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Showing papers in "Nordisk Psykologi in 2012"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors used Wacquant's model of socio-spatial seclusion to compare 35 "dilapidated" Danish urban areas using a multiple correspondence analysis based on 18 variables.
Abstract: De seneste ars intensive brug af ordet ”ghetto” i den offentlige og politiske debat stiller det centrale sporgsmal: Giver det sociologisk set mening at anvende begrebet ”ghetto” i en dansk sammenhaeng? Med udgangspunkt i en introduktion til den fransk-amerikanske sociolog Loic Wacquants model for sociospatialle afsondringsprocesser, fokuserer artiklen pa de konkrete karakteristika, der kendertegner de omdiskuterede danske boligomrader i dag, og pa i hvilken grad disse er sammenfaldende med de amerikanske ghettoer, som Wacquant definerer dem. Konkret anvendes Wacquants model som afsaet for en sammenligning af 35 forsomte boligomraders karakteristika ved hjaelp af en multipel korrespondanceanalyse baseret pa 18 variable. Analysen bruges til at skitsere, hvad der mere overordnet karakteriserer de danske forsomte boligomrader. Pa denne baggrund konkluderes det, at til trods for at de amerikanske ghettoer og de danske forsomte boligomrader indtager samme position i det (bolig)sociale hierarki og dermed kan betegnes som homologe, er de historisk, socialt, politisk og strukturelt betinget af vaesentligt forskellige arsager. Som erstatning for ”ghetto”-begrebet anfores i stedet begrebet ”de forsomte boligomrader”, der i hojere grad henviser til de planlaegningsmaessige og politiske processer, der historisk har fort til koncentrationen af beboere med fa ressourcer i specifikke dele af den almennyttige boligsektor. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Troels Schultz Larsen: Taking Wacquant into the Dilapidated Urban Area The recent intense use of the word ghetto in Danish debates raises the question of to what extent it is a proper description of contemporary Danish social reality. Employing the French-American sociologist Loic Wacquant’s model of socio-spatial seclusion, the article focus on the specific factors that characterize the ”dilapidated” urban areas in Denmark today and the extent to which these coincide with the American ghettos as Wacquant defines them. Wacquant’s model is used to compare 35 ”dilapidated” Danish urban areas using a multiple correspondence analysis based on 18 variables. This analytical comparison is then used to delineate what characterizes Danish ”dilapidated” urban areas. Despite the fact that the American ghettos and the Danish “dilapidated” urban areas occupy homological positions in the social hierarchy, they do so for different historical, social, political and structural reasons. The article presents the Danish concept of ”forsomt” (dilapidated) urban area as a better description of contemporary Danish social reality because it stresses the path dependency of the planning and the political processes that have historically led to the concentration of residents with low resources in specific parts of the social housing sector.

12 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Delica as mentioned in this paper argues that Wacquant's contribution to urban sociology can be seen as a continuation of the principles of Bourdieu's reflexive sociology, and suggests that Wacquants deploys a field analytical usage of ethnography.
