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Showing papers in "Nordisk Psykologi in 2008"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors skyldes til dels, at en del af de boligområder, der har mange i dvandrere, også har synlige sociale problems.
Abstract: Især gennem 1990’erne har Danmark modtaget en del f lygtninge og familiesammenførte indvandrere, der med tiden fortrinsvist er blevet b osat i den almene boligsektor. I dag er ca. 60 pct. af danske indvandrere fra tredjeverdenslande og de res efterkommere bosat i almene boliger (Skifter Andersen 2006a). En del af dem er flyttet til beste mte boligbebyggelser med en høj andel indvandrere og få danskere. Det er således ca. 25 p ct. af dem, der bor i boligområder, hvor mere end 40 pct. af beboerne er indvandrere (såkaldte multietniske boligområder ). Denne udvikling har af forskellige grunde fået en h øj grad af politisk bevågenhed. Det skyldes til dels, at en del af de boligområder, der har mange i dvandrere, også har mange synlige sociale problemer. Men disse problemer er ikke nye, og den socialdemokratiske regering igangsatte allerede i 1990erne en lang række bypolitiske initi ativer gennem det såkaldte ’Byudvalg’, med henblik på at rette op på problemramte byområder. M d Fogh regeringens tiltræden i 2001 blev Byog boligministeriet nedlagt og bypolitikken i dens daværende form stort set skrinlagt. Man lod de igangsatte initiativer fortsætte tiden ud, men der bl v ikke taget nye. Fogh regeringens senere fokus på de multietniske bo ligområder har i højere grad haft et integrationsperspektiv end et bypolitisk perspektiv . I programskriftet ’Regeringens strategi mod ghettoisering’ fra 2004 nævnes de traditionelle byp olitiske problemstillinger. Men hovedvægten i begrundelsen for nye indsatser er, at de multietnis ke boligområder forventes at hæmme integrationen af de indvandrere, der bor der. Der s tår således i programskriftet:

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Hansen et al. as mentioned in this paper discussed how the interviewees construct their images of family, family-life and parenthood, and also how they reflect upon whether their families are accepted as real families in the society.
Abstract: Familier er konstruerte pa svaert mange ulike mater Denne ulikheten og dette mangfoldet kan utrykkes som a bewildering variety of alternative lifestyles (Cheal 1999), hvilket indikerer behovet for a stille sporsmal om “familien“ virkelig eksisterer Denne artikkelen er en del av et storre studie som innebefatter intervjuer med 25 personer i alderen 15 til 45 ar Felles for disse er at de alle har vokst opp med homoseksuelle foreldre Fokuset i denne artikkelen er hvilken betydning begrepet “familie“ har for dem; hvordan de definerer familierela-sjoner og familiemedlemmer, hvordan de vurderer sine familier i forhold til hva samfunnet aksepterer/ikke-aksepterer, og hvilken betydning foreldreskapet har for dem I artikkelens forste del diskuteres familiebegrepet ut fra et perspektiv knyttet til forstaelsen av mangfold og ulikhet, mens andre delen av artikkelen diskuterer informantenes refleksjoner hovedsakelig i lys av begrepene doing family og family relations Hensikten med artikkelen er a gi et innblikk i hvilke erfaringer og refleksjoner ungdom, unge og voksne med homoseksuelle foreldre har gjort seg ved a vokse opp i disse tilsynelatende “uvanlige“ familiene ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Jorid Krane Hanssen: Homosexual Parents – (Un)normal Families? Some Experiences from Growing up in Families with Homosexual Parents Families are constructed in many different ways The diversity can be expressed as a bewildering variety of alternative lifestyles (Cheal 1999), and indicates the need for a discussion whether “the family“ really exists The analysis re-ported on in this article is part of a larger study, based on in-depth interviews with 25 persons – aged 15 to 45 – who have grown up with homosexual parents The focus in this particular article is on how “family“ is experienced and conceptualized among the interviewees The article discusses how the interviewees construct their images of family, family-life and parenthood, and also how they reflect upon whether their families are accepted as “real“ families in the society The first part of the article discusses the concept of family from a perspective of diversity, while the second part concentrates on the interviewees’ reflections in relation to two main themes in the analysis; “doing family“ and “family relations“ The aim of the article is to provide some insight into the life of families with same-sex parents, from the perspective of those who actually have grown up in these families Key words: Family, relations, homosexual parents, parenthood, diversity

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors explored the relation between father and son seen over three generations, taking interviews with fathers in three generations as their point of departure, and analyzed how men use their own fathers as both ideals and counterimages when practising fatherhood.
