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Now You're Speaking My Language: Visual Language Identification.

The goal of this work is to train models that can identify a spoken language just by interpreting the speaker’s lip movements, and it is demonstrated that this model indeed solves the problem by finding temporal patterns in mouth movements and not by exploiting spurious correlations.
The goal of this work is to train models that can identify a spoken language just by interpreting the speaker’s lip movements. Our contributions are the following: (i) we show that models can learn to discriminate among 14 different languages using only visual speech information; (ii) we compare different designs in sequence modelling and utterance-level aggregation in order to determine the best architecture for this task; (iii) we investigate the factors that contribute discriminative cues and show that our model indeed solves the problem by finding temporal patterns in mouth movements and not by exploiting spurious correlations. We demonstrate this further by evaluating our models on challenging examples from bilingual speakers.

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Now you’re speaking my language: Visual language identification
Triantafyllos Afouras
, Joon Son Chung
, Andrew Zisserman
Visual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Naver Corporation
The goal of this work is to train models that can identify a spo-
ken language just by interpreting the speaker’s lip movements.
Our contributions are the following: (i) we show that models
can learn to discriminate among 14 different languages using
only visual speech information; (ii) we compare different de-
signs in sequence modelling and utterance-level aggregation in
order to determine the best architecture for this task; (iii) we
investigate the factors that contribute discriminative cues and
show that our model indeed solves the problem by finding tem-
poral patterns in mouth movements and not by exploiting spuri-
ous correlations. We demonstrate this further by evaluating our
models on challenging examples from bilingual speakers.
Index Terms: language identification, language recognition.
1. Introduction
Language identification from audio is a relatively easy task for
humans. Indeed we can distinguish between languages that we
do not speak or understand [1]. Moreover, automatic language
identification (LID) from audio speech, is a well studied prob-
lem [2, 3, 4, 5], and determining the spoken language is often a
first step for multilingual speech recognition [6, 7].
But is it possible to infer the language spoken by only look-
ing at the speaker’s lip movements, without the audio? There
is evidence that humans can infer the spoken language by ob-
serving the lip movements of the speaker [8, 9, 10]. Moreover,
Newman and Cox [11, 12] have shown that, under controlled
visual conditions, visual language identification can also be au-
Our objective in this paper is visual language identification
in the wild speaker independent, and text (content) inde-
pendent identification. To this end, we train and evaluate vi-
sual language identification (VLID) models on a large multilin-
gual audio-visual speech dataset, composed of public datasets
of TEDx talks. We show that VLID can be accomplished un-
der more general conditions, with good accuracy and for a large
number of languages. To ensure that the models are indeed dis-
tinguishing between languages by finding patterns in the mouth
movement, and not instead using other factors (e.g. inferring
ethnicity from appearance cues) or spurious correlations, we
compare with a face recognition baseline and also evaluate the
models on a dataset from a different domain, VoxCeleb2 [13].
VLID opens up a host of interesting applications such as
automatically recognising the language in silent films, auto-
matically detecting dubbing in films, or recognising the spo-
ken language from a distance. Most importantly, from a prac-
tical perspective, it can be used to pre-condition lip reading
models, which are highly dependent on context, and to make
audio-based language identification more robust in noisy envi-
ronments. Please see our website http://www.robots.
vgg/vlid for video examples.
1.1. Related Work
Audio language identification. Research in audio language
identification has a long history, and the performance given rea-
sonably long speech segments is very high. The architectures,
aggregation methods and loss functions used in the LID task are
similar to those in speaker recognition. For example, Geng et
al. [14] investigate the use of RNNs for temporal aggregation in
language identification. Cai et al. [15] explore the encoder and
loss function for LID and propose some efficient temporal ag-
gregation strategies, while Chen et al. [16] use NetVLAD [17]
for temporal aggregation. In more recent work [18] use a 2D
CNN as feature extractor with a BLSTM backend for temporal
modelling and a self-attentive pooling layer for utterance level
aggregation. The experiments show that decision-level fusion
of different architectures yields the best results. Miao et al. [19]
propose the use of a CNN-LSTM-TDNN encoder in combi-
nation with attention mechanisms in both time and frequency.
Padi et al. [20] use a BLSTM-based attention model, obtaining
state-of-the-art results on the NRE17 dataset. Wan et al. [21]
and Mazzawi et al. [22] also investigate LSTM based architec-
tures for this dataset. Titus et al. [23] explore the effect of accent
in language identification performance and train models robust
to accented speech.
Visual language identification. The ability of humans to rec-
ognize languages by observing the lip movements of the speaker
has been researched in psycholinguistics. Soto et al. [8] first re-
port that facial speech information alone is sufficient for lan-
guage identification. Weikum et al. [9] study visual speech
identification in infants, while Ronquest et al. [10] investigate
if humans are able to distinguish between English and Spanish
based on visual speech.
However, there is limited research in using the visual
modality to automatically identify the spoken language. Previ-
ous works by Newman and Cox [11, 12] are of closest relevance
to ours: they introduce visual language identification as a clas-
sification problem, and show that languages can be classified
by using only lip motion. However, the videos used are con-
strained to studio conditions, with a small number of subjects
reading a set text, and their method does not use deep learning
methods. Also related is [24] that identifies language in music
videos by using both audio and video cues, while [25] used fa-
cial landmarks to classify between two languages, English and
French. Brahme et al. [26] use constrained local models to the
solve same task.
Lip reading. The methods used in visual language identifi-
cation are closely related to those used for lip reading. There
has been significant progress in the recent years, mainly due to
the advances in deep learning and the creation of large scale
datasets. While earlier work in the field used neural networks
to predict phonemes [27] or words [28, 29], it has been proven

