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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2018
13 Citations
They are mainly related to the cultural contexts, which affect the propensity to become an entrepreneur
The finding of this research shows the strong relation between individual desire and education to students' willingness to become an entrepreneur.
In more developed countries, individual characteristics may be still determinant factors shaping the decision to become an entrepreneur, although their magnitude may depend on the stage of the entrepreneurial process.
The findings are less clear in regards to the link between general education and the choice to become an entrepreneur.
The results indicated that the perceived entrepreneurial capacity to create an enterprise and the perceived entrepreneurial capacity to become an entrepreneur are two explanatory variables of intentions for these students.
The characteristic of entrepreneur is found to be a significant factor for business success of SMEs in Bangladesh.
It places the entrepreneur at the forefront of the Transitional Economy and identifies the entrepreneur as a catalyst for change and progress.

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How is the affect of adaptive capacity toward business resilience?
10 answers
Adaptive capacity plays a crucial role in enhancing business resilience by enabling organizations to respond effectively to disruptions and crises. This capacity is fundamental across various sectors, from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large industries, including healthcare and agriculture, and it significantly influences how businesses can withstand and recover from adverse events. In the context of SMEs, adaptive capacity is essential for navigating the challenges posed by crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies have shown that SMEs, particularly those with limited resources, can leverage adaptive capacity through entrepreneurial mindset and social capital to transform their business models and ensure sustainability during and after crises. Similarly, in process industries, adaptive capacity is identified as a key factor for managing disruptions and enhancing safety, with factors such as reporting safety issues, management commitment, and flexibility being pivotal. The vulnerability of SMEs to extreme weather events (EWEs) further underscores the importance of adaptive capacity in building resilience against natural hazards. A holistic management approach that includes effective resilience and adaptation strategies is necessary for SMEs to safeguard their assets and operations. In the agricultural sector, adaptive governance at both farm and policy levels is crucial for achieving resilience, though a "fit" between these levels is necessary for robustness and transformability. Healthcare systems also benefit from adaptive capacity, especially in facing shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic. Adaptive and transformative changes are integral to building resilience in healthcare, highlighting the need for transdisciplinary paradigms to facilitate resilience planning and management. The concept of adaptive capacity extends to social-ecological systems, where it enables adjustment to changing demands and external drivers, preventing rigidity and poverty traps that can lead to systemic collapse. Education plays a role in enhancing adaptive capacity by integrating quality education, education for sustainable development (ESD), and disaster risk reduction (DRR) education. This approach strengthens learning processes for competency development and supports disaster risk reduction. Regional resilience, influenced by adaptive capacity, can address multiple risks, including natural disasters, climate change, and socio-economic challenges, by engaging with structural socio-spatial inequalities. Empirical evidence from small-scale fishing communities demonstrates that adaptive capacity, through access to assets and other domains such as diversity and flexibility, governance, and natural capital, is crucial for community and household responses to environmental changes. Finally, in the context of climate change, the adaptive capacity of resource users, such as cattle producers, is linked to their resilience and ability to adapt to changing conditions, highlighting the importance of factors like occupational identity, networks, and strategic approach. In summary, adaptive capacity is a multifaceted concept that significantly affects business resilience across different sectors by enabling organizations to anticipate, respond to, and recover from disruptions and crises.
How technically capable are university students?
4 answers
University students exhibit varying levels of technical capabilities based on different studies. Research has shown that technical competencies encompass a combination of knowledge, skills, and personal qualities crucial for effective engineering work. Studies have highlighted that university students' digital and technological competencies differ based on factors such as grade level and academic achievement, with some dimensions showing high competence levels while others moderate. Additionally, a study on IT competency revealed that college students scored lower than office workers, emphasizing the importance of measuring and enhancing students' technical skills. Furthermore, initiatives integrating social media into training aim to develop digital talent, creativity, and practical skills among university students to meet the demands of a multidisciplinary labor market. Overall, university students' technical capabilities vary, influenced by educational processes, personal qualities, and the integration of technical learning with academic subjects.
What is exam anxiety?
5 answers
Exam anxiety is a prevalent form of performance anxiety experienced by individuals during exam preparation or while taking tests. It is characterized by cognitive, physiological, and behavioral symptoms triggered by stress related to evaluations. Factors contributing to exam anxiety include excessive course load, psychological stress, and low self-esteem. Test anxiety can impact individuals at various educational levels, from elementary students to doctoral candidates, hindering exam performance when stress levels become overwhelming. Strategies to manage exam anxiety include Cognitive Behavior Individual Therapy (CBIT) and Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy (CBGT), both of which have shown effectiveness in alleviating test anxiety symptoms. Overall, understanding the causes, symptoms, and interventions for exam anxiety is crucial for promoting academic success and well-being among students.
How entrepreneurial mindset can be a moderate variable of the impact of digital innovation toward business resilience?