Abstract: Denne artikel udforsker faderlig autoritet som et historisk og sociokulturelt faenomen. Med udgangspunkt i interviews med faedre i tre generationer, analyserer jeg, hvordan maend bruger deres egne faedre som bade idealer og modbilleder i deres egen praksis som faedre. Autoritet bade reproduceres og transformeres fra far til son, og tre forskellige former for autoritet identificeres: “traditionel“, “karismarisk“ og “forhandlet“. Hvordan autoriteten praktiseres og legitimeres er et sporgsmal om generation, men afhaenger ogsa af den enkeltes mands sociokulturelle position. Med artiklen stiller jeg sporgsmalstegn ved billedet af nutidens faedre som “sekundaere modre“ og tabte sonner, der “betraeder et land aldrig udforsket for“. I stedet argumenterer jeg for, at autoritet stadig er til stede i relationen mellem far og barn, men under nye praemisser og med nye udtryksformer. Jeg peger derved pa, hvordan nutidens faedre, som generationerne af faedre for dem, identificerer sig selv med deres faedre som bade positive og negative rollemodeller. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Maruska la Cour Mosegaard: ’’He was a tuff old man”. The relation between father and son seen over three generations This article explores fatherly authority as a historical and sociocultural phenomenon. Taking interviews with fathers in three generations as my point of departure, I analyze how men use their own fathers as both ideals and counter-images when practizing fatherhood. Authority is both reproduced and transformed from father to son, and three different forms of authority is identified: “traditional“, “charismatic“, and “negotiated“ authority. How authority is practized and legitimized is a question of generation, but also depends on the sociocultural position of the individual man. In the article I question the picture of contemporary fathers as “secondary mothers“ and lost sons entering a “land of fatherhood never explored before“. Rather I claim that authority is still present in the relation between father and child, but on new premises and with different modes of expression. Also I call attention to how comtemporary fathers, like the generations of fathers before them, identify themselves with their fathers as both positive and negative rolemodels. Key words: Fatherhood, authority, generational differences, life forms.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Karlsen et al. as discussed by the authors investigated the recent proliferation of appeals to dialogue as a solution to problems in a wide range of institutional settings in Denmark, public as well as private, and demonstrated how dialogue technology restructures institutionalised domains of speech and thus contributes to reconfiguring interrelations and relations to oneself within modern society.