Table 1: Statistics of audio-visual datasets used for training and
evaluating our VLID models and baselines. # videos: Number
of original YouTube videos. # hours: Total number of hours
# clips:. Number of clips (each video is separated into multiple
clips). For each statistic, we shown the minimum per language
in parenthesis.
dataset # hours # videos # clips
LRS3-Lang+ (dev) 1,707 (38) 19,300 (342) 683k
LRS3-Lang+ (test) 166 (0.9) 1,816 (30) 59k
VoxCeleb2-Lang 9 (0.8) 1,595 (98) 8.8k
VoxCeleb2-Biling 20.7 (0.7) 921 (26) 15k
train/# hours vs. Language
Figure 1: Language distribution of the LRS3-Lang+ dataset
in number of hours.
more recently that automatic lip reading can be generalised to
continuous speech in unconstrained domains [30, 31, 32, 33,
34]. Recent works have shown that lip reading models trained
on very large datasets can achieve word error rates as low as
33% on a real-world dataset, far exceeding the performance of
professional lip readers [35].
2. Datasets
For training and evaluation, we use the LRS3-Lang [36] and
LRS3 [37] datasets, as well as VoxCeleb2 [13] as a second
multilingual test set. We show aggregate statistics of all datasets
used in Table 1.
2.1. LRS3-Lang+
LRS3-Lang [36] is a multilingual audio-visual dataset based
on videos collected from TEDx talks. The dataset covers 13 dif-
ferent (non-English) languages with a total of over 1,300 hours
of video. For English we use the “pretrain” set of LRS3 [37],
where the videos come from the same domain (TED(x) talks)
and the exact same process has been followed to collect the data.
The test set of LRS3 is small and contains short segments of no
more than 6 seconds long. Therefore we re-split the “pretrain”
set into a development and test set containing disjoint speakers.
We incorporate this new split into LRS3-Lang as the English
part to create a composite multilingual dataset of 14 languages,
which we call LRS3-Lang+. The relative distribution of lan-
guages in our composite dataset are shown in Figure 1.
2.2. VoxCeleb2
VoxCeleb2 is an audio-visual speech dataset which consists
of 5,994 speakers with a total of 1,092,009 clips in the develop-
ment set, and 118 speakers with 36,237 clips in the test set. To
assess the cross-domain generalization capabilities of the mod-
els and baselines (trained on LRS3-Lang+), we create two
subsets from the development set of VoxCeleb2, which we
use as test sets.
VoxCeleb2-Lang. VoxCeleb2 contains no language labels,
however the identity of the speakers and their nationality are
known. We therefore obtain language labels from two sources.
The first is training an audio-only model on LRS3-Lang+ (de-
tails in Section 3) and using it to classify the audio of the speak-
ers in VoxCeleb2. The second source is using the nationality
of the speakers: each language is assigned a list of nationalities
i.e. countries where the language is predominantly spoken.
For example, English is associated with American, British, Aus-
tralian, and Scottish nationalities; Spanish is associated with
Spanish, Mexican, and Argentinean nationalities etc. For ev-
ery speaker, we then use their nationality to list a set of possible
languages. This narrows down the search space for each lan-
guage considerably. The final language pseudo-labels are ob-
tained by exploiting the redundancy between these two sources:
For a given video, we only assign a language label when the
audio-only model predicts one of the languages associated with
the nationality of the speaker with a probability higher than
a strict threshold (90%). This process gives us very accurate
pseudo-labels, however leaves very few samples (less than 0.5
hour in total) for Japanese, Arabic and Greek. We therefore
exclude these languages during evaluation on this dataset. The
above procedure results in 11 languages, each containing mate-
rial from at least 98 original YouTube videos each (see Table 1).
VoxCeleb2-Biling. To assess our models on bilingual speak-
ers, we isolate individual speakers in VoxCeleb2-Lang who,
across multiple videos, appear to be speaking both in English
and in a non-English language with a high confidence, as deter-
mined by the audio model prediction. This is common due to
the Celebrity content of the VoxCeleb2 dataset (international
actors, football players, politicians etc). We then create pairs of
mother-tongue and English clips for those speakers. We refer to
the resulting split as VoxCeleb2-Biling.
3. Architecture
We implement two types of models: an audio baseline, using
audio features for LID, and our lip models using video features
for VLID.
3.1. Input representation
Audio features. The input to the audio LID network is
80-dimensional log-mel spectrograms, extracted at every 10ms
with 25ms frame length.
Video features. We extract embeddings modelling the
lip movement with a spatio-temporal (3D/2D) ResNet18 net-
work [38, 29] pretrained on word-level lip reading in En-
glish [31]. The model ingests a sequence of video frames (con-
verted to grayscale) and outputs 512-dimensional visual fea-
tures densely, one for every input frame.