Abstract: Artiklen fremstiller og diskuterer Loic Wacquants tese om avanceret marginalisering som samlebetegnelse for og saertraek ved kontemporaere vestlige storbyer. Den viser, hvordan Wacquant praktiserer Pierre Bourdieus sociologiske refleksivitet (den epistemiske refleksivitet) med udgangspunkt i historisk funderede studier af udviklingen af henholdsvis den amerikanske ghettos (the black belt) og de parisiske forstaeder (the red belt). Der argumenteres for det forste for, at Wacquants bidrag til bysociologien netop kan ses som en videreforelse af principperne i Bourdieus refleksive sociologi. For det andet argumenteres for, at Wacquant anvender en saerlig bourdieuinspireret, feltanalytisk udgave af etnografi. Dette foreslas bade som praecisering af den made Wacquant arbejder med etnografiske metoder pa i studier af avanceret marginalisering og som del af et bredere urbansociologisk forskningsprogram, der ligeledes skitseres. Denne distinkte udgave af etnografisk arbejde diskuteres op mod andre positioner i det etnografiske felt, hvorved Wacquants bidrag hertil skrives frem. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristian Delica: Sociological Reflexivity and a Field Analytical Practice of Ethnography – Loic Wacquant’s Perspective on Urban Marginality This article discusses Loic Wacquant’s thesis of advanced marginality, and shows how it contains both a general description of contemporary Western cities and crucial characteristics of these. Wacquant deploys Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological reflexivity – the so called epistemic reflexivity – in studying how the American ghetto (the black belt) and the French banliues (the red belt) developed historically. The article argues that Wacquant’s contributions to urban sociology can be seen as a continuation of the principles of Bourdieu’s reflexive sociology, and suggests that Wacquant deploys a field analytical usage of ethnography. This is analyzed as both an elucidation of the way Wacquant is working with ethnographic methods in studies of advanced marginalization, and as part of a broader urban sociological research program. Wacquant’s distinctive version of ethnographic work is contextualized in a discussion of other positions in the ethnographic field.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Munk et al. as mentioned in this paper showed that there is a strong correlation between social origin and attaining non-elite and especially elite education abroad for a group of long-term emigrants from Denmark.
Abstract: Artiklen viser, at der er en naer sammenhaeng mellem social baggrund og gennemforelse af eliteuddannelse og ikke-eliteuddannelse blandt en gruppe af danske migranter med minimum fem ars ophold i udlandet. Vi tilfojer en ny rekonversionsstrategi til Pierre Bourdieus batteri af strategier udfoldet i La Noblesse d’Etat, en udvandrings-strategi med henblik pa erhvervelse af uddannelseskapital. Isaer personer med veluddannede foraeldre har en foroget sandsynlighed for at erobre en universitetsuddannelse pa en eliteinstitution, navnlig i ”zones of prestige”, det vil sige i England og USA, som relativt set har de storste udbud af distinktive universitetsinstitutioner. En gruppe af migranter gennemforer en udenlandsk universitetsuddannelse pa ikke-elite institutioner, hvilket kan afspejle en form for kompensatorisk strategi, som udmontes i social uddannelsesmobilitet. Foraeldrene til born, der opnar en universitetsgrad fra udlandet, har desuden selv en betydelig kosmopolitisk erfaring. Endeligt finder vi markante konsforskelle. Sogeord: Transnationale uddannelsesstrategier, kosmopolitisk kapital, kulturel kapital, migration, rekonversionsstrategier, Bourdieu. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Martin D. Munk, Mette Foged, and Andreas M. Mulvad: The Cosmopolitan Educational Strategies of Families. A Question of Migration and Investment in Distinctive Capital This paper shows that there is a strong correlation between social origin and attaining non-elite and especially elite education abroad for a group of long-term emigrants from Denmark. We suggest acquisition of distinctive educational capital abroad as a new investment and reconversion strategy that supplements the portfolio of (national) strategies developed by Bourdieu in La Noblesse d’Etat. In particular, people with highly educated parents have a greater tendency to obtain university education from an elite institution abroad, especially in ”zones of prestige”. Because England and the US have the greatest number of distinctive institutions of higher education, these countries are attracting the majority of Danes who emigrate for at least five years and obtain university education abroad. We suggest that the weaker selection into non-elite institutions reflects a sort of compensational strategy which leads to upward social educational mobility. Parents of children who migrate and undertake university education abroad have often studied or worked abroad themselves, so the intergenerational transmission of cosmopolitan capital follows the same pattern as the intergenerational transmission of the educational level. Furthermore, we find strong gender differences for instance with respect to motivations for studying abroad and the relative importance of father and mother with regard to educational achievement of the child. Key words: Transnational educational strategies, cosmopolitan capital, cultural capital, migration, reconversion strategies, Bourdieu.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Jensen et al. as mentioned in this paper introduced a typology of approaches to intersectionality analyses, which serves as the backdrop for three examples of analyses of social inequality and exclusion, including gender, class, ethnicity and race.