Abstract: Artiklen tager afsaet i den udbredelse af dialog som ledelsesinstrument, som har kunnet iagttages de senere ar inden for mange forskellige velfaerdsomrader. Den fremlaegger den pastand, at der er ved at ske en forskydning i ledelsesrelationerne, som indebaerer, at den for talende ekspert — laegen, sundhedsradgiveren, socialarbejderen, lederen — nu skal tale mindre, mens den forhen tavse — patienten, den udstodte, medarbejderen — nu skal tale mere. Hermed ser vi altsa en forandring i, hvem der har mulighed for at fremsige noget gyldigt om det, der skal ledes. Udgangspunktet for denne omvending er en moderne vestlig forestilling om, at den tavse nodvendigvis ma vaere undertrykt eller berovet for ansvar, mens talen udgor vejen til frisaettelse. Artiklen viser imidlertid, hvordan dialogen ordner den talendes tale, saledes at bestemte former for selv-ledelse bliver mulig. Karlsen & Villadsen viser, hvordan savel sundhedsfremme, socialt arbejde og lederudvikling udoves med reference til en saerlig subjekt-konstruktion, nemlig "det spaltede subjekt", som bade rummer god vilje og modvilje. Artiklens diagnose soger altsa at udlaese en generel tendens; imidlertid viser analyserne ogsa, hvordan dialog-teknologien antager forskellig udformning inden for de specifikke faglige og institutionelle felter, som den indgar i. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Mads Peter Karlsen & Kaspar Villadsen: Who Should Do the Talking? The Proliferation of Dialogue as Governmental Technology This article investigates the recent proliferation of appeals to “dialogue“ as a solution to problems in a wide range of institutional settings in Denmark, public as well as private. Instead of bureaucratic, top-down management and expert driven public services, we are told that we need “dialogue based“ management, health care, elder care, social counselling and so on. Dialogue is often presented as a tool that will reverse the stifling dominance of authoritative expertise and leadership, liberating the energy, innovative potential and desires of employees, clients and patients. We argue, however, that dialogue is not simply a governmental technological tool that can be utilised by some to liberate or govern others or govern nature. Any technology structures actions and this means that “the governors“ also inevitably exercise power over themselves. This article demonstrates how dialogue technology restructures institutionalised domains of speech and thus contributes to reconfiguring interrelations and relations to oneself within modern society. Key words: governmentality, dialogues, governmental technology, preventive dialogue, outreach social work, 360 degrees evaluation.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Rytter et al. as discussed by the authors discussed the consequences of the recent legislation for marriage patterns and family organisation among Pakistanis in Denmark and illustrated some of the strategies marriage-migrants use to handle transnational family- and everyday life stretched out between Denmark and Sweden.
Abstract: I 2002 indforte Folketinget en raekke nye regler vedrorende muligheden for aegtefaellesammenforing til Danmark. Siden dengang har mange danske statsborgere faet afslag pa aegtefaellesammenforing og er i stedet flyttet til Sverige, hvor de kan opna sammenforing under de gaeldende regler for EU-borgere. Blandt pakistanske migranter i Danmark har et overvejende flertal i mange ar giftet sig med aegtefaeller fundet i Pakistan. Gruppen af dansk-pakistanere er saledes i hoj grad berort af de nye familiesammenforingsregler. Baseret pa etnografisk materiale, indsamlet blandt den voksende gruppe aegteskabsmigranter i Sverige, diskuterer denne artikel, hvilke konsekvenser de aktuelle familiesammenforingsregler har faet for herboende pakistaneres aegteskabsmonstre og familieliv. Artiklens forste del opridser en modsatrettet vaerdisaetning af partnervalg, som unge dansk-pakistanere stilles overfor henholdsvis deres lokale og transnationale familie pa den ene side og den danske nationalstat pa den anden. Familien og nationalstaten opstiller to fundamentalt forskellige aegteskabspraeferencer og tilbyder folgelig forskellige fremtider. Anden del af artiklen giver eksempler pa nogle af de strategier, som aegte-skabsmigranter anvender til at handtere et familie- og hverdagsliv udstrakt mellem Danmark og Sverige. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Mikkel Rytter: The Limit of Spouse Selection: Danish-Pakistani Marriage-migrants in Sweden In 2002 the Danish Parliament introduced a new legislation in order to hamper the practice of family reunification from non-European countries. Since then hundreds of people have been denied reunification with their foreign spouses. As a solution Danish citizens move to Sweden where they are entitled to obtain family reunification as members of the European Union. Migrants from Pakistan have been particularly affected by the new law, since the majority used to find their spouses in Pakistan. Based on ethnographic material gathered among marriage-migrants in Sweden, this article discusses the consequences of the recent legislation for marriage patterns and family organisation among Pakistanis in Denmark. The first part outlines two conflicting marriage preferences that young Danish-Pakistanis are confronted with: on the one hand by their local and transnational family and on the other by the nation-state. The clash of marriage preferences constitutes a “vital conjuncture“ that offers the youngsters different life trajectories and horizons for the future. The second part of the article illustrates some of the strategies marriage-migrants use to handle transnational family- and everyday life stretched out between Denmark and Sweden. Key words: Family reunification, marriage-migrants, arranged marriages, transnational everyday life, semi-legality.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Pedersen and Benjaminsen as mentioned in this paper argued that drug use outside the sphere of competitive sport can be viewed as a bodily practice related to social parameters such as the level of education.
