music as ender dimension, gender roles, gender approach, the gender component in the system of music education. Methodology of the study is based on the interdisciplinary approach that involves the use of scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and synthesis. Also, there is the method of comparative analysis and analogy applied in understanding the problems related to the study of gender influence in art and education. Originality is reflected in modern educational concept that appeals to the understanding of gender issues as a way of more thorough understanding of individuals, their role status of the individual, which in turn defines social opportunities in educational activities. Accordingly, the modern science can not remain uninvolved into the problems of modern times. Conclusions. Studies of gender in musical art education leads to selection, analyzis and understanding of such definitions as: gender dimension, which is focused on the understanding of the principle of obtaining polysynthetic, gender sensation from a musical work; gender roles, which distinguish representation of women in different kinds of music; gender approach, which establishes the availability of gender imbalance in the system of music education; gender component, which distinguishes the importance of understanding and practical implementation of gender equality in the system of music education.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors defined the basic principles of understanding the truth in the works of theorists of pragmatism and analyzed the phenomenon of will to believe in the philosophy of pragmatic philosophy.
Abstract: Purpose. Since the clear statement of the will-to-truth question as an existential has not been fulfilled before, this article is devoted to the solution of such a task. In connection with the above, the purpose of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of will to truth in the philosophy of pragmatism. This involves the following tasks: the definition of the basic principles of understanding the truth in the works of theorists of pragmatism; analysis of the phenomenon of «will to believe» in pragmatism; development and selection of the phenomenon of will to truth, its essence and factors within the framework of pragmatic philosophy. Methodology. The author used analytical, comparative and phenomenological methods in the research. Originality. For the first time, the paper articulates the existential of the will to truth, its essence and factors on the subject of the philosophy of pragmatism. Conclusions. The analysis of the phenomenon of «will to believe» in pragmatism proves that it can be interpreted as «will to truth», because belief in truth of something in pragmatism is inseparable from the truth itself and practice. Within the framework of pragmatic philosophy, the author has determined the essence of will-to-truth phenomenon, which is understood as the aspiration of man to a stable and relevant to reality and his own goals persuasion in relation to himself and reality. The main factors of this phenomenon in pragmatism are doubts (doubts are defined as a prerequisite for the establishment of belief (beliefs), which gives a person confidence in the positive decision of certain life tasks) and persistent belief (truth) that enables a person to succeed and achieve his goals. That is precisely the result of the man's will to truth: the existence of man is determined by the fact that a person prefers to know how to act.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose a method to use the concept of a "strategies" in order to improve the performance of a user's interaction with the service provider.
Abstract: Метою роботи є аналіз критичної позиції Ж. Дерріда щодо метафізики присутності у феноменологічному та структуралістському дискурсах. Як філософська стратегія, деконструкція намагається зруйнувати жорстку ієрархію понять, у якій одне поняття домінує над іншим з огляду на власний онтологічний чи раціональний зміст. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на стратегії деконструкції Ж. Дерріда, яка намагається зруйнувати базові принципи знання та існування західної філософії, наприклад, опозицію між природою та культурою. З точки зору Ж. Дерріда, деконструювати західну філософію означає відкрити моменти напруги та протирічь у тексті, які мають прояснити хибну надійність прийнятих опозицій. Наукова новизна полягає в ідентифікації проблеми метафізики присутності у структуралістському та феноменологічному дискурсах через призму деконструктивістського проекту. Деконструкція має показати хиткість логоцентризму, що сфокусований на пригніченні письма з позиції думки, істини, причинності та логіки. Висновки: деконструкція Ж. Дерріда з’явилася як спроба подолання метафізики і зосередилася на концепті письма, сфера буття якого обмежена дискурсом. Деконструкція метафізики присутності являє собою безперервний запит легітимності існуючого логоцентризму і пошук його слабостей, апорій і протиріч, які роблять неможливою традицію, зцентрованої навколо розуму.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated Jaspers' ideas concerning independent self-determination of a special and distinctive identity as a main condition of history humanity and historicity of human existence.