Abstract: Intersektionalitetsbegrebet indebaerer, at sociale differentieringsformer som kon, klasse, etnicitet og ”race” er gensidigt konstituerende bade pa et identitetsmaessigt og strukturelt niveau. Begrebet har haft stor gennemslagskraft og bidraget positivt til fornyelse af dansk og international konsforskning. Da begrebet rummer potentialer til analyser af komplekse sociale differentieringer, er det imidlertid ogsa relevant for en bredere sociologi. Nutidige hojt differentierede samfund fordrer saledes begreber og metodologier, som er egnede til at gribe kompleksitet. Intersektionalitetstaenkningen har teorihistoriske rodder i amerikansk sort standpunktsfeminisme. I Danmark blev begrebet forst anvendt af poststrukturalistiske socialpsykologer, som gentaenkte det og gjorde det velegnet til at analysere, hvordan komplekse identiteter skabes i hverdagslivet. Senere er begrebet blevet anvendt af konsforskere med andre faglige og videnskabsteoretiske udgangspunkter. I artiklen fremhaeves det, at intersektionalitetsbegrebet kan anvendes til at producere forskellige typer sociologisk viden. I den forbindelse praesenteres en typologi over forskellige tilgange til intersektionalitetsanalyser, som bruges som afsaet til at skitsere tre eksempler pa analyser af social ulighed og eksklusion. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Sune Qvotrup Jensen and Ann-Dorte Christensen: Inter-sectionality as a Sociological Concept Contemporary highly differentiated societies require concepts and methodologies which are suited for grasping complexity. Intersectionality is a fruitful approach to analyze this complexity because social forms of differentiation such as gender, class, ethnicity and “race” are understood as mutually co-constructing at the level of individual identities and at the level of social structures. Intersectionality is a travelling concept which is theoretically rooted in black American feminism. In Denmark, the concept was first used by post-structuralist social psychologists, who adapted it to analyzing how complex identities were created in everyday life. Later on the concept was later taken up by gender researchers within the social sciences. This article analyses how the concept of intersectionality can be used to produce different types of sociological knowledge. It introduces a typology of approaches to intersectionality analyses, which serves as the backdrop for three examples of analyses of social inequality and exclusion. Key words: Intersectionality, complexity, social differentiation, gender, class, ethnicity.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Karlson and Mads Meier Jaeger as discussed by the authors analyzed the distribution of economic, cultural, and social capital within and between two generations of Danes born around 1930 and 1954, and they found high intergenerational correlations between the amount of economic and cultural capital possessed by parents and children.
Abstract: I denne artikel analyserer vi sammenhaengen mellem okonomisk, kulturel og social kapital inden for og mellem to generationer af danskere fodt omkring 1930 og 1954. Vi analyserer data fra Ungdomsforlobsundersogelsen og benytter konfirmativ faktoranalyse til at konstruere latente variable for de tre kapitalformer i begge generationer. Analysen viser, for det forste, at der i begge generationer er en markant sammenhaeng mellem respondenternes beholdning af okonomisk, kulturel og social kapital, og at dette monster gaelder for begge generationer. Med andre ord: Materielle og immaterielle ressourcer er staerkt sammenvaevede i det danske samfund. For det andet viser analysen, at de relative beholdninger af de tre kapitalformer i hoj grad ”nedarves” fra foraeldre til born. Med andre ord: Der er en staerk social arv af bade materielle og immaterielle ressourcer. Sogeord: Okonomisk kapital, kulturel kapital, social kapital, Bourdieu, social reproduktion, konfirmativ faktoranalyse. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristian Bernt Karlson and Mads Meier Jaeger: Coffers, Culture and Contacts: Economic, Cultural and Social Capital in Two Generations This paper analyzes the distribution of economic, cultural, and social capital within and between two generations of Danes born around 1930 and 1954. We analyze data from the Danish Longitudinal Survey of Youth and use confirmatory factor analysis to construct latent variables which capture the different types of capital in both generations. Our analysis shows that, first, within each generation there is a strong correlation between the different types of capital. This result indicates a close relationship between economic and non-economic resources in Denmark. Second, we find high intergenerational correlations between the amount of economic, cultural, and social capital possessed by parents and children. This result indicates a surprisingly high degree of intergenerational capital transmission. Key words: Economic capital, cultural capital, social capital, Bourdieu, social reproduction, confirmatory factor analysis.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Peters et al. as mentioned in this paper discuss the content of the concept of authentic self-realization and point out what one might call the gentle barbarism of this claim, that is, the one-sided, deeply narrowing and manipulative character of the acclaimed content of authenticity.