Abstract: Inge Kryger Pedersen and Lars Benjaminsen: Bulked-up bodies and education: Doping as a social practice During the last decades sociological analyses have interpreted doping and use of performance-enhancing substances as a social phenomenon mainly in the field of sports. In this article, logistic regression analyses of a questionnaire survey conducted among a random sample of the Danish population between the ages of 15-50 (2003 respondents) and persons engaged in different types of sports and exercise activities in Denmark (5036 respondents) show that pharmacological methods (medicines, drugs) have been adopted by trained, physically fit individuals outside sports. Studies indicate that experiences with performance-enhancing substances outside – and not within – competi¬ti¬ve sports are socially stratified. Use of anabolic steroids in gyms is prevalent among men with little or no education. This article looks at these observable variations in social position by drawing upon Bourdieu’s analysis of the logic of practice, his concepts of practical sense and the search for social distinction in the construction of life-styles. Despite certain limitations regarding issues of agency, it is argued that drug use outside the sphere of competitive sport can be viewed as a bodily practice related to social parameters such as the level of education. Use of doping substances outside the sphere of sport is re¬-lated to aesthetic modification, whereas doping in organised competitive sports primarily intends to enhance various physiological parameters. These para¬meters are related both to the specific skills required for the sport and to the logic of competition. This might explain why doping experiences in competitive sports do not seem to be stratified by education.

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Mette Mechlenborg as mentioned in this paper places home in the center of theories on mobility, modernity and globalisation, focusing on the gap between traditional understandings of globalisation and myths of everyday life and home.
Abstract: I naervaerende artikel er det min hensigt at saette fokus pa den aktuelle dyrkelse af hjemmet, som har pustet liv i en diskussion om hjemmets rolle i globaliseringsteorierne. I dag synes udfordringen ikke at forsta globaliseringen over for det forankrede hverdagsliv, men at forsoge at etablere en dialog mellem de to. Ved at saette begrebet hjem centralt i forhold til teorier om mobilitet, modernisering og globalisering, vil denne artikel saette fokus pa kloften mellem stereotype opfattelser af globaliseringen og ind-groede myter om hjem og hverdagsliv. Teoretisk og metodisk er artiklen placeret i feltet mellem boligforskning, kulturstudier og globaliserings-forskningen. Med udgangspunkt i Marshall Bermans modernitetsopfattelse og Mieke Bals tvaerkulturelle teori om "rejsende koncepter" gennemgas en raekke kanoniserede ideer om hjem og globalisering, idet hensigten er at abne op for en mere nuanceret, tidssvarende definition af det globaliserede hjem. Af referencer kan naevnes Zygmunt Bauman, David Morley, John Tomlinson og Agnes Heller. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Mette Mechlenborg: At Home in Globalisation? The recent renaissance of home in culture and media has reactivated a discussion about the role of anchor in the theories of globalisation. It has also revived the discussion of the consequences of globalisation in everyday life. Today the challenge is not so much to understand the difference between a homebound life and globalisation, but to establish a dialogue between the two. By trying to place home in the center of theories on mobility, modernity and globalisation, this article focuses on the gap between traditional understandings of globalisation and myths of everyday life and home. Theoretically and methodically this article lies in the field between housing research, cultural studies and theories of globalisation. It is embedded in the writings of Marshall Berman and in Mieke Bal’s theory of “travelling concepts“, developed for interdisciplinary studies, but goes through a range of canonised publications and writings dealing with the gap between home and globalisation as it tries to open up for a more up to date and post modern definition of the globalised home. Key words: Globalisation, home, everyday life, mobility, theory.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Inou as discussed by the authors examines how young people can seek sexual experiences that intensify their existence to such an extent that the experience itself is not assigned any meaning, often called chance, and argues that there is need for a broader approach to sexualities both in sexual campaigns and in general analyses.
