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Showing papers in "Narrare i Gruppi in 2020"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, anthropological notes on a pandemic are presented, remaining in the critical perspective of medical anthropology, remaining with the social and cultural changes observed in Italy and induced by the national measures of prevention and containment of the Covid-19 pandemic in recent weeks, opening to the need for rethinking and revisions, beyond the emergency, of our models of development and eco-sustainability in the contemporaneity, but also of healthcare systems and more generally of biomedicine starting from its limits.
Abstract: Queste note si interrogano, restando nella prospettiva critica dell’antropologia medica, sulle modificazioni sociali e culturali osservate in Italia e indotte dalle misure nazionali di prevenzione e contenimento della pandemia da Covid-19 delle ultime settimane, aprendo alla necessita di ripensamenti e revisioni, oltre l’emergenza, dei nostri modelli di sviluppo ed eco-sostenibilita nella contemporaneita, ma anche dei sistemi sanitari e piu in generale della biomedicina a partire dai suoi limiti. Covid-19: anthropological notes on a pandemic These notes question, remaining in the critical perspective of medical anthropology, the social and cultural changings observed in Italy and induced by the national measures of prevention and containment of the Covid-19 pandemic in recent weeks, opening to the need for rethinking and revisions, beyond the emergency, of our models of development and eco-sustainability in the contemporaneity, but also of healthcare systems and more generally of biomedicine starting from its limits.

6 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explore the role of commensality and food narrations in relieving urban solitude and capacitating fragile individuals in the Cheerful Tables project in Turin.
Abstract: L’articolo approfondisce il ruolo della commensalita e della narrazione gastronomica nella lotta alla solitudine urbana e nel processo di capacitazione socioculturale di soggetti fragili, esplorando etnograficamente i dati emersi dal progetto ‘Tavole Allegre’ promosso da Slow Food e dalla Compagnia di San Paolo, a Torino nel 2019. Quest’esperienza conferma come sia possibile costruire un processo di inclusione socioculturale attraverso la condivisione del pranzo e la discussione attorno al cibo tra i commensali valorizzando il contributo dato da esperti e volontari e offrendo un contributo nuovo al piu ampio fenomeno del food sharing in contesti urbani. Commensality and individual ability: an ethnographic analysis of the 'Cheerful Tables' project The article explores the role of commensality and food narrations in relieving urban solitude and capacitating fragile individuals. In so doing, it ethnographically analyses the results of the project ‘Tavole Allegre’ promoted by Slow Food and Compagnia di San Paolo, in Turin in 2019. The research confirms that sharing and discussing about food are viable strategies to foster social inclusion and offers a new contribution to the debate about urban food sharing.

6 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a psychological and critical re-reading of the decision-making processes implemented by citizens and rulers in this time of crisis, in order to direct attention to the complexity, and reflect on the paradigm through which we interpret reality.
Abstract: Questa nota nasce da una rilettura psicologica e critica dei processi decisionali attuati da cittadini e governanti in questo momento di crisi, per dirigere l’attenzione verso la complessita e riflettere sul paradigma attraverso il quale interpretiamo la realta. Interroga la possibilita di un cambio di modello culturale e di approccio al reale alla luce delle teorie ecologiche, nella considerazione che il tutto e le sue parti, la dimensione pubblica e privata, non attengono ad una classificazione dicotomica. From the myth of rationality to an ecological approach This note comes from a psychological and critical re-reading of the decision-making processes implemented by citizens and rulers in this time of crisis, in order to direct attention to the complexity, and reflect on the paradigm through which we interpret reality. It questions the possibility of a change of cultural model and approach to reality in the light of ecological theories, in the consideration that the whole and its parts, the public and private dimensions, do not fall into a dichotomous classification.

3 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a brief discussion on the concept of quarantine as a safety device during a pandemic, but also an instrument of power, reconstructs some essential stages of the story of the infection by Covid-19 in Italy, from its beginning with confirmation of the first positive cases to the virus on 21 February 2020 until the national lockdown following the D.P.M.C. of 8 and 11 March 2020, as a basis for a reflection to come on the inevitable social and cultural transformations in action.
Abstract: Queste note nella prospettiva dell’antropologia critica, partendo da una breve discussione sul concetto di quarantena come dispositivo di sicurezza durante una pandemia, ma anche strumento di potere, ricostruiscono alcune tappe essenziali della vicenda infettiva da Covid-19 in Italia, dal suo inizio con la conferma dei primi casi positivi al virus il 21 febbraio 2020 fino al lockdown nazionale seguito ai D.P.C.M. dell’8 e dell’11 marzo 2020, come base per una riflessione a venire sulle inevitabili trasformazioni sociali e culturali in atto. Italy at risk: quarantine, pandemic, social changing These notes in the perspective of critical anthropology, starting from a brief discussion on the concept of quarantine as a safety device during a pandemic, but also an instrument of power, reconstruct some essential stages of the story of the infection by Covid-19 in Italy, from its beginning with confirmation of the first positive cases to the virus on 21 February 2020 until the national lockdown following the D.P.C.M. of 8 and 11 March 2020, as a basis for a reflection to come on the inevitable social and cultural transformations in action.