Abstract: Purpose. The research is aimed at understanding Jaspers' ideas concerning independent self-determination of a special and distinctive identity as a main condition of history humanity and historicity of human existence. The research is based on ideological heritage of Karl Jaspers, as well as cultural and historical analysis on the basis of historical, logical and comparative principles reflected in the papers of national and foreign scientists. As a result, it made possible to model cultural and historical context, philosophical and theoretical origins and world view intentions of the German philosopher. Originality. The analysis has shown that the key concepts of Jaspers' philosophy were focused to determine and substantiate a main condition of historical dynamics and humanism, namely the existence of a unique and distinctive identity able to create and generate new values that can turn into universal ones and give impetus to our society and promote its further humanization. Conclusions. According to this investigation, Jaspers' key concepts are immanently subject to justifying the conditions of history humanity and historicity of human existence. In their unity they allow us to adequately understand connection between social dynamics and humanism with unique individuals and distinctive identities that can create and generate new values with further social development prospects. Favourable conditions for these unique individuals to appear prevent from numerous unsafe challenges, which are a certain threat to our society. And on the contrary, if there are no such conditions for a human, he is prone to any totalitarianism, personal crime and can be a faithful servant of any leader.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a philosophical argumentation to justify death penalty is proposed as opposed to the common idea of inhuman and uncivilized nature of court practice of sentencing to death, which is not to rehabilitate law-based murder but to explain dialectic relation of the degrees of moral responsibility of criminals and society nourishing evildoers.
Abstract: Purpose . The paper studies the problem of death penalty justifiableness in terms of democratic society from the metaphysical viewpoint. Philosophical argumentation to justify death penalty is proposed as opposed to the common idea of inhuman and uncivilized nature of court practice of sentencing to death. The essence of the study is not to rehabilitate law-based murder but to explain dialectic relation of the degrees of moral responsibility of criminals and society nourishing evildoers. The author believes that refusal from death penalty under the pretence of rule of humanism is just a liberal facade, plausible excuse for defective moral state of the society which, rejecting its own guiltiness share as for current disregards of the law, does not grow but downgrades proper human dignity. Methodology . The author applies an approach of dialectic reflection being guided by the perception of unity, relativeness and complementarity of evil and good striving to determine efficient way of resolving their contradictions in the context of moral progress of the society. Originality . Proposing philosophic approach to a death penalty problem instead of legal one, the author is not going to discuss the role of horrification, control or cruelty of the measure of restraint; moreover, he does not consider the issue of its efficiency or inefficiency. The author also does not concern vexation of mind of a criminal sentenced to life imprisonment for “humanitarian” reasons. The purpose of the author is to demonstrate that aim of the punishment is to achieve justice which becomes spiritual challenge and moral recompense not only for the criminal but for the whole society. Conclusions . Crime is first of all a problem of a society; thus, criminal behaviour of certain individuals should only be considered through a prism of moral state of the whole community. Attitude to a death penalty is the problem of spirituality and its dramatic sophistication. The author thinks that moral standards exclude any sentimental interpretation of humanism and mercy. Humanism is the imperative requiring both personal and social responsibility for the things humiliated in a victim and human dignity downtrodden in a criminal. Law-breaker cannot be liquidated without judicial safeguards as a dangerous animal. Severe punishment of the society adequately compensates a murderer his/her human dignity. As the society is guilty partially in the existing criminality, it accepts the fact of cruel punishment applied to redress an injustice.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated Jaspers' ideas concerning independent self-determination of a special and distinctive identity as a main condition of history humanity and historicity of human existence.
Abstract: Purpose. The research is aimed at understanding Jaspers' ideas concerning independent self-determination of a special and distinctive identity as a main condition of history humanity and historicity of human existence. The research is based on ideological heritage of Karl Jaspers, as well as cultural and historical analysis on the basis of historical, logical and comparative principles reflected in the papers of national and foreign scientists. As a result, it made possible to model cultural and historical context, philosophical and theoretical origins and world view intentions of the German philosopher. Originality . The analysis has shown that the key concepts of Jaspers' philosophy were focused to determine and substantiate a main condition of historical dynamics and humanism, namely the existence of a unique and distinctive identity able to create and generate new values that can turn into universal ones and give impetus to our society and promote its further humanization. Conclusions . According to this investigation, Jaspers' key concepts are immanently subject to justifying the conditions of history humanity and historicity of human existence. In their unity they allow us to adequately understand connection between social dynamics and humanism with unique individuals and distinctive identities that can create and generate new values with further social development prospects. Favourable conditions for these unique individuals to appear prevent from numerous unsafe challenges, which are a certain threat to our society. And on the contrary, if there are no such conditions for a human, he is prone to any totalitarianism, personal crime and can be a faithful servant of any leader.

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TL;DR: The anthropological interpretation of the public sphere in the contemporary philosophical tradition has been studied in this article, where the authors define the subject area of the anthropic measurement of public sphere of politics and define the priority of personality representation in public sphere and examine the need and motives of communicative-pragmatic relationships between individuals.