Abstract: Marie Bruvik Heinskou: Sexuality between Risk and Chance: Oscillations in Late Modern Value Orientations This article examines how young people can seek sexual experiences that intensify their existence to such an extent that the experience itself is not assigned any meaning. It is merely perceived as a moment having its own temporality and its own internal experience, often called chance. For example young people often take a chance and refrain from using a condom during sexual intercourse, while using the concept of risk as a means to navigate in a world characterized by contingency and ambivalence. The balance between these two value orientations, risk and chance, is crucial for determining whether or not young people use a condom. This outlook is often ignored in both campaigns concerning, for instance, sexually transmitted diseases and in studies on sexuality. The risk side of (deviant) sexualities is frequently overemphasized in these campaigns and in theories on sexuality, while chance is neglected. The article argues that there is need for a broader approach to sexualities both in sexual campaigns and in general analyses. Examining the power of risk and the power of chance as oppositional categories, as well as the traces of risk in chance and chance in risk, is one way of broadening the approach.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examine how housing conditions for poor and socially excluded people in Denmark have developed between 1976 and 2000, and show that people who are poor, socially excluded, and have poor health have poorer housing conditions than others.
Abstract: Formalet med artiklen er primaert at belyse, hvordan boligforholdene for fattige og socialt ekskluderede i Danmark har udviklet sig i perioden fra 1976 til 2000. Artiklen viser, at boligforholdene udgor en helt afgorende markor pa sociookonomiske uligheder i det danske samfund. Dem, der er fattige, socialt ekskluderede og som har et darligt helbred, har langt ringere boligforhold end andre, og der er en klar intersektionalitet mellem forskellige, sarbare sociookonomiske positioner. Artiklen viser endvidere, at der er en klar skillelinje mellem ejere og lejere i forhold til disse sarbare sociookonomiske positioner. Lejere har for det forste ringere boligforhold end ejere, og for det andet er de okonomiske uligheder mellem ejere og lejere oget markant inden for de seneste ar pa grund af stigende uligheder i indkomster og formuer. Artiklen giver saledes som noget nyt i dansk socialforskning et samlet overblik over okonomiske, sociale og boligstandardmaessige uligheder mellem dels ejere og lejere og dels mellem fattige og socialt ekskluderede og resten af befolkningen. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Jytte Kristensen & Jorgen Elm Larsen: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Housing Conditions The purpose of this article is to examine how housing conditions for poor and socially excluded people in Denmark have developed between 1976 and 2000. The article shows that housing conditions are a decisive marker of socio-economic inequalities in Danish society. People who are poor, socially excluded, and have poor health have poorer housing conditions than others. There is a clear intersectionality between the different vulnerable socio-economic positions. The analysis indicates that there is an unmistakable dividing line between owners and tenants as regards these vulnerable socio-economic positions. Firstly tenants have poorer housing conditions than owners, and secondly the economic inequalities between owners and tenants have increased in recent years primarily due to increasing inequalities in income and wealth. The article contributes to existing scientific knowledge about housing and inequality by drawing together both existing and new evidence about the economic, social and housing inequalities between owners and tenants and between poor and social excluded people and the rest of the population. Key words: Housing conditions, poverty, social exclusion, health conditions, inequality.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, Mehmet Umit Necef discusses the question as to why said silences Flaubert's homoerotical interests and argues that this is because Flauber's multifaceted sexuality does not fit nicely into Said's theoretical ideas about the hierarchies and dichotomies of Western “Orientalist“ thought.
