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Are EEG sleep slow waves often distributed in the frontal region? 

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EEG sleep slow waves are often distributed in the frontal region .

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Papers (4)Insight
Yes, the paper states that there is a frontal-central cluster of delta waves in human REM sleep, characterized by relatively large, notched delta waves.
Yes, according to the paper, the ability to generate slow waves during sleep decreases predominantly over frontal regions in late midlife individuals.
Yes, according to the paper, slow waves during non-rapid eye movement sleep are often distributed in the frontal region.
Yes, according to the paper, slow waves coupled with late-fast spindles are more frequently distributed in the frontal region during stage N3 sleep.

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How to distinguish between frontal N2 and midfrontal Theta activity?5 answersFrontal N2 and midfrontal theta activity can be distinguished based on their neural correlates and functional roles. Frontal N2 is an event-related potential that is associated with conflict monitoring and response inhibition. It is typically observed in the time domain and is characterized by a negative deflection in the waveform around 200-300 ms after stimulus onset. On the other hand, midfrontal theta activity is an oscillatory rhythm in the theta frequency range (4-8 Hz) that is associated with cognitive control and attentional processes. It is observed in the frequency domain and is characterized by increased power or amplitude in the theta band. While both frontal N2 and midfrontal theta activity are involved in cognitive control, they represent different aspects of this process. Frontal N2 reflects conflict monitoring and response inhibition at a specific point in time, whereas midfrontal theta activity reflects ongoing cognitive control processes and the coordination of neural networks involved in task processing.
Where are EEG slow waves generated?5 answersEEG slow waves are generated in specific cortical locations and propagate to involve other cortical areas. The frontal cortex is the preferential site of origin in adult humans. High-density EEG source modeling shows that individual spontaneous slow waves have distinct cortical origins, with diffuse hot spots centered on the lateral sulci. Slow wave propagation along the anterior-posterior axis of the brain is largely mediated by a cingulate highway. As a group, slow waves are associated with large currents in various cortical structures, including the medial frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate, precuneus, and posterior cingulate. The thalamocortical system plays a role in the generation and propagation of sleep slow oscillations.

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