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Error Correction Techniques for Handwriting, Speech, and Other Ambiguous or Error Prone Systems

A survey of the design, implementation, and study of interfaces for correcting error prone input technologies for handling errors in recognition systems is presented.
Interfaces which support natural inputs such as handwriting and speech are becoming more prevalent and this is a desirable trend. However, these recognitionbased interface techniques are error prone. Despite research e orts to improve recognition rates, a certain amount of error will never be removed. Suitable research e orts should attend to the problem of correction techniques for these error prone techniques. Humans have developed countless ways to correct errors in understanding or clarify ambiguous statements. It is time for interface designers to focus on ways for computers to do the same. We present a survey of the design, implementation, and study of interfaces for correcting error prone input technologies. Previous work by others and our own research into exible pen-based note-taking environments grounds our research into interface techniques for handling errors in recognition systems.

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Error Correction Techniques for Handwriting, Speech, and
other ambiguous or error prone systems
Jennifer Manko & Gregory D. Abowd GVU Center & College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta, GA, USA
+1 404 894 7512
jmanko, endragon
Interfaces which supp ort natural inputs such as hand-
writing and speech are becoming more prevalent and
this is a desirable trend. However, these recognition-
based interface techniques are error prone. Despite re-
search eorts to improve recognition rates, a certain
amount of error will never be removed. Suitable re-
search eorts should attend to the problem of correc-
tion techniques for these error prone techniques. Hu-
mans have developed countless ways to correct errors
in understanding or clarify ambiguous statements. It is
time for interface designers to focus on ways for comput-
ers to do the same. We present a survey of the design,
implementation, and study of interfaces for correcting
error prone input technologies. Previous work by others
and our own researchinto exible pen-based note-taking
environments grounds our researchinto interface tech-
niques for handling errors in recognition systems.
handwriting and speech recognition, in-
terface design, error handling
1.1 Motivating the Problem
Computer interfaces which supp ort more natural hu-
man forms of communication (e.g. handwriting, sp eech,
and gestures) are b eginning to supplement or replace
elements of the GUI paradigm. These interfaces are
lauded for their low learning curves and their abilityto
support tasks such as authoring and drawing without
drastically changing their structure. Additionally, they
can be used by p eople with disabilities that make the
traditional mouse and keyboard less accessible.
Unfortunately, these new interfaces come with a
new set of problems |they make mistakes. When errors
occur, the initial reaction of system designers is to try
to eliminate them, for example by improving recogni-
tion accuracy. This is often a dicult task |Buskirk &
LaLomia (1995) found that an improvement of 5-10% is
necessary b efore the ma jority of people will even notice
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a dierence in a sp eech recognition system.
Worse yet, eliminating errors may not b e possible.
make mistakes when dealing with these
same forms of communication. As an example, con-
sider handwriting recognition. Even the most exp ert
handwriting recognizers (humans) can have a recogni-
tion accuracy as low as 54% when looking at word frag-
ments without the benet of their context (Schomaker,
1994). Human accuracy increases to 88% for cursive
handwriting (Schomaker, 1994), and 96.8% for printed
handwriting (Frankish et al., 1995), but it is never p er-
fect. This evidence all p oints to the conclusion that
computer handwriting recognition will never be p erfect.
Computer-based recognizers are even more error
prone than humans. The data they start with is of-
ten less ne-grained than that whichhumans are able
to sense. They have less processing p ower. And vari-
ables suchasvocal fatigue can cause usage data to dier
signicantly from training data, causing reduced recog-
nition accuracy over time in sp eech recognition systems
(Frankish et al., 1992).
On the other hand, recognition accuracy is not the
only determinant for user satisfaction. Both the com-
plexity of error recovery dialogues (Za jicek & Hewitt,
1990), and the amount gained for the eort (Frank-
ish et al., 1995), aect user satisfaction. For example,
Frankish found that users were less frustrated by recog-
nition errors when the task was to enter a command in
a form than when they were writing journal entries. He
suggests that this is b ecause the pay-back for entering
a single word in the case of a command is much larger
than in a paragraph of a journal entry when compared
with the eort of entering the word.