Abstract: Mehmet Umit Necef: Sex and Orientalism – with Gustave Flaubert in Hamam In his influential study “Orientalism“ Edward Said almost demonises the intimate and sexual relations between Orientals and Western intellectuals and authors, who in the 1800’s and early 1900’s visited the Orient. His main target among these travellers is Gustave Flaubert. This article discusses the question as to why Said silences Flaubert’s homoerotical interests. I posit the thesis that this is because Flaubert’s multifaceted sexuality does not fit nicely into Said’s theoretical ideas about the hierarchies and dichotomies of Western “Orientalist“ thought. I also argue that Said’s theoretical frame of reference makes it impossible for him to fully acknowledge sexual cultural differences between Northwest Europe and the Turkish/Arabic countries. Finally, I argue that Said’s theories obstruct a full appreciation of Flaubert’s pleasure of meeting the other and his openness to self-development through such meetings.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Jerslev et al. as discussed by the authors studied how young people between 12 and 16 establish both a direct and a mediated presence simultaneously, which is at the same time a poten-tial absence.
Abstract: At have en mobiltelefon er blevet hver mands eje. Der kommunikeres som aldrig for, alle steder og hele tiden. Vi er tilgaengelige dognet rundt. Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i et interaktionistisk baseret observationsstudie i en ungdomsklub i Danmark og fokuserer pa, hvordan unge i alderen 12-16 ar pa en og samme tid etablerer et direkte og et medieret naervaer, som ogsa er et konstant potentielt fravaer. Ligeledes hvordan vores kulturelle forestilling om, hvad der er offentligt og privat, er under forandring og forhandles i forskellige rum. Med afsaet i kulturfaenomenologien undersoges, hvordan mobiltelefonen forandrer vores socialitet og dermed eksisterende omgangsformer. Artiklen er baseret pa delprojektet “Graenser pa pa-hed?“, der indgar i et storre tvaerinstitutionelt forskningsprojekt “Hvor gar graensen? Hojspaendingsaestetik og etisk kvalitet i den aktuelle mediekultur 2005-08“, ledet af Anne Jerslev (Kobenhavns Universitet). ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Ida Wentzel Winther: Availability, Presence and Potential Absence – Young peoples’ Use of Mobile Phones Mobile phones have become public property. We communi-cate as never before, everywhere and always. Day and night we are accessible. This article is based on a field study in a youth club in Denmark, and focuses on how young people between 12 and 16 establish both a direct and a mediated presence simultaneously, which is at the same time a poten-tial absence. It also explores how our cultural notions of public and private change and are negotiated in different social spaces. Using cultural phenomenology, I investigate how mobile phones change sociality and existing manners. The article is based on the research project “Limits to access?“, which is part of a larger project “High-tension Aesthetics. Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Media (2005-08)“, led by Anne Jerslev, Copenhagen University. Key words: Mobile phones, youth club, accessibility, relation between body, objects and media.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Gram-Hanssen et al. as mentioned in this paper investigated the ways in which the housing situation and the feeling of home are affected by divorce, when some or all members of the family move out of the matrimonial house.