Abstract: Denne artikel diskuterer, hvilket substantielt indhold nutidens fordring om autentisk selvrealisering forbindes med. Praemissen for artiklen er, at autentisk selvrealisering er blevet sa vaesentlig en del af samtidens kulturelle opsaetning, at dets eksekvering blandt vestlige individer opfattes som et krav og som det hojeste princip i nutidens livsforelse. Det forhold synes at have en afsmittende effekt pa samtidens politikforelse, okonomiperception og relation til forstaelsen af, hvad et arbejde er. Som analytisk forankringspunkt for denne begrebsudfyldning stotter jeg mig hovedsagelig til Luc Boltanski og Eve Chiapellos magnum opus Le Nouvel Esprit du Capitalisme (1999). Boltanski & Chiapellos vaerk giver nemlig en fremragende indgang til en anskuelse af nutidens autenticitetsforstaelse som socialisationsbaerende. Boltanski & Chiapellos forstaelse af autenticitetsbegrebet i samtidens kapitalisme er nemlig ikke kun okonomisk determineret, men i hoj grad socialt og kulturelt funderet. Derfor kan de ikke alene anskue kapitalismen som samfundsmaessig integrationskraft, men ogsa analysere autentisk selvrealisering som forudsaetning for normativ socialisation. Men deres autenticitetsforstaelse mangler en analyse af de skyggesider, som begrebet kan siges at hjemsoges af. Artiklen viser derfor, hvordan samtidens autenticitetsforstaelse kan opfattes som manifestation af et blidt barbari, hvis socialisationsbaerende indhold ogsa kan opfattes som indskraenkende, manipulerende og snaevert ensidigt, med en raekke individuelle konsekvenser til folge. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Anders Petersen: Authenticity in the New Spirit of Capitalism – Manifestation of Gentle Barbarity Authentic self-realization has become a very well integrated part of western societies, that is, it has become a central marker of socialization. In this article I discuss the content of the concept of authentic self-realization. I attempt to describe this by following the work of Luc Boltanski & Eve Chiapello (1999), who developed the concept of authentic self-realization in the new spirit of capitalism as a key component of their analysis. By following their conceptualisation, I go on to discuss how active realization of the authentic self in the new spirit of capitalism is an institutionalized claim, which is expected to be converted into praxis. In their analysis, however, they do not pay sufficient attention to the numerous shady sides of this claim to authentic self-realization. In this article I point out what one might call the gentle barbarism of this claim, that is, the one-sided, deeply narrowing and manipulative character of the acclaimed content of authentic self-realization. Key words: Authentic self-realization, socialization, new spirit of capitalism, gentle barbarism.

3 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Meilvang as mentioned in this paper examines the public debate in the Danish newspapers concerning the rejected Iraqi asylum seekers who moved into the Brorson's Church in Copenhagen, May 2009, using Boltanski and Thevenot's theories about regimes of justification and pragmatic action-regimes.
