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Do whistles change over time? 

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Whistles can change over time. In the study by Estabilidad del Canto, it was found that the acoustic structure of the flight-whistle song of male Brown-headed Cowbirds in the Mammoth dialect differed significantly and consistently from whistles recorded in earlier studies, indicating that entire songs can evolve as cultural units or memes . Another study by Brenda McCowan developed a quantitative technique for determining whistle types based on whistle contour similarity and applied it to bottlenose dolphin whistles. The results showed that the technique successfully grouped signals by their similarity in whistle contour, demonstrating the viability of this approach for categorizing whistles . Additionally, the study by Marie Souhaut et al. found that stereotyped whistles of Southern Resident killer whales remained stable for a period of more than 35 years, indicating that whistles can have longevity and vocal tradition . These findings suggest that whistles can undergo changes and adaptations over time in different species.

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The paper states that three of the four stereotyped whistles identified in a previous study were still occurring after a period of more than 35 years, indicating that whistles are stable vocalizations. Therefore, it can be inferred that whistles do not change significantly over time.
Book ChapterDOI
H. Hagino, Toshio Ogawa, S. Yano 
01 Jan 1991
The paper states that some whistlers displayed in the sonagram show changes in signal amplitude with time and/or frequency, suggesting that whistlers can indeed change over time.
The paper mentions that whistles, such as those observed in bottlenose dolphins, can be shifted up or down in the frequency scale or compressed or expanded with respect to time and/or frequency but still retain their overall contours. This suggests that whistles can change in terms of frequency and duration but still maintain their overall contour.
The paper states that the acoustic structure of the flight-whistle song in the Mammoth dialect of Brown-headed Cowbirds has changed over time, with new variants emerging between 1989 and 2005. However, the basic three-syllable structure of the whistle has remained stable over the past 31 years.

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