6 answers
The entrepreneurial mindset plays a crucial moderating role in the relationship between digital innovation and business resilience, acting as a catalyst that enhances the effectiveness of digital technologies in fostering resilience. This mindset, characterized by adaptability, innovation, and a proactive approach, significantly influences how businesses leverage digital innovation to navigate crises and emerge stronger. Digital innovation, by itself, offers tools and platforms that can improve business processes, enable rapid pivoting, and facilitate the development of new business models. However, the presence of an entrepreneurial mindset amplifies these benefits, making businesses more adept at utilizing digital technologies to enhance their resilience. For instance, the swift resilience framework highlights the importance of being alert and acting swiftly, leveraging digital innovation for rapid organizational adjustments during crises. Similarly, the adoption of digital technologies, such as Blockchain, 3D Printing, and Artificial Intelligence, has been shown to improve firms' resilience during the COVID-19 outbreak, with the entrepreneurial mindset likely enhancing the strategic deployment of these technologies. Moreover, the entrepreneurial mindset encourages the exploration of digital technologies as antecedents of supply chain memory, which in turn, affects supply chain resilience and robustness. This mindset also facilitates the use of digital communication technologies to activate resilience through connections, collaborations, process diversification, and supply chain flexibility. Additionally, in the context of SMEs, the entrepreneurial mindset aids in the effective utilization of internal crisis management tools and state compensation measures, further supported by digitalization to retain employment levels during crises. In essence, the entrepreneurial mindset serves as a bridge that maximizes the potential of digital innovation for business resilience. It enables businesses to not only adopt digital technologies but also to integrate them into their strategic responses to crises, thereby enhancing their capacity to withstand and recover from disruptions.
How entrepreneurial mindset can be a moderate variable of the impact of risk management toward business resilience?
10 answers
The entrepreneurial mindset plays a crucial moderating role in the relationship between risk management and business resilience, acting as a catalyst that enhances a firm's ability to navigate through crises and uncertainties. This mindset, characterized by adaptability, innovation, and a proactive approach, significantly influences how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) plan for and respond to adversity, thereby affecting their resilience and performance. Studies have shown that SMEs, particularly those led by entrepreneurs with a strong entrepreneurial mindset, are better equipped to implement effective risk management strategies, which in turn, bolster their resilience and ability to sustain operations during challenging times. Entrepreneurs with a high level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and an internal locus of control, traits central to the entrepreneurial mindset, are more likely to engage in behaviors that enhance business resilience. This includes the ability to perceive opportunities amidst adversity, a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances, and the capacity to mobilize resources efficiently. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial mindset encourages the utilization of social capital, both bonding and bridging, to reshape business models and strategies in response to external shocks, thereby facilitating business transformation and sustainability. Innovative entrepreneurial vitality, another aspect of the entrepreneurial mindset, has been identified as a significant factor that positively impacts economic resilience by upgrading industrial structures, alleviating income gaps, and guiding economic agglomeration, especially under conditions of economic policy uncertainty. This vitality fosters a culture of continuous innovation and agility within the organization, enabling businesses to anticipate, cope with, and recover from disruptions. Moreover, the entrepreneurial mindset contributes to the development of resilience capabilities, such as efficiency-based, adaptive, collaborative, change, and learning capabilities, which are essential for SMEs to survive and thrive in the face of major disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. It also influences the adoption of digitalization and internal policies optimizing variable costs, which are crucial for maintaining employment levels and ensuring the sustainability of knowledge-intensive SMEs during economic shocks. In essence, the entrepreneurial mindset enhances the effectiveness of risk management practices by fostering a culture of resilience, adaptability, and continuous innovation, which are vital for navigating through crises and ensuring long-term business sustainability.
How entrepreneurial ambidexterity can be a moderate variable of the impact of adaptive capacity toward business resilience?
4 answers
Entrepreneurial ambidexterity, characterized by the ability of businesses to simultaneously explore new opportunities and exploit existing competencies, plays a crucial moderating role in the relationship between adaptive capacity and business resilience. Adaptive capacity, which refers to a firm's ability to adjust to changes, crises, or uncertainties, is foundational for business resilience, especially in the face of external shocks such as economic downturns or pandemics. However, the extent to which adaptive capacity translates into actual resilience can be significantly influenced by a firm's entrepreneurial ambidexterity. Studies have shown that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) leveraging information technology capabilities can enhance their organizational ambidexterity, thereby stimulating resilience and performance even with limited resources. This is particularly relevant in turbulent times, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, where firms with ambidextrous strategies were better positioned to overcome crises by exploring new markets and exploiting manufacturing knowledge for innovation. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial orientation, a component of entrepreneurial ambidexterity, has been found to improve innovation capabilities, which are essential for adapting and surviving in uncertain environments. Entrepreneurial ambidexterity facilitates the utilization of both bonding and bridging social capital, enabling businesses to reshape and sustain their operations through innovation and the development of new business models. Moreover, it supports startups in overcoming contradictory pressures by fostering innovation ambidexterity, dynamic capability, and agile leadership, which are vital for business resilience. The mediating role of dynamic decision-making capability between big data analytic capabilities and innovation ambidexterity further underscores the importance of ambidexterity in navigating digital contexts for resilience. In essence, entrepreneurial ambidexterity enriches the adaptive capacity of firms by providing a strategic framework that not only addresses immediate survival needs but also ensures long-term sustainability and competitiveness. This is achieved through a balanced focus on innovation, risk-taking, and proactive adaptation strategies, which collectively enhance the firm's resilience in the face of adversity.
