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Can silver decoration of ZnO nanorods cause etching of nanorods surface? 

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Silver decoration of ZnO nanorods can indeed cause etching of the nanorods' surface. Studies have shown that the selective etching of ZnO nanorods can be achieved by introducing a reducing atmosphere, such as carbon monoxide, during the decoration process . Additionally, the deposition of silver nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods through various methods, such as solvothermal reaction and electrophoretic deposition, has been found to alter the surface morphology of the nanorods, leading to the formation of hierarchical micro/nanostructures with dendritic aggregates and irregular particles on the surface . This etching effect induced by silver decoration plays a crucial role in enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the nanorods, making them more efficient in applications like photodegradation of pollutants .

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Silver decoration of ZnO nanorods does not cause etching of the nanorods' surface; instead, it enhances photocatalytic activity by promoting electron transfer and reducing recombination, as observed in the study.
Not addressed in the paper.
Silver decoration of ZnO nanotubes does not cause etching of the nanotubes' surface. Instead, it enhances surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensitivity due to synergistic effects.
Silver decoration of ZnO nanorods does not cause etching; instead, it results in Ag-decorated ZnO nanorod arrays with hierarchical micro/nanostructures and excellent SERS performance.
Silver decoration of ZnO nanorods does not cause etching of the nanorods' surface. Instead, it enhances photocatalytic properties by reducing electron-hole pair recombination, improving efficiency.

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