Abstract: Introduction. According to Jurgen Habermas, a contradiction between the system and the life-world signifies a need for a concept that would describe the projective space of a relaxed and undistorted human communicative activity. Communicative action as a societal basis of the public sphere links this concept to the pragmatic principles of human existence in modern society. The public sphere is important in the age of the cyber revolution and the rule of networking technologies and it gets an anthropological dimension in its definition of the modern individual. Reviewed from the view of the interdisciplinary scientific community the public sphere as a dimension of human identity that is manifested in standardized terms of communicative interactions. The paper suggests that the public sphere has lost its conflict mode in respect to power and the tech-savvy social system. Purpose. The paper aims to establish the specifics of the anthropological interpretation of the public sphere in the contemporary philosophical tradition. Methodology. General scientific and special methods of philosophical research are used for conducting this study. The author has used the descriptive method to define the subject area of the anthropic measurement of the public sphere of politics. The method of logical synthesis allows to combine the abstract and specific content of the anthropological dimension of publicity. A retrospective analysis allows to determine the temporal peculiarities of the anthropic meaning of the public sphere. The comparative method gives an opportunity to compare the empirical manifestations of social and political publicity and compare anthropological effects of the media and interpersonal communication activities of modern people. Theoretical basis and results . The article examines the anthropological content of the public sphere of politics as one of the key concepts of communicative theory paying attention to the modification of the nature of publicity under the conditions of the cybernetic revolution. The author argues that the public sphere is not only a collection of self-presentations but also a set of messages of general significance, both textual and verbal. In this regard, the selection of news, of any importance, stands in one respect as a means of the worldview matching technique but also as the orientation amidst the unlimited information flow. The public sphere acts not just as a medium of verbal or textual self-expression of the individual but also as a dimension of human presence in the lives of others and its adequate perception. The more the public sphere stands away from the counter-factual image drawn in communicative theory, the more it loses its anthropological features and acquires the content of the technological and production network since a mode of communication is changed to the mode of information transmission. The paper establishes priorities of personality representation in the public sphere and examines the need and motives of communicative-pragmatic relationships between individuals. Originality. In the anthropological dimension the public sphere is a source of promising prospects and the formation of defining constraints. Publicity becomes the leading quality of the modern individual because of its need to be realized in communication practices. The networking nature of communication links enforces the modern individual to produce a certain image for self-presenting to society. Conclusions The article draws a conclusion about the directions of the public sphere transformation in a global perspective.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the authors defined the basic principles of understanding the truth in the works of theorists of pragmatism and analyzed the phenomenon of will to believe in the philosophy of pragmatic philosophy.
Abstract: Purpose. Since the clear statement of the will-to-truth question as an existential has not been fulfilled before, this article is devoted to the solution of such a task. In connection with the above, the purpose of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of will to truth in the philosophy of pragmatism. This involves the following tasks: the definition of the basic principles of understanding the truth in the works of theorists of pragmatism; analysis of the phenomenon of «will to believe» in pragmatism; development and selection of the phenomenon of will to truth, its essence and factors within the framework of pragmatic philosophy. Methodology. The author used analytical, comparative and phenomenological methods in the research. Originality. For the first time, the paper articulates the existential of the will to truth, its essence and factors on the subject of the philosophy of pragmatism. Conclusions. The analysis of the phenomenon of «will to believe» in pragmatism proves that it can be interpreted as «will to truth», because belief in truth of something in pragmatism is inseparable from the truth itself and practice. Within the framework of pragmatic philosophy, the author has determined the essence of will-to-truth phenomenon, which is understood as the aspiration of man to a stable and relevant to reality and his own goals persuasion in relation to himself and reality. The main factors of this phenomenon in pragmatism are doubts (doubts are defined as a prerequisite for the establishment of belief (beliefs), which gives a person confidence in the positive decision of certain life tasks) and persistent belief (truth) that enables a person to succeed and achieve his goals. That is precisely the result of the man's will to truth: the existence of man is determined by the fact that a person prefers to know how to act.

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TL;DR: In this paper, the main kinds of intuitive moral decisions are identified: 1) intuitively emotional decisions (i.e., decisions made under the influence of emotions that accompanies the process of moral decision making); 2) decisions made with moral risky psychological aptitudes (unconscious human tendencies that makes us think in a certain way and make decisions, unacceptable from the logical and ethical point of view); 3) intuitiveally normative decisions (decisions made under social learned norms, that cause evaluative feeling "good-bad", without conscious reasoning).