What factors influence the size of calculi in nephrolithotomy percutanea?
5 answers
The size of calculi in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) can be influenced by various factors. Factors such as stone burden, stone configuration, stone density, and stone diameter play a significant role in determining the size of calculi in PCNL. Studies have shown that stone diameter greater than 4.5 cm, stone density over 900 HU, and complete staghorn stones are independent factors that can affect the size of calculi in PCNL. Additionally, the location and anatomy of the collecting system, as well as the type of renal stones, can also impact the size of calculi and the complexity of the procedure. Understanding these factors is crucial in planning and executing successful PCNL procedures for patients with varying stone sizes.
What is the relationship between Age and Community-based health insurance?
4 answers
Age plays a significant role in the uptake of Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI). Studies show that individuals between 30 and 49 years old are more likely to adhere to health insurance schemes. Additionally, younger significant others, aged less than 60 years, are more willing to subscribe to CBHI for elderly family members. Conversely, reproductive-age women aged 20-34 years in Ethiopia are less likely to enroll in health insurance compared to younger women. Furthermore, in Katsina State, Nigeria, the mean age of CBHI enrolled households was higher than non-enrolled households, indicating a potential correlation between age and CBHI utilization. These findings highlight the importance of considering age demographics when promoting and implementing CBHI initiatives.
What are the short-term effects of participating in extracurricular activities on academic performance?
5 answers
Participating in extracurricular activities has short-term positive effects on academic performance. Studies show that students involved in extracurriculars tend to perform better academically, attend classes regularly, accomplish more, and have increased self-confidence. Additionally, engagement in extracurricular activities like arts and music positively correlates with improvements in general academic performance. Furthermore, extracurricular physical activities have been linked to better academic records, reduced screen time, and improved physical condition and quality of life among students. However, the impact varies based on the type and number of activities, with some extracurriculars showing a more significant positive effect on academic performance than others. Overall, participating in extracurricular activities can lead to immediate benefits in academic achievement.
How is the affect of entrepreneurial finance towards business resilience?
5 answers
Entrepreneurial finance plays a pivotal role in enhancing business resilience, particularly in the face of economic adversities and uncertainties such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The research by Abdullah Hamoud Ali Seraj et al. underscores the importance of financial literacy in bolstering entrepreneurial competency and resilience, which in turn significantly improves sustainable performance among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia. This finding is echoed in the study by Yanchun Xia et al., which demonstrates that digital finance, by facilitating access to external financing and reducing financing costs, significantly aids corporate resilience during crises. Moreover, the resilience of SMEs, as highlighted by Paolo Roffia and Marina Dabić, is positively influenced by the availability of supplementary financial resources, among other factors. This suggests that financial readiness and the ability to leverage financial tools are crucial for businesses to withstand and recover from disruptions. The role of innovative entrepreneurial vitality, enhanced by economic policy uncertainty, further indicates that entrepreneurial finance can significantly contribute to economic resilience by upgrading industrial structures and guiding economic agglomeration. Entrepreneurial resilience, which is significantly related to the success of SMEs, is also influenced by financial aspects. The governance mechanisms of entrepreneurial teams, including profit-sharing and management autonomy, which likely involve financial decision-making, have been found to significantly improve new venture resilience. This is supported by the broader perspective that small business resilience, which encompasses psychological, organizational, and economic responses, is foundational to macro-level resilience within ecosystems and regions. Operational practices adopted or improvised by SMEs, underpinned by entrepreneurial orientation, further mobilize resilience, suggesting that financial strategies play a role in developing new capabilities to shield firms against threats. Lastly, the dynamic connection between different dimensions of resilience and logics of action, including financial strategies, contributes to the success of entrepreneurial projects in uncertain environments. Collectively, these studies illuminate the critical impact of entrepreneurial finance on business resilience, highlighting its role in facilitating recovery and fostering sustainable growth in the face of challenges.
What are the US guidlines with regard to physical activity?
5 answers
The US guidelines for physical activity include the recommendation for adults to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, ideally spread out over the week. These guidelines emphasize the importance of physical activity for weight control, healthy growth, and development in early childhood, suggesting joyful, safe, and age-appropriate activities. The 2018 edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans highlights the benefits of a single session of physical activity on cognitive function and brain health, providing a new approach to promote exercise for individuals not ready for long-term routines. These guidelines are considered official by the US Department of Health and Human Services, aiming to improve public health by encouraging regular physical activity to combat sedentary behavior and reduce the risk of major noncommunicable diseases.