Abstract: Bolig, familieliv og hjemfolelse er historisk og kulturelt taet knyttet sammen. I denne artikel er vi derfor interesseret i, hvad der sker med forholdet til boligen og med hjemfolelsen, nar familien gar i oplosning, og en eller begge parter flytter i forbindelse med en skilsmisse. Artiklen rummer dels en teoretisk introduktion til den internationale teori vedrorende bolig og hjemfolelse, dels en analyse af kvalitative interview med fraskilte om deres praktiske og folelsesmaessige forhold til deres bolig og hjem for og efter skilsmissen. Analysen peger pa, at de folelsesmaessige band til en familiebolig kan forsvinde i det ojeblik, beslutningen om en skilsmisse er truffet. Det praktiske arbejde med at etablere og indrette et nyt hjem kan blive en vigtig made at soge ny identitet som enlig, og problemer med at finde et sted at bo, og deraf folgende midlertidige boliger, kan derfor gore livet efter skilsmissen ekstra svaert. Undersogelsen peger endvidere pa, at til trods for at mange fraskilte oplever det positivt at bo alene i en periode, sa lever drommen om kernefamilie og familiebolig videre. De fleste interviewpersoner giver saledes udtryk for, at de forestiller sig, at de pa et tidspunkt etablerer en ny familiebolig med en ny partner. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kirsten Gram-Hanssen & Claus Bech-Danielsen: Divorce and Housing: Where does the Feeling of Being Home Move? House and home are historically and culturally closely connected to family life. In this article we investigate the ways in which the housing situation and the feeling of home are affected by divorce – when some or all members of the family move out of the matrimonial house. The article is based on an international literature review on the meaning of housing and home and on qualitative interviews of four men and five women in Denmark who were interviewed about their experiences with housing and home while being divorced. The article points out that emotional relations to the matrimonial house may disappear at the very moment the decision is made to divorce. It also points out that the practical work of creating a new home can play an important role in the process finding a new identity as a single parent. Many people find that life after being divorced is very difficult, when problems in finding a new house result in a number of temporary housing situations. Finally it is stressed that, even though many divorcees have positive experiences living alone, they never give up the dream of the nuclear family. Most of the interviewees picture themselves living in a new matrimonial house with a future partner. Key words: Housing, home, divorce, family, qualitative interviews.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Thuesen as discussed by the authors argues that a rethinking of the idea of a society based on principles of “rule of law“ should descriptively start from legal plurality, and argues that unity of law as a principle is not a completely far-fetched or oppressive ideal, but necessary to the integration of society.
Abstract: Senmoderne samfund er praeget af storre normativ og retlig pluralisme end sociologisk teori, der tager udgangspunkt i begrebet om retsstaten, giver indtryk af. Derfor er vi nodt til at gentaenke retsstaten som komponent i et transnationalt retssamfund. Jurgen Habermas’ teori om den demokratiske retsstat skygger saledes for, hvorledes senmoderne samfund er normativt og retligt pluralistiske. Teorier om retlig pluralisme repraesenterer et konkurrerende perspektiv. Her begribes retten ikke som en enhed, men som overlappende systemer af normer. Den postmodernistiske portugisiske retssociolog Boaven¬tura Santos argumenterer saledes for, at retten skal analyseres gennem et matrix bestaende af lokale, nationale og globale retsnormer. Artiklen illustrerer dette gennem konkrete eksempler fra det multikulturelle samfund og globaliseringen. Pa lokalt niveau er brugen af uformel islamisk ret blandt muslimske minoriteter et eksempel. Pa transnationalt niveau udfordrer uformel konfliktlosning blandt multinationale selskaber samt de internationale men¬ne¬skerettigheder den statslige retsorden. Deskriptivt ma gentaenkningen af rets¬staten derfor tage udgangspunkt i retspluralismen. Normativt ma en sadan gentaenkning sigte mod at sikre de forskellige retsordners demokratiske legitimitet. Som ideal kan tanken om rettens enhed dog fortsat vaere fornuftig at holde fast i, fordi et sammenhaengende retssystem er en vigtig komponent i den sociale integration af multikulturelle og globaliserede samfund. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Frederik Thuesen: From Rechtsstaat to Transnational Legality. Legal Pluralism, Multiculturalism and Globalisation The article argues that we have to rethink the concept of the “Rechtsstaat“ as a component in a transnational society where various legalities interact. Sociological theory such as Jurgen Habermas’ theory of the democratic “Rechtsstaat“ veils the way in which late modern societies are normatively and legally pluralistic. Theories of legal pluralism represent competing sociological perspectives, conceiving of law not as a unity but as overlapping and intertwining systems of norms. Thus the Portuguese scholar Boaventura Santos argues that law should be analysed through the matrix of local, national and global legalities. The article illustrates this point through concrete examples relating to multiculturalism and globalisation. On a local level it points to the use of informal Islamic law among immigrant minorities. On a transnational level informal conflict-resolution among multinational companies and human rights challenges the state-based legal order. Therefore, a rethinking of the idea of a society based on principles of “rule of law“ should descriptively start from legal plurality. Normatively, it should aim at securing the democratic legitimacy of those centres where law is produced. Finally, I argue that unity of law as a principle is not a completely far-fetched or oppressive ideal, but necessary to the integration of society. Key words: Legal pluralism, globalization, human rights, rule of law, unity of law, multiculturalism.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors present a sociological hermeneutic analysis of the lived everyday working world of Danish indoor prostitutes, drawing upon observations and interviews, as well as documentary and experiential data, produced during a six-month period of ethnographic fieldwork at a Copenhagen massage parlour.