3.2. Sequence modeling
We consider variations of Time-Delay Neural Networks
(TDNN) and BLSTM [39, 40] encoders for the back-end. Those
models ingest the visual features and convert them to represen-
tations more discriminative for the language recognition task,
whilst potentially modelling longer term temporal dependen-
cies. We experiment with 3 different encoder architectures.
TDNN model. This is a 10-layer residual temporal (1D) con-
volutional network. We use depth-wise separable convolutions
[41] which we find to train faster and overfit less. The kernel
width is set to 5, the number of channels to 512, and the tempo-
ral stride to 1 for all the layers.
TDNN + BLSTM. This model uses a TDNN as described above,
followed by a bi-directional LSTM (BLSTM) with a cell dimen-
sion of 512.
3×BLSTM. This model, inspired by [22], uses a stack of 3
BLSTMs with cell size 512.
Utterance level aggregation. In line with the common prac-
tices in the audio LID literature, we also experiment with 3 dif-
ferent utterance-level aggregation techniques.
Temporal average pooling (TAP). The TAP layer simply takes
the mean of the features along the time domain.
Self-attentive pooling (SAP). Unlike the TAP layer that equally
pools the features over time, [15] introduces a self-attentive
pooling layer that pays attention to the frames that are more
informative for utterance-level speaker recognition.
NetVLAD. We also consider NetVLAD[17], which has been
successfully used for temporally aggregating features in speech
models for LID [16] and speaker verification [42]. NetVLAD
mimics the BoW-derived VLAD[43] descriptor by learning a
feature vocabulary from the input representations, then soft-
quantising them over this dictionary and finally aggregating the
results (in our case temporally).
3.3. Face recognition ablation
In order to assess to what extent our models learn to distinguish
between spoken languages and are not using other appearance
cues that are strongly correlated (e.g. ethnicity), we also con-
sider the following baseline: We take a ResNet50 convolutional
network [38] pretrained for face recognition on the VGGFace2
dataset [44] and fine-tune it on the on the VLID task. We con-
sider 2 versions: (i) the model is trained end-to-end; (ii) the
model is frozen at the penultimate residual block, i.e. only the
last residual block and classification layers are fine-tuned.
4. Experimental Setting
Training. All models are trained only on LRS3-Lang+. We
train the LID and VLID models by randomly sampling a seg-
ment of T contiguous frames from a given training clip. To
accelerate training for all models we use a curriculum, first set-
ting T = 64 and then increasing it to 128 and 256 frames (2.5s,
5s and 10s). During training the batches are balanced for lan-
guages. For languages with more samples available, the same
frames are seen less often. To run inference with the RNN-
based models on sequences longer than 256 frames (max seen
during training), we split the sequence into 128 frame segments