Abstract: Purpose of the research is a critical analysis of the reliability of intuitive moral decisions. Methodology . The work is based on the methodological attitude of empirical ethics, involving the use of findings from empirical research in ethical reflection and decision making. Originality . The main kinds of intuitive moral decisions are identified: 1) intuitively emotional decisions (i.e. decisions made under the influence of emotions that accompanies the process of moral decision making); 2) decisions made under the influence of moral risky psychological aptitudes (unconscious human tendencies that makes us think in a certain way and make decisions, unacceptable from the logical and ethical point of view); 3) intuitively normative decisions (decisions made under the influence of socially learned norms, that cause evaluative feeling «good-bad», without conscious reasoning). It was found that all of these kinds of intuitive moral decisions can lead to mistakes in the moral life. Conclusions . Considering the fact that intuition systematically leads to erroneous moral decisions, intuitive reaction cannot be the only source for making such decisions. The conscious rational reasoning can compensate for weaknesses of intuition. In this case, there is a necessity in theoretical model that would structure the knowledge about the interactions between intuitive and rational factors in moral decisions making and became the basis for making suggestions that would help us to make the right moral decision.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the causes of gender conflicts among students as a separate social group and developed measures to address them and prevent them, and concluded that the main cause of gender conflict among students is gender inequality, which is formed in their minds.
Abstract: Actuality of work. Student age has the most favourable conditions for psychological, biological and social development; however, there are reasons why such natural advantages over other social groups can be completely or partially levelled. One of them is the presence of conflicts in the life of a student, a special group, among which there are women. The causes of the emergence of gender conflicts in individual social groups and the strategies for their solution have not been sufficiently explored and require further study and, therefore, are relevant. Purpose of the article is to investigate the causes of gender conflicts among students as a separate social group and to develop measures to address them and prevent them. Methodology. The research conducted in the work is based on the analysis and generalization of the causes of the emergence of gender conflicts among students, the identification of the main sources of information that form the consciousness of children and adolescents, and also influence their attitude to gender equality. Originality . The nature of gender conflicts has been quite effectively studied for a long time. However, the scope of research is limited to the most numerous social groups, such as the family, labour collective, political and public organizations, etc. Being a dynamic and socio-demographic formation, the students perform an important function in society – it takes a direct part in the transformation of all spheres of the life activity of the society. Based on the study of the objective conditions of the social environment with certain models of socialization that form the consciousness of students from early childhood, a three-component system of influence was first proposed, which is aimed at overcoming gender inequality and preventing gender conflicts among students. At the same time, the interaction of the components of the system will allow to minimize the gender inequality index in our country. Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, the authors came to the conclusion that any part of their life activity can become the sphere of occurrence of gender conflicts of students: from the choice of the direction of vocational training and the educational process to the arrangement of living conditions. The main cause of gender conflicts among students is gender inequality, which is formed in their minds. While in our society there are gender stereotypes that influence the formation of the consciousness of people from childhood and are promoted by all available sources of information, such a phenomenon as gender inequality cannot be considered overcome.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors focused on the problem of technomorphism authenticity in the process of understanding and interpreting Descartes' practical philosophy and tried to defend rationale for phenomena interpretation concerning Descarte' technocratic orientation in terms of his ethical search.
Abstract: Purpose. Modern philosophy is presented as practical and is based on the necessity to give a new meaning and interpretation to moral and ethical problems. Purpose of the paper is to comprehend specifics of modern perception of Cartesian interpretation of nature and man that implies consistent stages of technomorphic perception, critical analysis of its authenticity in research literature and understanding of rehabilitation tendency of Descartes' ethics as practical philosophy. Originality. The research is focused on the problem of technomorphism authenticity in the process of understanding and interpreting Descartes' practical philosophy. The authors are trying to defend rationale for phenomena interpretation concerning Descartes' technocratic orientation in terms of his ethical search. Critical interpretations of limited technomorphic perception of nature and man should be understood as some transition period towards ethics rehabilitation as practical philosophy. The study of Descartes on nature in its broad sense as metaphysical basis of his ethics has been revealed and analyzed. Conclusions. Technocratic interpretation of Descartes study is a superficial and distorted form of his practical philosophy interpretation. Until recently technomorphic perception of Descartes' study dominated in scientific literature, which has significantly determined limited perception of nature and man combined with superficial ethics perception. Critical rethinking of the developed Descartes' interpretations in recent scientific papers solves at the same time the tasks of theoretical denial of simplistic world perception and gives grounds for ethics rehabilitation as authentic form of its practical philosophy expression. One form of rehabilitation expression is increased attention to the concept of nature in its broad sense, which is a basis for its humanistic and ethical vision of philosophical tasks.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a hierarchical pyramid of charity is presented, the criteria for placing elements of which are the most favorable conditions for the practical development of human in general and his humanistic qualities in particular, which is directly correlated with the Maslow pyramid of needs.