Error handling is not a new problem. In fact, it
is endemic to the design of computer systems which at-
tempt to mimic human abilities. Research in the area of
error handling for recognition technologies must assume
that errors will o ccur, and then answer questions ab out
the b est ways to deal with them. The goal of this pap er
is to present a survey of existing research in discovering
and correcting errors in recognition based interfaces.

1.2 Dening The Area
Our survey has have identied vekey research areas
for error handling of recognition-based interfaces.
Error reduction
Error reduction involves researchinto
improving recognition technology in order to eliminate
or reduce errors. It has been the fo cus of extensive re-
search, and could easily b e the sub ject of a whole pa-
per on its own. Evidence suggests that its holy grail,
the elimination of errors, is probably not achievable.
And big improvements (5-10%) are required b efore
users even notice a dierence (Buskirk & LaLomia,
1995). Because of these facts, wehavechosen not to
address error reduction in this paper.
Error discovery
Before either the system or the user
can takeany action related to a given error, one of
them has to know that the error has o ccured. The
system may b e told of an error through user input, and
can help the user to nd errors through its output. In
addition, system designers have used three techniques
to automate error discovery |thresholding, rules, and
historical statistics.
Error correction techniques
Just as the user inter-
face is the only way one party can inform the other
that an error has o ccured, it is also the only way that
the user can correct an error. We found that current
error handling techniques fall into three main cate-
gories |choosing a default, encouraging less ambigu-
ous input, and mimicking natural human correction
Validation of techniques
Validation go es hand in hand
with researchinto error correction techniques. Valida-
tion is the only way to determine the eectiveness of
dierent designs. Our survey uncovered researchinto
theoretical issues suchashow to compare techniques,
and practical results such as which techniques are ef-
To olkit level supp ort
Toolkits provide reusable com-
ponents and are most useful when a class of common,
similar problems exists. Interfaces for error handling
would benet tremendously from a toolkit which could
be used and re-used every time an error prone situa-
tion arose. In addition to interface widgets, a to olkit
would need to support complete reversibility, and keep
trackofmultiple potential interpretations at once.
In addition to surveying existing work, we are build-
ing a platform to test strategies for dealing with seg-
mentation errors, handwriting recognition errors, and
gesture recognition errors (see Figure 1). Our system,
called PenPad, supp orts handwriting recognition in the
context of p ersonal note-taking. Our motivation for this
application is to support note taking and do cument cre-
ation in situations when typing is not an option. This
Figure 1: PenPad’s user interface. The words:
pad; around; both the; al l; potential;
nized correctly. Thedarker theword,the surerthe rec-
ognizer is of this. The word “interpretations” was rec-
ognized incorrectly. When the user moves the mouse
over this word, five alternatives are displayed, shown
in the blow-up. The words “ink, and” were originally
incorrect, but the user was able to select them from a
similar set of five potential choices.

includes mobile settings, and users with repetitive stress
injuries or other disabilities which makekeyb oard typ-
ing dicult.
The rest of this paper describes the results of our
survey. We discuss research in each of the last four
sub-areas mentioned ab ove |error discovery, error cor-
rection techniques, validation of techniques, and to olkit
level supp ort.
Before the system can supp ort error recovery in anyway,
or the user can handle an error, one or the other needs
to know that an error has occurred. The user interface
is a conduit through which the system and user can
pass information. User input can notify the system of
an error (and correct it, described in more detail in the
next section). And it is through visual or oral feedback
that the system helps the user to identify errors.
The system can also try to determine when it has
made a mistake without the user's help, either through
thresholding (Baber & Hone, 1993; Poon et al., 1995;
Brennan & Hulteen, 1995), a rule base (Bab er & Hone,
1993; Davis, 1979), or historical statistics (Marx &
Schmandt, 1994).