Abstract: I denne artikel undersoges den offentlige debat i de danske aviser vedrorende situationen omkring de afviste irakiske asylansogere, der tog ophold i Brorsons Kirke i Kobenhavn, maj 2009. Artiklen kortlaegger med udgangspunkt i Boltanski og Thevenots teori om retfaerdiggorelse og pragmatiske handlingsregimer de mader, hvorpa aktorerne i debatten retfaerdiggor deres vurderinger af situationen. Artiklen viser, hvordan debatten foregar i tre forskellige regimer: Det civile, barmhjertighedens og voldens. Disse forskellige regimer peger mod forskellige handlinger og evalueringer af situationen og viser, hvorfor debattens aktorer er uenige om, hvordan situationen og irakerne skal bedommes. Artiklen viser, hvordan aktorerne i debatten arbejder med og udvider modellerne for moralsk retfaerdig handlen. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Marie Leth Meilvang: Newspaper Debates about Rejected Iraqi Asylum Seekers who Sought Refuge in a Danish Church This paper examines the public debate in the Danish newspapers concerning the rejected Iraqi asylum seekers who moved into the Brorson’s Church in Copenhagen, May 2009. Using Boltanski’s and Thevenot’s theories about regimes of justification and pragmatic action-regimes the article will map out the ways in which people in this debate justify their judgment of the situation. The article shows how the debate is going on in three different kinds of regimes: The civil regime, the compassion/pity regime and the violence regime. These different regimes point toward different kinds of action and evaluation of the situation, which is why the actors in the debate disagree about how the situation and the Iraqis should be judged. The article shows how the actors in the debate are working on and developing models of just and moral behavior. Key words: Justification, Brorson’s Church, asylum seekers, Boltanski, Thevenot.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Christensen et al. as discussed by the authors examined how adult and child weight correlates with economic, cultural and social capital and demonstrated clear gender-differences in a Danish survey data from 2007 and used factor analyses as well as linear and generalized ordered logit regressions for estimations.
Abstract: Forekomsten af overvaegt og fedme er steget i den danske befolkning inden for de seneste artier. En betydelig maengde forskning har pavist sammenhaenge mellem vaegt og sociookonomiske karakteristika sa som uddannelse og indkomst. I denne artikel soger jeg at belyse disse sammenhaenge gennem et sociologisk teoretisk perspektiv. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i Bourdieus praksisteori og begreber som livsstil, habitus og kapital, der forbinder objektive livsvilkar med handlinger, praeferencer og vaerdier. Det undersoges, hvordan okonomisk, kulturel og social kapital er korreleret med born og voksnes vaegt. Analyserne tyder pa en klar sammenhaeng mellem vaegt og kapital. Der ses endvidere klare konsforskelle. Undersogelserne er baseret pa danske survey-data fra 2007. Jeg benytter statistiske analysemetoder til at undersoge sammenhaengen mellem vaegt og kapital, herunder faktoranalyse til at konstruere variable som maler kapitalbesiddelser. Sogeord: Vaegt, BMI, Bourdieu, kapital, kon. ENGELSKE ABSTRACTS: Vibeke Tornhoj Christensen: Weight and Capital – The Application of Bourdieu’s Concepts of Habitus and Capital in an Analysis of Differentiated Weight Levels among Adults and Children The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased in the Danish population in the past decades. Considerable research in recent years has shown a correlation between weight and socio-economic characteristics such as education and income. This article seeks to provide an extension to previous research by applying a theoretical perspective using Bourdieu’s theory of practice connecting objective conditions of life with behaviour, preferences and values. The article examines how adult and child weight correlates with economic, cultural and social capital. The results show a clear correlation between weight and capital and demonstrate clear gender-differences. The study is based on Danish survey data from 2007 and uses factor analyses as well as linear and generalized ordered logit regressions for estimations. Key words: Weight, BMI, Bourdieu, capital, gender.

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Henriksen as discussed by the authors argues that a too strong focus on morality as the basis for trust has the potential to increase conflicts between society's in-groups and its out-groups, and that trust is based on an expectation that the trustee's interests will be taken seriously by the trustee.
