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Can a choice of words change behavior? 

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The choice of words can indeed change behavior. Words hold significant power in influencing actions and attitudes, often operating through automatic processes that impact behavior aligned with desired outcomes. Language, especially when related to ideologies and power structures, can shape behaviors of exclusion, alienation, or abuse. Effective communication, particularly in healthcare settings, plays a crucial role in behavioral treatment, where language can prevent dichotomous thinking and lead to sustained lifestyle changes. Emotional manipulation through words has historically been used to evoke specific responses, leading to extreme actions like genocide or inspiring positive attitudes and actions. Therefore, the careful selection of words can be a potent tool in inducing behavioral change and achieving socially-desirable outcomes.

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Yes, the choice of words can change behavior by preventing bias, promoting positive thinking, and sustaining lifestyle changes, leading to better treatment outcomes among patients.
Choice of words influences behavior, as seen in churches where language shapes exclusion and abuse. Changing words towards the divine can alter behaviors, highlighting the power of language in behavior change.
Journal ArticleDOI
26 Feb 2020
9 Citations
Choice of words can significantly influence behavior by evoking emotions and shaping attitudes. Leaders who master this skill can manipulate or inspire people, as seen in historical propaganda examples.
Choice of words can influence behavior by leveraging System 1 cognition. Words play a crucial role in inducing behavioral change aligned with public health objectives during the COVID-19 crisis.
Journal ArticleDOI
28 Mar 2012-BMJ
Yes, the choice of words can change behavior, as seen in the paper where discussing weight restrictions on a CT table negatively impacted the patient's feelings and demeanor.

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