Abstract: Purpose. The research characterizes the charity as part of civil society, which develops based on humanism in modern society. Methodology of the article is based on the complex direction of research in the dialectical interaction of the triad of a single, a special and a general that allowed to consider certain phenomena in development and interconnection, unity and contradiction, in particular, in the study and analysis of individual concepts. The author used the method of abstraction and induction with the purpose of imaginary departure from the nonessential properties and connections characterizing individual concepts, with simultaneous isolation of their most important features. Originality. The author for the first time in this work has designated the interrelation between methodological approaches and diverse practical versions of the development of charity and the opportunities of civil society based on the humanistic principle. The paper presents the developed and ready for use hierarchical pyramid of charity, the criteria for placing elements of which is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the practical development of human in general and his humanistic qualities in particular, which is directly correlated with the Maslow pyramid of needs. The author has introduced and explained the notion of «active charity», as an activity that comprehensively solves social problems. Conclusions. Charity, as an institutional and resource component of civic activity, acts as one of the practical ways of building a society on the humanity principles. However, not all forms of charity are equally effective. Representatives of active charity, the highest level of the hierarchical structure of charity, are financially stable, conscious individuals who directly act as practitioners of humanism and become most effective.

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TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyze the intellectual, emotional and spiritual components of the process of taking epochal-making decisions versus the approaches of A. Camus and J. Derrida, prominent Augustine's fellow countrymen, born in Algeria.
Abstract: Purpose. Via the life example of a great Christian hermit Augustine of Hippo and his «Confessions», the author of the essay considers the existential choice problem, which changes man’s course of life and displays its essence. Analyzing and deconstructing Augustine's self-reflection against the background of the texts by two other great Africans (A. Camou and J. Darrida), the article traces the foundations and main stages of the process of self-seeking in people who want to find themselves in a lost world. The purpose of the article is to analyze the intellectual, emotional and spiritual components of the process of taking epochal-making decisions versus the approaches of A. Camus and J. Derrida, prominent Augustine’s fellow countrymen, born in Algeria as well. Methodology. The research is based on the comparative historical analysis, allowing to identify and summarize some principles for the decision-making of the most important existential solutions. The use of comparative procedures made possible to show the ineffectiveness of self-contained Camus' and Darrida’s existential searches, and at the same time, demonstrate the success of finding selfhood and self-knowledge by Augustine, who was open for the gift descending from Above. The use of other general scientific methods, such as analysis, reduction, generalization, and retrospective method allowed the researcher to highlight some epistemological problems manifested in understanding and searching the Truth, as the most important and often unconscious human need. Augustine's openness to accepting Truth from Above and at the same time understanding the inability to seize it independently distinguishes him from similar searches of Jacques Darrida. Originality. The research has shown that the existential choice, which in contrast to ordinary choices, changes a man’s life and renders meaning to his existence, is made not with a volitional decision, but with a hardly explicable encounter connecting personal with over-personal being. Conclusions. The author concludes, that unlike the day-to-day choices-preferences, which can be made following a rational and ecstatic decision, the existential choice is a dialectic unity of Gift, coming from Above, and an intuitive unconscious faith of a person who accepts this Gift.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose a method to use the information of the user's interaction with the system to improve the performance of the system, which is called the user-friendly system.