Abstract: Tillid er ikke laengere kun et sporgsmal, der har akademisk interesse I stigende grad er det ogsa blevet et emne, der har politikere og meningsdanneres bevagenhed Tillid er endda blevet et politisk mal I denne politiske diskussion ses den danske befolknings hoje niveau af savel gensidig tillid som institutionel tillid ofte som et resultat af en faelles historie og homogen kultur Med regeringsgrundlaget ”Danmark 2020” som eksempel forsoger artiklen at levere en teoretisk funderet kritik af denne fremherskende forstaelse Artiklen demonstrerer, at perspektivet om moraldannende faellesskaber privilegerer en bestemt forstaelse af tillid – og underspiller eller overser helt centrale aspekter ved tillidsfaenomenet: Det gaelder saledes sporgsmalet om, hvilke grupper i samfundet, der erfarer, at deres interesser er indbefattede i andres interesser Det gaelder sporgsmalet om samfundsinstitutioners evne og kapacitet til at reducere sarbarhed og usikkerhed, og det gaelder sporgsmalet om adgang til og kontrol over forskellige former for ressourcer, der kan fungere som en baggrund af sikkerhed at falde tilbage pa Artiklens afsluttende pointe er, at en for ensidig fokusering pa betydningen af moral er forbundet med en vis risiko for, at mistilliden mellem samfundets ”ingroups” og dets ”outgroups” kan blive forstaerket ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Lars Skov Henriksen: Trust – a Question of Moral Values? Trust is no longer exclusively an academic concern There has been increasing interest in the concept on the part of politicians, opinion makers and the general public A high level of trust has become a political goal in Denmark There is general agreement that high levels of social and institutional trust are embedded in historical experience and common national culture This article analyses a Danish government document, “Danmark 2020”, to develop a critical discussion of the widespread idea that trust arises when a community shares a set of moral values This turns out to be only a partial explanation The article explores three alternative theoretical ideas The first is that trust is based on an expectation that the “truster’s” interests will be taken seriously by the trustee The second explores the importance of institutions and their capacity to reduce risk and uncertainty And the third discusses the influence of power, capital, resources and social position for the possibilities of running the risk of trusting someone The article ends on a critical note, warning that a too strong focus on morality as the basis for trust has the potential to increase conflicts between society’s in-groups and its out-groups Key words: Trust, moral, encapsulated interests, risk, uncertainty, institutions

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Larsen as discussed by the authors discusses the appearance of new forms of critique of urban development as well as the moderate articulation hereof in the more established academic critique, arguing that the often positive position of the former constitutes a constructive supplement to the negative critique of existing power relations in the latter.
Abstract: Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i fremkomsten af nye kritikformer i forhold til byudviklingen og den beskedne artikulering heraf inden for den mere etablerede, akademiske bykritik. Det argumenteres, at det ofte positive og eksperimenterende afsaet i forstnaevnte udgor et konstruktivt supplement til sidstnaevntes ofte negative kritik af eksisterende magtforhold. Den franske filosof Henri Lefebvres begrebsliggorelse af byen og den sociale rumlighed, der faktisk indgar som inspiration i en stor del af den nye, urbane kritik, fremdrages som en vaesentlig mulighed for at etablere kritikken yderligere inden for den akademiske bykritik. Saerligt relevant for en sadan etablering er det, Lefebvre betegner transduktion: Den lobende udforskning af (u)muligheder gennem konstruktionen af utopiske, virtuelle objekter i dialog med samtidige alternative grupperinger. Lefebvres kritik af den sociale rumlighed fremstilles i artiklen som kulminationen pa hans konstruktion af en virtuel, differentiel rumlighed. Lefebvres relatering af dette virtuelle objekt til tendenser til fordrejende genfortolkninger af det samtidige Paris’ rumlighed fremhaeves bade som en direkte pointering af det kritiske potentiale i sadanne eksperimenterende praksisser og som symptom pa begraensninger i Lefebvres utopiske perspektiv. Artiklen praesenterer derfor afslutningsvis tre nyere eksponenter for en urban, eksperimenterende kritik: Luc Levesque, Panu Lehtovuori og Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Jan Lilliendahl Larsen: An Urban Critique – Contributions from Lefebvre and More Recent Urbanists This article discusses the appearance of new forms of critique of urban development as well as the moderate articulation hereof in the more established academic critique. It argues that the often positive position of the former constitutes a constructive supplement to the negative critique of existing power relations in the latter. Lefebvre’s transductive method is particularly relevant here with its ongoing prospecting of (im)possibilities through the construction of utopian, virtual objects in dialogue with contemporary, alternative groups. Lefebvre’s critique of social space is seen as the culmination of his construction of a virtual differential space. It stresses his articulation of this virtual object in relation to diversionary reinterpretations of the contemporaneous social space of Paris, both as a direct underlining of the critical potential in experimental practices and as a symptom of the limitations of his utopian perspective. To complement his perspective, three more recent exponents of an experimenting urban critique are discussed: Luc Levesque, Panu Lehtovuori and Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat.