with 50% overlap and then average the predictions [21].
The face recognition baselines are trained by feeding one
Table 2: Language Identification performance on the test set
of LRS3-Lang+ and the VoxCeleb2-Lang split. The av-
erage class accuracy is reported everywhere (higher is bet-
ter). For all lip-reading models, a 3D/2D ResNet18 frontend
is implied, and only the sequence-processing backend is varied
and listed for comparison. Mod.: Input modality; A: Audio;
L: Lips; F: Face. Agg.: Temporal aggregation strategy; NV.:
NetVLAD. For LRS3-Lang+ we report the average over all 14
languages (chance = 7%), while for VoxCeleb2-Lang, the
average over 11 languages (excluding Japanese, Korean and
Greek, chance = 9%). As the audio model is used to generate
the pseudo-labels for the VoxCeleb2-Lang dataset, we don’t
report it’s accuracy on this test set.
LRS3-Lang+ VoxCeleb2
Model Mod. Agg. 5s 10s 30s 5s 10s
TDNN + BLSTM A TAP 95.6 96.6 97.3 - -
ResNet50 F AP 66.0 67.0 67.5 16.3 20.6
ResNet50 frozen F AP 39.9 40.8 41.2 24.5 27.4
TDNN L TAP 67.2 76.3 81.8 56.0 64.8
TDNN L SAP 66.4 74.2 76.8 52.9 62.0
TDNN L NV 66.3 74.0 75.8 46.4 59.8
TDNN + BLSTM L TAP 64.0 75.5 79.1 52.4 61.5
TDNN + BLSTM L SAP 65.4 75.2 79.2 52.1 61.1
3×BLSTM L TAP 64.8 75.5 82.0 59.5 67.4
3×BLSTM L SAP 64.5 76.0 84.0 58.5 66.7
random frame from a clip at a time, with a batch of 32. For
a fair comparison with our models, during inference we feed
the face recognition models with all the frames of each test clip
(e.g. 125 frames for the 5 seconds ones). The prediction is then
obtained by averaging the model logits for all the frames.
Evaluation protocol. We evaluate on sequences of 5, 10 and
30 seconds long. As continuous clips of 30 seconds are very
scarce in the datasets, we synthesize those by merging smaller
clips from the same video together. For all experiments, the
metric that we report is the average class language identifica-
tion accuracy. We evaluate our models and baselines on the
test set of LRS3-Lang+, on VoxCeleb2-Lang, and on
5. Results
We summarize the results of our experiments on LRS3-Lang+
and VoxCeleb2-Lang in Table 2.
As expected, the audio LID model achieves a very high ac-
curacy. The visual VLID models also perform well. In both
cases the model’s performance improves as more temporal in-
put is available. Indeed, when the visual models are supplied
with 30 seconds of input the accuracy rises as high as 84%.
In terms of architectures, all options that we examine
perform reasonably. The simplest of the models, TDNN
performs best on LRS3-Lang+, except for the 30s case
where the 3×BLSTM model achieves marginally better re-
sults. When evaluating the models on the different domain of
VoxCeleb2-Lang, the advantage of using the 3×BLSTM is
more apparent. Adding a BLSTM layer on top of the TDNN
model impairs performance. In terms of utterance-level aggre-
gation, neither SAP or NetVLAD clearly outperform simple
temporal pooling. We conjecture that these results are due to