2 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a nota nasce dalla riflessione circa il ruolo individuale in un contesto di epidemia, in which the ruolo delle statistiche trasmesse quotidianamente in costruire la percezione del pericolo, evidenziandone lambiguita e la contro-produttivita.
Abstract: Questa nota nasce dalla riflessione circa il ruolo individuale in un contesto di epidemia. Interroga il ruolo delle statistiche trasmesse quotidianamente in costruire la percezione del pericolo, evidenziandone l’ambiguita e la contro-produttivita.

2 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors focus on the emotional, cognitive, and social climate in which multilingual families make and influence language choices, investigating what impact the choices can have on the general well-being of the family, regarding both the intergenerational relationship and the community context.
Abstract: Il lavoro indaga gli atteggiamenti linguistici emergenti dalle narrazioni di famiglie, ove sia presente una storia di migrazione e i fattori che influenzano il benessere generale della famiglia multilingue. Alla luce dei risultati emersi viene proposta un’ipotesi teorica che descrive i fattori di successo della famiglia multilingue, dalla quale si evince in quale modo le sfide familiari, identitarie, sociali e linguistiche si intrecciano tra loro, costruendo un clima di benessere per tutta la famiglia multilingue quando e presente una capacita di gestione consapevole delle zone di conflitto. What are the success factors of multilingual families? The relationship between linguistic attitudes and family and community dynamics The article focuses on the emotional, cognitive, and social climate in which multilingual families make and influence language choices. It investigates what impact the choices can have on the general well-being of the family, regarding both the intergenerational relationship and the community context. The research suggests that the linguistic attitudes of migrant families can stimulate and implement potential well-being. It consists of the conscious management of the specific and complex dynamic activated in a multilingual family.

1 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way death and dying are thought of and elaborated as mentioned in this paper, from the isolation of the dying to the loneliness of the relative in the pandemic.
Abstract: La pandemia da Covid-19 ha modificato il modo in cui la morte e il morire vengono pensati ed elaborati. L’antropologia medica si interroga sull’isolamento del morente, sull’etica della cura e sulla solitudine del parente cui non e permesso esplicitare il rituale funebre e mettere in atto quelle pratiche del lutto con cui la perdita puo essere maggiormente accettata e realizzata. Dis-human death: from the isolation of the dying to the loneliness of the relative in the pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way death and dying are thought of and elaborated. Medical anthropology questions the isolation of the dying person, the ethics of care and the loneliness of the relative who is not allowed to make explicit the funeral ritual and implement those mourning practices with which the loss can be better accepted and realized.

1 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigate the most recent transformations of urban spaces in which new technologies and storytelling are the starting points of a new interaction between the city and its inhabitants, and investigate the multiple interpretations generated by storytelling promote a personal adherence to the places and at the same time a greater ease of use of the spaces.
Abstract: Il testo indaga le piu recenti trasformazioni dello spazio urbano nelle quali le nuove tecnologie e lo storytelling sono alla base di una ritrovata interazione tra la citta e i suoi abitanti. Le tecnologie digitali svolgono un ruolo primario nel plasmare l’identita degli spazi e nell’ampliare la dimensione percettiva. Si parla sempre di piu di ‘spazi ibridi’ all’interno dei quali la contaminazione tra arredi intelligenti ( internet of things ) e tecnologie puo favorire nuove forme di interazione che consentano a chiunque di personalizzare il proprio approccio alla citta. Le molteplici chiavi di lettura generate dallo storytelling favoriscono un’adesione personale ai luoghi e al contempo una maggiore facilita di fruizione degli stessi. Design and Narrative. The storytelling of public space This paper investigates the most recent transformations of urban space in which new technologies and storytelling are the starting points of a new interaction between the city and its inhabitants. Digital technologies play a primary role in shaping the identity of spaces and in broadening the perceptive dimension. There is more and more talk of 'hybrid spaces' within which the contamination between smart furniture (internet of things) and technologies can encourage new forms of interaction that allow everyone to customize their own approach to the city. The multiple interpretations generated by storytelling promote a personal adherence to the places and at the same time a greater ease of use of the spaces.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors explore the causes of the fuga and suggest the events shed light on the limits of contemporary urbanism, opening a reflection on new ways of planning and living the urban space.
Abstract: L’articolo riflette sulla fuga avvenuta dalle citta lombarde nel weekend del 7 marzo 2020. Approfondendo le cause di tale azione mette in evidenza come l’episodio suggerisca i limiti del presente urbanismo non basato semplicemente sull’uso dello spazio urbano subordinato al processo economico, indicando la necessita di un nuovo modo di pensare e vivere la citta From Epidemic to a new urbanism? The article explores the events of the first weekend of March 2020 when thousands of people escaped from the largest cities of Lombardy when the national government announced the implementation of a precautionary measure of mobility restriction. Exploring the causes of the event, the article suggests the events shed light on the limits of contemporary urbanism, opening a reflection on new ways of planning and living the urban space.

