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Can subsequent aqueous hydrogen headspace lead to the loss of direct electron transfer capability? 

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Subsequent aqueous hydrogen headspace can indeed impact the direct electron transfer capability. The presence of water and active hydrogen at the semiconductor/dielectric interface can lead to a significant drop in threshold voltage in thin-film transistors, affecting electron trapping . Additionally, the reaction between solvated electrons and protons in water involves rapid proton motion along hydrogen bonds, emphasizing a proton-transfer mechanism over electron-transfer in radiation-induced processes . Moreover, the ultrafast transfer of energy across a hydrogen bridge in water dimers can result in the ejection of low-energy electrons, potentially contributing to radiation damage in biological matter . These findings collectively suggest that aqueous hydrogen environments can influence electron transfer processes, highlighting the importance of understanding such interactions for various applications.

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Switching to heavy water (deuteration) can significantly slow down protein electron transfer due to changes in protein flexibility and hydrogen bonding, affecting direct electron transfer capability.
Yes, subsequent aqueous hydrogen headspace can lead to the loss of direct electron transfer capability due to acid-base neutralization reactions at the semiconductor/dielectric interface, causing electron trapping.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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