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Diatom carbon cycle에 대한 research paper는 어떤게 있어? 

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다이어톰 탄소 순환에 대한 연구 논문 중 일부는 다이어톰이 해양 생태계에서 탄소 순환에 미치는 영향을 다루고 있습니다. 또한, 다이어톰의 세포벽에 포함된 탄소를 분석하여 탄소 동위원소 조성을 추적함으로써 담수에서의 탄소 순환을 연구하는 논문도 있습니다. 또한, 다이어톰 기능 군을 고려한 탄소 중심 그리드 기반 통합 지구 시스템 모델(EcoGEnIE)을 확장하여 다이어톰의 생태학적 역할을 모델링하는 연구도 있습니다. 이러한 논문들은 다이어톰이 탄소 순환 및 해양 생태계에서의 중요성을 이해하고 예측하는 데 중요한 정보를 제공합니다.

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"A diatom extension to the cGEnIE Earth system model – EcoGEnIE 1.1" 논문에서 diatom functional group을 다룬 연구가 있습니다. Diatom이 carbon cycle에 미치는 영향을 다룹니다.
Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica research paper에서 diatom carbon cycle에 대한 연구가 다뤄졌습니다.
###Carbon cycling in benthic diatom mats: Novel applications of LC/IRMS### 논문이 diatom carbon cycle에 대한 연구를 다룸. Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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What is the importance of understanding photosynthesis on diatom?5 answersUnderstanding photosynthesis in diatoms is crucial due to their significant role in oxygen production and biomass generation. Diatoms possess unique photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll a/c, fucoxanthin, and carotenoids, which not only capture solar energy for photosynthesis but also provide antioxidant and photoprotective functions. Their photosynthetic machinery exhibits special features in light-harvesting antenna systems, heat dissipation regulation, and metabolite exchange, distinguishing them from other eukaryotic algae. Diatoms can adjust their photosynthetic processes to optimize light reactions while minimizing photodamage, showcasing their ability to acclimate to environmental cues. Moreover, diatoms' photosynthetic properties can be manipulated by factors like light intensity and duration, emphasizing the importance of understanding these processes for potential applications in various industries.
How principal curves used to simulation diatom ontogenetic changes?5 answersPrincipal curves have been used to simulate diatom ontogenetic changes. The concept of principal curves is a non-linear generalization of principal components, which are optimal linear summarizations of data. Principal curves are smooth curves that pass through the middle of a data set, providing a new representation of the data. They have been applied in various fields, including the analysis of diatom ontogenetic changes. The use of principal curves allows for the extraction of hidden structures in data and can aid in visualizing and reducing the dimensionality of the data. Several algorithms have been developed to find principal curves, including the subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithm and the iterative algorithm incorporating Riemannian distances. These algorithms have been shown to be effective in finding principal curves and can be applied to simulate diatom ontogenetic changes.
What diatom studies are from new zealand?5 answersDiatom studies from New Zealand have focused on various aspects of diatom research. One study described a new diatom species, Frankophila biggsii, found in freshwater subaerial wet limestone/dolomite wall habitats. Another study explored the fine structure of two marine plankton diatoms, Stepkanopyxis orbicularis and Biddulphia mobiliensis, using photogrammetric means. Additionally, research has been conducted on cyanobacteria in New Zealand, with investigations into N2-fixing species, symbiotic relationships, metabolic kinetics, nutrient and environmental factors, and toxicity. Furthermore, the presence of six species of Spirogyra, including two new species and four new records for New Zealand, has been documented. These studies contribute to our understanding of diatom diversity, morphology, ecology, and the factors influencing their growth and dominance in New Zealand's aquatic environments.
How does the carbon cycle work?4 answersThe carbon cycle is a natural process that involves the movement of carbon between different reservoirs on Earth, including the atmosphere, oceans, soils, and living organisms. It is essential for sustaining life and understanding climate change. Initially, the Earth's atmosphere was carbon-rich, but over time, most of this carbon was withdrawn from the surface carbon cycle through processes like ocean sedimentation and the formation of fossil fuels. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have led to an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions, contributing to global warming. The carbon cycle is influenced by both natural and anthropogenic sources of carbon, such as buildings, transport, industry, forests, and the oceans. The cycling of carbon is important for managing the global climate, and understanding its processes and sources is crucial for mitigating climate change.
What are the mathematic models using cyanobacteria life cycle?5 answersMathematical models of cyanobacteria life cycles have been developed to understand and predict the dynamics of cyanobacteria blooms. These models consider different life cycle stages and their interactions. One approach involves a simplified model with two life cycle stages, a growing nitrogen-fixing stage and a resting, germinating, and vegetative stage. Another approach uses a more complex model that describes four different life cycle stages, each with internal quotas for energy and nitrogen. These models simulate the seasonal succession of life stages and can successfully simulate cyanobacteria blooms. Additionally, a model has been developed specifically for the cyanobacteria species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, which simulates its entire life cycle and predicts its population dynamics under varying environmental conditions. These models provide insights into the factors influencing cyanobacteria bloom formation and can be used to test hypotheses and predict bloom dynamics.