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Haugen et al. as discussed by the authors illustrate how globalization as a social phenomenon challenges and is incorporated in sociological theory by focusing on how globalization processes actualize a reinterpretation of the fundamental theme of sociology -the problem of order.
Abstract: Hensikten med denne artikkelen er a belyse hvordan globalisering som sosialt fenomen utfordrer og innarbeides i den sosiologiske teoridannelsen. Spesielt rettes fokuset mot hvordan globaliseringsprosesser aktualiserer en refortolkning av sosiologiens grunntema, nemlig ordensproblemet. Hvordan tematiseres og begrepsfestes integrasjon i et samfunn som na kanskje omfavner hele kloden? Nar en har verdenssamfunnet som gjenstandsomrade, ma det utvikles erkjennelsesmessige kategorier som gjor det mulig a reflektere over ontologiske kjennetegn ved, nettopp, verdenssamfunnet. Imidlertid viser det seg a vaere utfordrende a gi en overbevisende argumentasjon for hvordan verdenssamfunnet henger sammen ved a benytte tradisjonelle sosiologiske begreper. Gjennom en teoretisk diskusjon vil jeg forst forsoke a avdekke grunnen til at store deler av sosiologien ikke evner a forklare hvordan et fremvoksende verdenssamfunn i okende grad fremstar som et fellesskap. Deretter vil jeg foresla at vi na ser konturene av et verdensomspennende felleskap, forstatt som dannelsen av et system rundt forventninger om kollektiv handling for a lose felles problemer. Som ledd i denne argumentasjonen vil jeg trekke frem INGOer (International Non-Governmental Organizations) som spesielt viktige for a utvikle en gryende form for global integrasjon. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Leif Martin Haugen: Globalization and Integration as a Theoretical Challenge – INGOs as an Empirical Illustration The purpose of this article is to illustrate how globalization as a social phenomenon challenges and is incorporated in sociological theory. Specifically, I will focus on how globalization processes actualize a reinterpretation of the fundamental theme of sociology – the problem of order. How can integration be conceptualized in a society that now embraces the whole planet? When the object of analysis is world society, concepts must be developed that make it possible to reflect on the ontological characteristics of this society. However, it turns out to be a challenge to provide a convincing description of how world society is integrated by means of traditional sociological insights. I attempt to unfold why sociology is having difficulties explaining how an emerging world society appears as a community. I argue that we can now observe the outline of a worldwide community understood as a system that develops around expectations of collective actions to solve common problems. I illustrate this argument with an analysis of so-called INGOs (International Non-Governmental Organizations) which are particularly important for developing a nascent form of global integration. Key words: Sociology, globalization, integration, INGOs, world society.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Christoph Ellersgaard and Anton Grau as mentioned in this paper found that cultural capital in its institutionalized form does not play the same pivotal role in a Scandinavian welfare society such as Denmark as they do in France, Britain or Germany.