2.1 User input to help the system nd
In the most common approaches to notication, the
user explicitly indicates the presence of an error by, for
example, clicking on a word, or saying a sp ecial key-
word. Many speech and handwriting recognition sys-
tems use this approach. Three well known examples
are the PalmPilot
, DragonDictate
, and the Apple
.For example, when the user clicks on a
word in the Apple MessagePad
, a menu of alternative
interpretations appears.
In cases where there is no special interface for noti-
cation or correction, user action may still help the sys-
tem to discover errors. For example, if the user deletes
aword and enters a new one, the system may infer that
an error has o ccurred by matching the deleted word to
the new one.
2.2 System output to help the user nd
There is a plethora of hidden information available to
the system designer which can help users to identify
errors. The likelihoo d that something is correct, the
history of values an item has had, other p ossible val-
ues it could have, and the user's original input are just
a few of the non application-specic ones. Our survey
shows that designer after designer has found it bene-
cial to reveal some of this hidden information to the user
(Brennan & Hulteen, 1995; Davis, 1979; Goldberg &
Goo disman, 1991; Igarashi et al., 1997; Kurtenbach
et al., 1994; Rho des & Starner, 1996) Two of the most
Figure 2: Pictures of two user interfaces,adaptedfrom
a paper about drawing understanding (A, left) (Gold-
berg & Goodisman, 1991), and pen input (B, right)
(Igarashi et al, 1997)
common pieces of information to display are the proba-
bility of correctness (called certainty in this paper), and
multiple alternatives.
An example of a system which shows information
about certainty is the PenPad system. The probability
of correctness is displayed through color. For example,
the typewritten word
is lighter (less certain)
than the corresponding words
ink, and
in Figure 1. Fig-
ure 2 shows two example systems which displaymulti-
ple alternatives. The rst (Figure 2A) is a drawing un-
derstanding system designed by Igarashi et al. (1997).
The b old line represents the system's current top guess.
The dotted lines represent potential alternatives, and
the plain line is a past accepted guess. Figure 2B shows
acharacter recognition system designed by Goldberg &
Goo disman (1991). The larger character is the system's
top choice; the two smaller letters are the second and
third most likely possibilities. In b oth systems, the user
can click on an alternative to tell the system that its
default choice should be changed. In b oth systems, if
the user continues input as normal, they are implic-
itly accepting the default choice. Interestingly, although
Igarashi had success with this approach in his drawing-
understanding system, Goldb erg and Go odisman found
that it required too great a cognitiveoverhead to be
eective in their character recognition system.
Both certainty and the displayof multiple alter-
natives can also be achieved in an audio-only setting,
as demonstrated by Brennan & Hulteen (1995). They
base their approach on linguistic research showing that
humans reveal p ositive and negative evidence as they
converse. Positive evidence is output which conrms
that the listener has heard the speaker correctly.For
example, the listener may sp ell back a name which has
just b een dictated to them. Negative evidence is output
which somehow reveals that the listener (in this case,
the recognition system) is not sure they have under-
stoo d the speaker correctly. Examples are rep eating the
speaker's sentence and replacing the questionable word

with a pause or simply saying \Huh?" Negative evidence
can also b e used to displaymultiple alternatives, So, for
example, the system maysay \call
?" in
response to a user's request. Brennan and Hulteen built
a sophisticated response system using both techniques.
They make use of positive and negative evidence, and
they limit the display of alternatives based on a contex-
tual analysis of the likelihoo d of correctness.
Another setting in whichmultiple alternatives are
commonly displayed is word prediction (Alm et al., 1992;
Greenberg et al., 1995). Word prediction is often used
to support communication and productivity for p eople
with disabilities which maketyping, and in some cases
even using a mouse, very dicult. As the user types
each letter, the system retrieves a list of words which
are the most likely completions of what has b een typed
so far. Often there are a large number of potential com-
pletions, and many are displayed at some distance from
the actual input on screen.
2.3 Thresholding
Many error prone systems return some measure of the
probability that each result is correct when they return
the result. This probability represents the condence
of the interpretation. The resultant probabilities can
be compared to a threshold. When they fall below the
threshold, the system assumes an error has o ccurred.