Journal Article
TL;DR: The people of spaces in town The open-air space is the place of social relations par excellence, it is the public space where people meet to get to know each other, the place where different ethnic groups meet to savor other ways of living every day without a culture prevaricated as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Lo spazio a cielo aperto e per antonomasia il luogo delle relazioni sociali, e lo spazio pubblico dove la gente si incontra per conoscere l’altro, e il luogo dove le diverse etnie si confrontano per assaporare altri modi di vivere il quotidiano senza che una cultura prevarichi l’altra. Spazi concepiti per accogliere tutte le persone di culture diverse, in modo che questa mescolanza possa generare innovazione per il «welfare urbano», ottenute dalle trasformazioni delle vite di donne e uomini di ogni eta (Secchi, 2002). Lo spazio esterno collettore delle aggregazioni condivise, luoghi dello stare insieme: per camminare, per sostare, per chiacchierare, per scambiare idee e opinioni. The people of spaces in town The open-air space is the place of social relations par excellence, it is the public space where people meet to get to know each other, it is the place where different ethnic groups meet to savor other ways of living every day without a culture prevaricated. other. Spaces designed to welcome all people from different cultures, so that this mix can generate innovation for "urban well-being", obtained by transforming the lives of women and men of all ages (Secchi, 2002). The outdoor space that gathers sharing, aggregations, places to be together: walking, resting, chatting, exchanging ideas, and opinions.

Journal Article
TL;DR: The sound of a relational space is defined by many factors, different in importance about the kind of space, the foreseen function, the temporal duration of its fruition: the scenario is often characterized by complexity as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: Il ruolo di uno spazio di relazione e definito da molti fattori di importanza differenziata in base al tipo di spazio, alla funzione prevista, alla durata temporale della fruizione: lo scenario e spesso caratterizzato dalla complessita. Il suono, sempre presente ma allo stesso tempo diversificato, diventa parametro vitale nella comprensione del significato e della qualita dello spazio, esterno o interno, anche perche interagisce direttamente con la percezione del benessere. Suoni imprevisti o inaspettatamente assenti, suoni fastidiosi o piacevoli, suoni caratteristici o estranei, … complice la caratteristica del sistema uditivo umano ci aiutano nella corretta interpretazione dello spazio ancora prima della vista. The sound: a vital sign for relational spaces. Notes for a mindful design. The sound of a relational space is defined by many factors, different in importance about the kind of space, the foreseen function, the temporal duration of its fruition: the scenario is often characterized by complexity. The sound, always present and differentiated, at once, becomes a vital sign for the understanding of the meaning and the quality of the space, external or internal, even because it directly interacts with the perception of wellness. Unforeseen sounds or unexpectedly missing ones, disturbing or pleasant sounds, peculiar or unknown sounds, … with the complicity of the human hearing system, they help in the right understanding of the space, even before the sight.

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the authors define the contribution of the design discipline -in its broadest sense of the product, of communication and service design - to the scenario of intelligent cities.
Abstract: L’obiettivo specifico del testo e quello di definire il contributo della disciplina del design - nella sua accezione piu ampia di: product , communication and service design – allo scenario delle smart cities . Il tutto con una particolare attenzione al contesto di riferimento - Mediterraneo, per tradizione, mare di mezzo , tra popoli, culture, modelli di sviluppo. Il contributo appare articolato e rientra all’interno delle principali sfide del design . Nella consapevolezza dell’importanza di un collegamento con le altre discipline del progetto che, con logica tran-scalare - pianificazione territoriale ed urbanistica, architettura del paesaggio, architettura - possono contribuire alla complessita delle sfide. Design for mediterranean smart cities The specific objective of my text is to define the contribution of the design discipline - in its broadest sense of the product, of communication and service design - to the scenario of intelligent cities. All with particular attention to the reference context: the Mediterranean, traditionally, the middle sea, between peoples, culture, models of development. The contribution appears articulated and falls within the main design challenges. In the context of the importance of a connection with the other disciplines of the project, with the multi-level logic - territorial and urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture - use the complexity of the challenges.