How to analyze metabarcoding data for diatom?5 answersMetabarcoding data for diatoms can be analyzed using several approaches. One method is to reanalyze published sequences with an ASV-based pipeline and ad hoc classification routine, which allows for the estimation of relative abundances and the comparison of species distributions. Another approach involves comparing different barcodes to assess their effectiveness in ecological assessments and species discrimination. For example, the effectiveness of two short diatom rbcL barcodes, 331 bp and 263 bp in length, has been evaluated in terms of biotic index values and ecological status classes. DNA metabarcoding can also be used to study the effects of natural radioactivity on diatom communities, providing insights into genetic richness, diversity, and structure. Additionally, DNA metabarcoding of stream diatoms can quantify the effects of nutrient pollution, identify indicator taxa, and inform protection and management efforts in streams and watersheds. Finally, DNA metabarcoding can be used to study the distribution and ecology of genetic variants within diatom species, revealing ecological preferences and facilitating the development of more accurate biological indexes for biomonitoring programs.

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How is methane gas produced in lakes and reservoirs?
5 answers
Methane gas in lakes and reservoirs is primarily produced through various mechanisms. Methanogenic archaea in sediments contribute significantly to methane production, with potential additional production in oxygenated surface waters. Paradoxically, methane can also be produced in oxygenated water by freshwater bacteria metabolizing methylphosphonate, similar to marine ecosystems, and potentially linked to (bacterio)chlorophyll metabolism by Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria. Additionally, ebullition, the release of methane bubbles from sediments, is a major contributor to total methane emissions from reservoirs, especially during the heating period with a peak before autumn overturn. These findings highlight the complex nature of methane production in aquatic ecosystems, involving diverse microbial processes and environmental factors.
Can taurine be found dissolved in seawater?
5 answers
Yes, taurine can be found dissolved in seawater. Research indicates that taurine is present in marine environments due to its release by marine organisms like crustacean zooplankton. Furthermore, taurine acts as a significant carbon and energy source for prokaryotes throughout the oceanic water column, being utilized with similar efficiencies as dissolved free amino acids. Additionally, studies on marine sponges have shown that taurine is a key metabolite exchanged between the sponge host and its microbial symbionts, highlighting its importance in the symbiotic relationship within marine ecosystems. Moreover, investigations on leaching rates of taurine from pelleted feeds used in aquaculture demonstrate that a considerable amount of taurine can be lost over time, emphasizing its solubility and potential presence in aquatic environments.
Can thiamine be found dissolved in the ocean?
4 answers
Yes, thiamine (vitamin B1) can be found dissolved in the ocean. Research has shown that thiamine is present in both particulate and dissolved forms in seawater, with concentrations ranging from femtomolar to picomolar levels. Studies have highlighted the importance of thiamine in marine environments, where it can limit primary productivity and play a crucial role in supporting the growth of marine bacterioplankton and phytoplankton. Additionally, the development of new analytical methods has enabled the direct measurement of thiamine concentrations in seawater, providing insights into its distribution and potential impact on marine microbial communities. Therefore, thiamine is indeed present in dissolved form in the ocean, influencing various biological processes and contributing to the marine ecosystem's overall productivity.
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5 answers
Calculating soil carbon sequestration involves considering various factors such as carbon input, residence time, carbon pool size, and net carbon flux. Mathematical models play a crucial role in integrating these factors and assessing carbon sequestration benefits. Studies have shown that soil organic carbon sequestration is influenced by soil physical and chemical characteristics, with models like RBF proving effective in predicting carbon sequestration based on these properties. The potential for soil carbon sequestration is significant, especially in agricultural lands, where sustainable practices like conservation tillage, surface residue retention, and integrated nutrient management can enhance carbon storage. Additionally, the storage potential of soil organic carbon is region-specific and influenced by climate and management practices, with the topsoils of global croplands holding substantial carbon storage potential.
Why study the variability of river flux of substances?
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Studying the variability of river flux of substances is crucial for understanding element cycles, erosion rates, and water quality uncertainties. It helps in predicting uncertainties in water-quality stations, especially in medium to large basins, by correlating sampling intervals with flux variability indicators. Analyzing streamflow variability and its impact on salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and conductivity provides insights into the relationship between river discharge and substance levels. Monitoring the solid and dissolved fluxes of rivers over time aids in assessing changes in water chemistry, such as variations in total suspended solids (TSS), TDS, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Daily variability studies offer tools to compare stations and river materials, enhancing the quantification and mapping of water quality fluctuations at a daily scale.
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5 answers
Hydrological cycles significantly influence biodiversity in the Pampa region. Studies show that variations in water discharge levels lead to changes in nutrient availability, affecting phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass in shallow lakes. High flushing periods result in increased trophic conditions due to nutrient import from agriculture, impacting ecosystem dynamics. Additionally, riparian areas, crucial for biodiversity, are affected by hydrological variability, with beta diversity contributing significantly to regional biodiversity. Furthermore, changes in rainfall patterns due to climate change are predicted to impact biological communities in streams, altering the structure and function of populations and assemblages of algae and macrophytes. Overall, the hydrological cycle plays a vital role in shaping the biodiversity and ecological health of ecosystems in the Pampa region.
