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Can food frequency questionnaire be used to retrospectively assess the dietary intake of mothers of the stunted children? 

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A Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) can be utilized to retrospectively assess the dietary intake of mothers of stunted children . Studies have shown that FFQs can provide a reasonable estimate of dietary intake, including energy and key micronutrients, during critical periods such as the first 2 years of a child's life and pregnancy . The validity of FFQs has been demonstrated in assessing dietary nutrients and food intakes, making them suitable for nutritional epidemiological studies . Despite limitations, FFQs have been found to be effective in evaluating dietary intake, including micronutrients like folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, which are crucial for maternal and fetal health. Therefore, FFQs can be a valuable tool for retrospectively evaluating the dietary intake of mothers of stunted children, providing insights into their nutritional status during critical periods.

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Is food frequency questionnaire could be used as dietary intake in a retrospective?5 answersThe food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) can be utilized as a tool for assessing dietary intake retrospectively. Studies have shown that FFQs are commonly used in nutritional epidemiological research to evaluate overall dietary intake, despite some limitations. Research indicates that FFQs can provide valuable insights into dietary patterns and nutrient consumption over a specific period, making them suitable for retrospective dietary intake assessments. However, it is essential to consider factors such as the validity and reproducibility of FFQs when using them for retrospective dietary assessments, as these questionnaires may have varying levels of accuracy in capturing dietary information. Overall, while FFQs can offer valuable retrospective dietary intake data, researchers should be mindful of their limitations and consider validation studies to ensure the reliability of the results.
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