Predicted label
True label
68 1 2 3 3 5 1 0 1 4 2 4 4 3
0 86 1 1 0 0 6 4 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 75 1 3 4 0 0 2 5 1 3 1 3
0 2 2 68 2 4 0 0 1 6 3 1 2 9
2 0 5 2 60 6 0 0 1 3 2 10 3 5
1 1 3 1 4 75 1 0 2 2 1 5 2 2
1 1 1 0 0 0 89 4 0 1 0 3 0 0
0 6 0 1 1 0 11 75 1 1 3 1 0 1
2 1 6 1 2 2 0 0 70 3 5 3 2 4
1 1 5 2 2 3 2 0 2 70 2 6 1 4
2 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 8 1 74 2 5 0
4 1 4 1 4 4 2 0 0 2 1 76 0 1
1 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 88 1
1 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 92
Figure 2: Confusion matrix for predictions of 3×BLSTM-SAP
model on the test set of LRS3-Lang+ (10 seconds experiment).
Ours Face Baseline
Figure 3: Visual language identification accuracy on bilingual
test set (VoxCeleb2-Biling). The model is tasked with dis-
criminating between each language and English. Utterances of
length 5 seconds are used. Chance accuracy is 50%.
overfitting in the more complicated models.
We show the confusion matrix for the predictions of the
3×BLSTM-SAP model in Figure 2. We note that the lan-
guages that are most commonly confused have phonetic similar-
ities (e.g. German-English, Greek-Spanish, Korean-Japanese,
We next turn to the question of whether the visual model
is indeed modelling the temporal mouth patterns to recognize
the language or is just relying on appearance cues, such as face
shape or skin tone. It is worth noting that (i) the visual fea-
tures only use monochrome (not RGB) inputs, and (ii) they are
trained on a word-level lip reading task on videos from British
television and then frozen. This limits the extent of the in-
formation that they can access from the raw frames. In con-
trast, the baselines have a varying degree of access to the raw
frames and it can be seen that they can exploit this in solving
the task. Examining the performance of the ResNet50-based
face models, we notice that the model trained end-to-end ob-
tains good results on LRS3-Lang+. However, when evaluated
on VoxCeleb2-Lang the same model performs very poorly.
Figure 4: Challenging examples from VoxCeleb2-Biling
for which our VLID model correctly predicts the spoken lan-
guage (indicated by the flag). Modelling of the lip movements
is essential to solve this task.
On the other hand, the evaluations of the model based on the
frozen ResNet50, pretrained on face recognition, shows rela-
tively worse performance on LRS3-Lang+, but its general-
ization on VoxCeleb2-Lang is better. The above suggest
that the end-to-end model finds some shortcut which leads it
to greatly overfitting the dataset. We conjecture that this might
be due to background landmarks or camera artefacts correlated
with the location of shooting of the TEDx events.
VoxCeleb2-Lang. We note that there is a significant do-
main shift between LRS3-Lang+, where the models have been
trained, and VoxCeleb2 as well as that the speaker identi-
ties between the two datasets are disjoint. As can be seen, the
VLID models exhibit strong performance despite this domain
shift. The face baselines, in contrast and as discussed above,
drop in performance to near chance level. This demonstrates
again that the VLID models are indeed using the mouth shape
(visemes) and temporal changes for LID, and not employing
shortcuts from the face and raw frames.
Bilingual speakers. On figure 3 we show results on bilingual
speakers from VoxCeleb2. As expected, the accuracy of the face
baseline fluctuates around the random performance (50%), as
inferring the spoken language given the same face is very hard
without any lip movement modelling. Our model significantly
outperforms the baseline, reaching 80% accuracy for Spanish.
We show some qualitative examples of clips of bilingual
speakers that our model predicts correctly in Figure 4. Please
refer to our website for video examples.
6. Conclusion
We can give a qualified answer to the question posed in the in-
troduction: Yes, it is possible to infer the spoken language only
by observing the speaker’s lips, and to a remarkably good accu-
racy. Our experiments have shown that using lip movements for
this task exceeds using appearance cues captured by face em-
beddings. Finally, by performing analysis on bilingual speakers
we demonstrated that our trained models can even distinguish
between different languages spoken by the same person.
In future work we plan to investigate which lip movements
provide the most discriminative cues, as well as explore the vi-
sual similarities and differences between languages e.g. de-
termine if certain viseme combinations are more prominent for
some groups of languages than in others.
7. Acknowledgements
Funding for this research is provided by the UK EPSRC CDT
in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems, the Oxford-
Google DeepMind Graduate Scholarship, and the EPSRC Pro-
gramme Grant Seebibyte EP/M013774/1.