Abstract: Cristina Alzaga: Indoor Prostitution: The Parlour as a Social Space This article presents a sociological hermeneutic analysis of the lived everyday working world of Danish indoor prostitutes. It draws upon observations and interviews, as well as documentary and experiential data, produced during a six-month period of ethnographic fieldwork at a Copenhagen massage parlour, where the author served as “telephone lady“. The article uncovers the social order (nomos) of this life world, its social relations and shared interpretations as well as organizational traits and practical-corporeal terms. It also discusses the variety and multidimensionality of the relations between prostitutes and clients. The article seeks to uncover the meanings of the distinct experiential dynamics and work experiences that take form within this particular working universe, and examines their contradictory relations to the dominant views and accounts of prostitution in the outside world, including the views pre¬sented by mainstream research on prostitution.

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TL;DR: Raahauge et al. as mentioned in this paper explored some of the relationships between materiality and social relations arguing that the two are interconnected, and discussed the extent to which the tendency towards invisibly gated communities is part of flows of globalisation or rather is a safeguard against them.
Abstract: Under et antropologisk feltarbejde i to danske boligkvarterer med fokus pa materialitet, spatialitet og virtualitet blev et andet tema uomgaengeligt: naboer. De to kvarterer befinder sig i to forskellige danske provinsbyer, hvor de omtales som velhaverkvarterer. Inden for de sidste ti ar er beboerne blevet stadigt mere sociale, naboer er blevet til venner og naboskab til faellesskab; i nogle sammenhaenge kan kvartererne betragtes som usynligt gatede communities. Samtidig er der sket vaesentlige aendringer, hvad angar materialitet. Abenhed og transparens er blevet en vigtig kvalitet ved husene: der er tendens til storre vinduer, faerre vaegge og storre rum, som er bade poly-funktionelle og poly-sociale. Desuden har virtuelle stromme en stor betydning i hverdagen, gennem computer, tv og telefon. Artiklen undersoger relationer mellem materialitet og sociale relationer og argumenterer for, at de to er forbundne. Desuden diskuterer artiklen, hvorvidt tendensen til usynligt gatede communities er en folge af globale stromme eller et bolvaerk imod dem og konkluderer, at faenomenet er et resultat af begge processer. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kirsten Marie Raahauge: At the Street – in the Complex. About the Global, the Local and the Material While conducting anthropological fieldwork in two neighbourhoods about materiality, spatiality and virtual space, another important topic surfaced: the importance of neighbours. Both neighbourhoods are well off; they are located in two different Danish provincial towns. Within the last 10 years the people living here have become sociable, neighbours have become friends, and neighbourhoods have become communities, invisibly gated communities. Simultaneously openness and transparency have become important themes concerning the house; there is a tendency towards large windows, few inner walls, and large rooms, which are both poly-functional and poly-social. Furthermore the openness of the house is related to virtual flows from computers, telephones, and televisions. This article explores some of the relationships between materiality and social relations arguing that the two are interconnected. The article also discusses the extent to which the tendency towards invisibly gated communities is part of flows of globalisation or rather is a safeguard against them, arguing that the phenomenon can be seen as a result of both of the processes. Key words: Housing, anthropology, materiality, virtuality, space, community.