Abstract: Betydningen af institutionaliseret kulturel kapital i form af diplomer fra hojere laereanstalter er central for Bourdieus forstaelse af dominansrelationer i det franske samfund omkring 1980’erne. Imidlertid viser en prosopografi – en kollektiv, relationel biografi – af de 100 vigtigste danske topdirektorer i 2007, at universitetsgrader ikke har samme betydning i Danmark som i storre industrilande. Snarere end kulturel kapital har isaer kapital opnaet gennem lang tid pa feltet – organisatorisk kapital – og nedarvet kapital betydning. Frem for at fungere som et krav er meritter fra universitetsverdenen snarere en relativt sjaelden strategi i karrierevejen mod posten som topdirektor. Der fandtes saledes ingen egentlige eliteuddannelser, der fungerede som rekrutteringsgrundlag for erhvervslivets absolutte topposter herhjemme. Studiet tyder pa, at man derfor muligvis ikke kan overfore den store betydning af kulturel kapital i det franske samfund til det danske. Sogeord: Bourdieu, kulturel kapital, geometrisk dataanalyse, magtens felt, elite. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Christoph Ellersgaard and Anton Grau: Cultural Capital among CEOs in Denmark – A Dominant Form of Capital? Cultural capital in its institutionalized form – i.e. diplomas from elites universities – is a key element in Pierre Bourdieu’s understanding of relations of dominance within French society around 1980. A prosopographical study of the 100 most important Danish CEOs in 2007 shows that degrees from elite universities do not play the same pivotal role in a Scandinavian welfare society such as Denmark as they do in France, Britain or Germany. Instead both organizational capital acquired through investment of considerable time in the field and inherited capital are important for CEOs in Denmark. Institutionalized cultural capital in the form of merit from higher education is a rare strategy in the trajectory towards executive position. The article concludes that elite education as a selection potential for top CEOs did not exist in Denmark when the current CEOs accumulated forms of capital giving merit to consideration as CEO candidates. This implies that the importance of cultural capital in the French society is not directly transferable to the reproduction of the field of power in Denmark. Key words: Bourdieu, cultural capital, geometrical data analysis, field of power, elite.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Petersen as mentioned in this paper explores the concept of lifestyle from the perspective of environmental sociology, but with relevance for sociology in general, arguing that it is necessary to reorient lifestyle studies and redefine the concept itself.
Abstract: Denne artikel tager livsstilsbegrebet op til diskussion og gor det ud fra et miljosociologisk perspektiv, men med relevans for sociologien i almindelighed. Livsstilsbegrebet er af stor betydning i miljosociologien – og i sociologien generelt – fordi studiet af livsstil muliggor en forstaelse af samspillet mellem en raekke forskellige dynamikker der former alle dele af livsforelsen for individet og i en storre samfundsmaessig sammenhaeng. Der er imidlertid behov for at gore op med nogle af de erkendelsesmaessige blindgyder som livsstilsbegrebet ofte ender i. Det gaelder isaer forestillingen om livsstil som status- og identitetssignal. Frem for alene at fokusere pa identitetssignalet og selvidentiteten som den kritiske parameter i livsstilen argumenterer artiklen for, at man forst og fremmest skal forsta livsstil som handlemader og praksisformer der er formet af blandt andet det kropslige, det kulturelle og det materielle. Artiklen er blevet til pa baggrund af et projekt om Livsstil og Naturkvalitet i Byrummet; projektet er finansieret af Realdania og Danmarks Miljoundersogelser. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Lars Kjerulf Petersen: The Concept of Lifestyle – from the Perspective of Environmental Sociology The concept of lifestyle is of great significance in environmental sociology – and in sociology in general – because studies of lifestyle enable a deeper understanding of interactions between different social dynamics affecting all aspects of everyday life. This article explores the concept of lifestyle from the perspective of environmental sociology, but with relevance for sociology in general. The article argues that it is necessary to reorient lifestyle studies and redefine the concept itself. In particular, the idea of lifestyle as a signal of status and identity needs to be reconsidered. Instead of focussing on identity and signalling as the critical factors of lifestyle, the concept needs to be understood in terms of patterns of practice which are dialectically shaped by cultural, material and bodily orders. Key words: Lifestyle, environment, practice, identity, materiality.