What are the ecological impacts of marine heatwaves?
4 answers
Marine heatwaves have profound ecological impacts across various marine ecosystems. These events can lead to declines in phytoplankton abundance, affecting higher trophic organisms like marine mammals and seabirds. Additionally, kelp species may experience reduced biomass, blade surface area, and photosynthetic efficiency under the combined stress of marine heatwaves and decreased light availability. Furthermore, coral reefs face genetic alterations and symbiotic disruptions during prolonged heatwaves, impacting survival rates and symbiotic associations within reef-building corals. The sensitivity of early-life stages of species like the fiddler crab larvae to increased temperatures during marine heatwaves can result in reduced survival probabilities and physiological impacts, potentially leading to ecological cascades in estuarine habitats.
Does plant fiber increase as atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase?
5 answers
Plant fiber response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations varies based on the plant species studied. Research on Cyamopsis tetragonoloba showed that under elevated CO2 levels, fiber content did not significantly change. Similarly, a study on Brachiaria decumbens found that fiber fractions were not influenced by increased CO2 levels. In contrast, a study on kenaf varieties revealed that higher CO2 concentrations positively impacted fiber quality for paper production purposes. Overall, the impact of elevated CO2 on plant fiber appears to be species-specific, with some plants showing no significant changes while others exhibit improved fiber quality under increased CO2 levels.
What are phytoplanktons as bio-indicators of water quality?
5 answers
Phytoplanktons are valuable bio-indicators of water quality due to their sensitivity to environmental changes. They reflect the health of aquatic ecosystems and can indicate pollution levels. In freshwater streams, phytoplankton diversity and abundance, such as Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta, are influenced by factors like total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, and stream characteristics. Specific species like Synedra ulna, Gyrosigma baltium, Pleurosira laevis, Diatoma sp., and Oscillatoria sp. have been identified as indicators of water quality in different zones along streams. Additionally, diatoms have been extensively used as bio-indicators in rivers, with the Biological Diatom Index (BDI) and Water Quality Index (WQI) providing insights into water quality variations.
How do scientists determine the average number of cell divisions in a population over a specific period?
10 answers
Scientists employ a variety of methods to determine the average number of cell divisions in a population over a specific period, leveraging both theoretical models and experimental techniques to overcome the challenges posed by direct observation limitations. One foundational approach involves the use of branching measure-valued Markov processes to model cell populations, where each individual's division rate is a function of its traits, such as age or size. This probabilistic model allows for the estimation of division rates by analyzing the traits of descendants in relation to their ancestors, providing insights into the dynamics of cell division over time. Further, the division rate parameter, crucial for understanding population dynamics, is often estimated through indirect observations due to technological constraints in measuring temporal dynamics directly. Theoretical and numerical strategies are developed to estimate division rates from growth-fragmentation equations, which consider the long-term behavior of size-structured populations. These methods are complemented by mathematical models that combine partial differential equations (PDEs) and stochastic processes, focusing on the bacterial cell division cycle to estimate division rates in steady environments. Experimental approaches also play a critical role. For instance, FISH-based image cytometry combined with dilution culture experiments can measure net growth, cell division, and mortality rates, using the frequency of dividing cells as a predictor for division rates. Computerized Video Time-Lapse (CVTL) microscopy offers another avenue, enabling the tracking of cells over generations and using segmentation techniques to estimate division rates based on cell area. Additionally, inverse problem-solving methods, such as those examining size-structured models for cell division, utilize measurable stable size distributions to determine division rates, employing novel solution schemes like mollification. Lastly, mathematical models describing the dynamics of population distributions due to synchrony loss over time in synchronized cell populations provide a framework for predicting cell cycle distributions, further aiding in the estimation of average division numbers. Together, these diverse methodologies underscore the multifaceted approach scientists take to quantify cell division rates, integrating theoretical, numerical, and experimental data to gain comprehensive insights into population dynamics over specific periods.
How strong is the current carbon sequestration of an Atlantic blanket bog?
4 answers
The current carbon sequestration of an Atlantic blanket bog is significant, with the bog acting as a carbon sink. Studies on blanket bogs in Ireland and Norway show that these peatlands play a crucial role in carbon dynamics. Research in Ireland found that the bog was a CO2 sink for several months each year, with an annual sink magnitude of -49 to -61 g C m−2. Additionally, a study in subarctic Norway highlighted the importance of including lateral aquatic organic carbon export in peatland carbon budgets, with mean annual modelled DOC export being 7.2 ± 0.7 g C m−2 year−1. These findings underscore the valuable role of Atlantic blanket bogs in sequestering carbon and emphasize the need to consider various components, such as CO2 fluxes and DOC export, in assessing their carbon balance.