When they fall ab ove it, the assumption is that no error
has occurred. Most systems set this threshold to zero,
meaning they never assume that there has been a mis-
take. Some systems may set it to one, meaning they
always assume they are wrong (e.g., word prediction),
and other systems try to determine a reasonable thresh-
old based on statistics or other means (Poon et al., 1995;
Brennan & Hulteen, 1995; Bab er & Hone, 1993).
2.4 Rules
Baber & Hone (1993) suggest using a rule base to deter-
mine when errors mayhave o ccurred.This can proveto
be more sophisticated than either statistics or thresh-
olding since it allows the use of context in determining
whether an error has occurred. An example rule might
When the user has just written `for (', lower the probabil-
ity of correctness for any alternatives to the next word they
write which are not members of the set of variable names
currently in scop e.
This go es b eyond simple statistics b ecause it uses knowl-
edge about the context in whichaword has b een written
to detect errors.
2.5 Historical Statistics
When error prone systems do not return a measure of
probability, or when the estimates of probabilitymay
be wrong, new probabilities can be generated by doing
a statistical analysis of historical data about when and
where the system makes mistakes. This talk itself bene-
ts from go od error discovery. A historical analysis can
help to increase the accuracy of b oth thresholding and
rules. For example, Marx & Schmandt (1994) compiled
speech data about which letters were misrecognized as
", with what frequencies, and used them as a list of
potential alternatives whenever the speech recognizer re-
turned \
". They did the same for each letter of the
The example below shows pen data for \
" gen-
erated by the rst author by repeating each letter of
the alphab et 25 times in a PalmPilot
. The rst col-
umn represents the letter that was written; the other
columns show which letters the PalmPilot
recognizer returned. Only letters whichwere mistaken
for \
" are shown.
original top guess other guesses
e e
k k(72%) l(16%),
(8%), s(4%)
l l(80%) c(17%),
This sort of matrix is called a
confusion matrix
cause it shows potential correct answers that the system
mayhave confused with its returned answer. In this way,
historical statistics may provide a default probabilityof
correctness for a given answer. More sophisticated anal-
yses can help in the creation of better rules or the choice
of when to apply certain rules.
Although error discovery is a necessary component
of error handling interfaces, it has a stigma associated
with it: The task of error discovery is itself error prone.
Rules, thresholding, and historical statistics may all be
wrong. Even when the user's explicit actions are ob-
served, the system may incorrectly infer that an error
has o ccurred. Only when the user's action is to explic-
itly notify the system of an error can we be sure that
an error really has occurred in the user's eyes. In other
words, all of the approaches mentioned may create a new
source of errors, leading to a cascade of error handling
Once a mistake has been identied, the system can take
action to correct it, or ask the user's help in correcting
it (through some sort of error handling interface). Al-
ternatively the system can supp ort error handling in an
integrated fashion. For example, the interactive b eauti-
cation system shown in Figure 2A displays alternatives
after every stroke. The same interface also supports no-
tication |if the user selects an alternative, the system
can infer that the original default was wrong and the
alternative is correct.
Most of the tasks b eing supported require the selec-
tion of a single correct interpretation of user input (one

exception to this is search engines, whichmayhavemul-
tiple correct responses). One imp ortantchoice facing
the designer of error handling techniques is how active
the system should be in selecting this interpretation. Es-
sentially, the designer must choose whether to accept the
most certain choice by default, or to wait for user con-
rmation. The rst part of this section discusses where
eachchoice has shown up in the literature, and why. The
remaining parts discuss two commonly used techniques
for error handling, encouraging less ambiguous input,
and mimicking natural human correction strategies.