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Frequently Asked Questions (10)
Q1. What are the future works mentioned in the paper "Now you’re speaking my language: visual language identification" ?

In future work the authors plan to investigate which lip movements provide the most discriminative cues, as well as explore the visual similarities and differences between languages – e. g. determine if certain viseme combinations are more prominent for some groups of languages than in others. 

The goal of this work is to train models that can identify a spoken language just by interpreting the speaker ’ s lip movements. Their contributions are the following: ( i ) the authors show that models can learn to discriminate among 14 different languages using only visual speech information ; ( ii ) they compare different designs in sequence modelling and utterance-level aggregation in order to determine the best architecture for this task ; ( iii ) they investigate the factors that contribute discriminative cues and show that their model indeed solves the problem by finding temporal patterns in mouth movements and not by exploiting spurious correlations. The authors demonstrate this further by evaluating their models on challenging examples from bilingual speakers. 

There has been significant progress in the recent years, mainly due to the advances in deep learning and the creation of large scale datasets. 

To accelerate training for all models the authors use a curriculum, first setting T = 64 and then increasing it to 128 and 256 frames (2.5s, 5s and 10s). 

The authors take a ResNet50 convolutional network [38] pretrained for face recognition on the VGGFace2 dataset [44] and fine-tune it on the on the VLID task. 

Cai et al. [15] explore the encoder and loss function for LID and propose some efficient temporal aggregation strategies, while Chen et al. [16] use NetVLAD [17] for temporal aggregation. 

In more recent work [18] use a 2D CNN as feature extractor with a BLSTM backend for temporal modelling and a self-attentive pooling layer for utterance level aggregation. 

To ensure that the models are indeed distinguishing between languages by finding patterns in the mouth movement, and not instead using other factors (e.g. inferring ethnicity from appearance cues) or spurious correlations, the authors compare with a face recognition baseline and also evaluate the models on a dataset from a different domain, VoxCeleb2 [13]. 

Newman and Cox [11, 12] have shown that, under controlled visual conditions, visual language identification can also be automated. 

The authors conjecture that this might be due to background landmarks or camera artefacts correlated with the location of shooting of the TEDx events.