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Amanda leigh smith 2017 patterns of drinking among college students 

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Amanda Leigh Smith's 2017 study on patterns of drinking among college students is not directly referenced in the provided contexts. However, various other studies shed light on this topic. Research by Herrero-Montes et al. (2019) found that binge drinking is prevalent among university students, with significant differences in alcohol consumption patterns between binge drinkers and non-binge drinkers. Kamalu (Year) highlighted the negative consequences of binge drinking among college students, emphasizing risk factors like low efficacy to refuse excessive drinking and peer influence. Zadarko-Domaradzka et al. (Year) discussed the prevalence of risky drinking among college students in different European regions, noting that dangerous alcohol consumption patterns are more common among male students. These studies collectively emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing patterns of drinking, especially binge drinking, among college students to mitigate associated risks and consequences.

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Patterns of drinking among college students were classified into four groups: low-risk, hazardous, binge, and high-intensity BD, revealing progressive severity in drinking behavior and consequences.

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Amanda leigh smith 2016 patterns of drinking among college students4 answersAmanda Leigh Smith's 2016 study on patterns of drinking among college students is not directly mentioned in the provided contexts. However, relevant insights can be drawn from the data available. Studies by Zadarko-Domaradzka et al. and Schuckit et al. highlight the prevalence of alcohol consumption among college students, with risky drinking patterns observed in approximately every seventh person, especially among male students. Additionally, Lau-Barraco et al. emphasize the importance of identifying situational antecedents to heavy drinking among college students, which can influence drinking motivations and mental health functioning. These findings collectively underscore the significance of understanding drinking behaviors, especially in college settings, to address risky drinking practices and associated consequences effectively.
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Who drinks more male or female students?5 answersMale and female college students both engage in heavy drinking, but there are some differences in their drinking patterns. Research suggests that male students have higher levels of alcohol consumption and are more at risk for problematic drinking behaviors. However, recent statistics show that female students also have significant issues with alcohol and their rates of binge drinking are close to or even outnumber those of male students. It is important to note that the specific drinking patterns and behaviors can vary based on factors such as social class, social media use, and involvement in college party culture. Overall, both male and female students are affected by alcohol consumption, and effective preventive and treatment interventions are needed for both genders.
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