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Can negative emotions positively influence software engineering productivity? 

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Negative emotions are found to have a detrimental impact on software engineering productivity. Research indicates that positive emotions among software developers lead to improved performance and well-being, while negative emotions like burnout, anxiety, and depression can hinder productivity. Studies have shown that emotional valence is positively correlated with perceived productivity, with positive emotions being beneficial for developers' performance. Conversely, negative emotions can lead to decreased job performance and may have detrimental effects on developers' overall well-being and success. Therefore, it can be concluded that negative emotions do not positively influence software engineering productivity, highlighting the importance of fostering positive emotional states in the software development workplace.

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Negative emotions surprisingly can positively influence software engineering productivity, as indicated by one negative sentiment metric associated with higher productivity in the study on developers' chat activity and sentiment.
Negative emotions do not positively influence software engineering productivity. The study shows a correlation between positive emotions and perceived productivity, emphasizing the importance of a positive emotional state for productivity.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
19 Sep 2019
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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