Abstract: Мета. Стаття присвячена дослідженню культурологічного аспекту роботи з текстами у європейській культурі. З’ясовано методологічні засади потрактування поняття «практика» у філософському та соціологічному дискурсах. Якщо у першому випадку поняття розкриває діяльнісну природу людини, апелюючи до сфери етики та інтерсуб’єктивних взаємодій, то у другому практика протиставляється інституційні унормованості життя; постає як органічна, життєва доречність вчинків, а не механічна регламентація правил співжиття. Методологія. Розглянуто типологізацію людської розсудковості, здійснену Імануїлом Кантом, на теоретичний та практичний розум. Останній спрямовує діяльнісно-вольові зусилля індивіда у такий спосіб, аби вони відповідали всезагальній доречності й етичній несуперечливості. У Готліба Фіхте практичний розум уможливлює застосування умоглядних конструкцій до матеріальної природи. Г. В. Ф. Гегель збагатив концепт поняттями «опредмечування» та «розпредмечування» праці. Карлу Марксу належить формулювання діяльнісного підходу до потрактування людської природи. У соціології практика протиставляється механічній організованості дій (інституційній нормативності). З огляду на філософський та соціологічний методологічні контексти досліджується читання - як діяльність та емоційно-вольовий контакт зі смислом. Новизна. Здійснено генеалогічний аналіз практик швидкого, «чоловічого» та розважливого, «жіночого» сприйняття текстів. Проаналізовано умови формування аудиторії художнього читання – жіноче салонне середовище капіталістичної Європи кінця XVIII століття. Проаналізовано процес сприйняття тексту-задоволення та тексту-насолоди (за Р. Бартом). Здійснено огляд класичних досліджень соціокультурного напрямку: Торстейна Веблена, В. Н. Топорова, Р. Барта, а також сучасних дослідників Т. Б. Маркової (2013), А. В. Смахтіної (2015), B. Jack (2013), D. G. Scott (2015), R. A. Fullerton (2016). Висновки. Практика вдумливого читання пов’язує суб’єкта з культурою, робить індивіда сучасником кожної епохи. Це один з каналів соціалізації особи, через які вона засвоює суспільні цінності та настанови. Саме таку функцію відігравало ділове, освітнє, релігійноритуальне «чоловіче» читання. Читання ж як ескапічна практика, що мала на меті задоволення-від-тексту, було цілком «жіночим» заняттям. Можливість неквапливого всотування кожного слова, вимогливість до філігранності мовних зворотів та стрункості сюжету – ті «жіночі» вимоги, які сформували канон європейської літературної класики.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors highlight the importance of taking into account the influence of the human factor in occurrence of emergency situations in terms of transport infrastructure and highlight the need for a new level of anthropic comprehension of the high-tech systems in the human-system-environment.
Abstract: Purpose. The article, based on the analysis of actual materials, highlights the importance of taking into account the influence of the human factor in occurrence of emergency situations in terms of transport infrastructure. Methodology . The research is based on the interdisciplinary system analysis. It was comprehended how the service technicians of high-tech systems can create latent unsafe conditions that combined with other hazardous activities can cause an emergency and injury. The authors attempt to dramatize the issue in order to find a solution – on the one hand, man is the most crucial part of a complex technological system, on the other hand – he is the most unreliable part of the system, especially in terms of the extreme power of modern vehicles and their speeds. The above situation demonstrates the need for a new level of anthropic comprehension of the high-tech systems in the schematic set "human-system-environment". Originality . The paper analysed the problems and conditions of human factors that allow detecting the causes of technicians’ errors. The authors highlighted proposals for psychocorrective work among the personnel of the facilities. The problem of further development of continuous improvement of the equipment maintenance systems, based on integrated approach taking into account the human factor, is also not overlooked. Conclusion. In the course of understanding the human factor and its influence on the processes, the most urgent tasks are as follows: implementation of new system software, automation of vehicles and development of high production culture based on moral qualities of experts.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors proposed a method for estimating the factors of internal and external environment for the development of railway tourism in the context of human needs in accordance with the theory of individual life space.
Abstract: Purpose of the work is to substantiate the development of railway tourism in the context of human needs in accordance with the theory of individual life space. Methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provisions of the economic theory, management theory, corporate governance. The rational activity of travel agencies is based on the principles of economic equilibrium; Ukrainian population demand for railway tourism was determined with the help of market research and anonymous survey; to explore the real balance between the demand for tourist rail transport and the potential of the required volume of services the paper suggests the balance method. Since any travel company is an open system and is completely dependent on environmental factors, we proposed a method for estimating the factors of internal and external environment. Originality. The element of originality is compilation of existing concepts to the definition of the individual as a subject of life property, for the understanding of human relationships and its external environment. The paper developed the issue of the ability to influence the value of human life space with the help of tourist services. Conclusions. Market research conducted by the author has shown that in Ukraine there is a certain demand for tourist transport by rail, because it is more reliable, safer and more comfortable than the road transport. It is proved that the development of a new innovative project is very timely, as it will allow: to develop tourist infrastructure of Ukraine and bring it to the domestic and foreign tourists; replenish the state and local budgets by tourists; create new jobs for the population and improve their living level; partially reduce the loss-making passenger sector by increasing the volume of rail transport; expand life space for the people of Ukraine that will allow raising the intellectual level of the individual.