3.1 Cho osing a Default
The numb er of answers returned by an error prone sys-
tem is often larger than the number of answers exp ected
by the user. This leaves the interface designer with the
choice of selecting none of the answers, or selecting one
(or more) of the answers as \correct" by default. For
example, the drawing understanding system mentioned
above selects one line by default (shown bold in Fig-
ure 2A) (Igarashi et al., 1997). The interface designer
should use information about the probability of correct-
ness and the overhead for correcting a mistaken choice
of default to decide when it is appropriate to choose a
default. In the case of the drawing understanding sys-
tem, the interface is designed so that the user do es no
more work when the system selects a default than when
it doesn't. And if the system selects the correct choice,
the user do es less work (since they don't have to select
it themselves b efore they continue drawing).
An example of a system whichdoes well to select
nothing by default is Rhodes & Starner's (1996)
brance agent
. The remembrance agent retrieves do cu-
ments based on their relevance to the current text in an
editor. Rather than immediately displaying the most
relevant do cument, it has a small permanent window
where it shows a single line from each of three potentially
interesting do cuments. Actually selecting a document
and displaying it would be far more invasive, dicult to
correct, and often not what the user wants. Even if the
system has found relevant documents, the user may not
wantto be interrupted in order to read them.
Word prediction systems also demonstrate why the
designer maycho ose not to select a default. If, for ex-
ample, the system assumes its top prediction is correct,
it will insert it. But word prediction is a particularly dif-
cult task in which the top choice is often wrong. And
it will most likely take more keystrokes for the user to
delete the mistake and continue typing than it would to
have simply typed the whole word out in the rst place,
especially if similar mistakes happ en automatically after
every character typed.
Even when it is appropriate to choose a default for
the user, this choice may b e wrong, and b ecause of this
the user interface needs to support error correction. One
way to support this is to display alternatives from which
the user can select a correct choice. Another approach
is to unobtrusively provide ways to change the default
without necessarily displaying alternatives. For exam-
ple, Goldb erg & Go odisman (1991) suggest using a sim-
ple gesture (a tap) to select the next choice. As another
example, consider the
system in which some in-
puts are interpreted as gestures and others simply as ink
to b e drawn on the screen (Moran et al., 1997). If a user
draws a gesture which could trigger an action, suchas
\move", the system by default assumes that the action is
intended (and not simply drawing on the screen). How-
ever, if the user doesn't follow through (by selecting an
ob ject to move in this case), Moran et al. automatically
undo it, replacing it instead with its alternate interpre-
tation as plain ink.
3.2 Encouraging Less Ambiguous Input
Certain mo des of input are known to b e less error prone
than others (compare typing to handwriting recogni-
tion), and there are times when it is appropriate to
make use of this fact. For example, Suhm found that
recognition accuracy actually
by 10{65% dur-
ing this sort of error repair in a speech recognition sys-
tem (Suhm, 1997)). One option is for the computer
to oer a less ambiguous input method as an alterna-
tive. This technique has b een used eectively in the
Apple MessagePad
,as well as for speech input (Marx
&Schmandt, 1994), pen input (Goldberg & Go odisman,
1991), and a mixture of the two (Suhm et al., 1996b).
Alternatively,aninterface designer maycho ose to
encourage a less error prone input from the outset. For
example, the designers of the PalmPilot
chose to use
a unistroke alphabet (Goldb erg & Richardson, 1993). It
is easier to recognize unistrokes than to recognize hand-
writing because there is no p ossibility of segmentation
errors since each letter is exactly one stroke(pen up
to p en down). In another example, Goldberg & Go od-
isman (1991) suggest using on-screen marks (b oxes) to
reduce segmentation errors and discourage cursive hand-
Several researchers have made use of a human's ten-
dency to mimic the output of whatever they are commu-
nicating with. Zoltan-Ford (1991) found that people will
mimic sentence structures of the computer's responses,
something that helps to make natural language pro cess-
ing easier. Kurtenbach et al. (1994) investigated the
use of crib sheets which display gestures for a user to
copy. The user can request an animation of a command
by clicking on its picture on the crib sheet. Crib sheets
have also been found to successfully improve recognition
in a character recognition system (Wolf, 1990).
3.3 Mimicking Natural Human Correc-
tion Strategies
Although computers are a ma jor source of errors, hu-
mans also make mistakes. Both exp erience and research

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