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Does Boston have a high homeless population? 

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Mortality rates among homeless persons are exceptionally high.
Each year since 1993, the U. S. Conference of Mayors has reported that this group comprises the fastest growing segment of the homeless population.1 Today there are 400,000 homeless families in shelter, representing 1.1 million homeless children across America.2 Many Americans refuse to believe, however, that entire families are homeless in the richest country of the world.
The all-cause mortality rate among homeless adults in Boston remains high and unchanged since 1988 to 1993 despite a major interim expansion in clinical services.
This is surprising as the homeless population is usually considered the most at risk, yet they mostly live in urban areas.
In conclusion, high mortality rates caused by treatable or preventable conditions were seen among homeless adults in Boston.
RESULTS Conditions leading to point-prevalence bias strongly characterize the homeless population.
Findings agree with previous research that shows a growth in the homeless population, the greater number and severity of health problems in the population, the significant number of barriers that the population encounters in obtaining health care, housing, and jobs, and the concern with preventative health that the older homeless have.
The homeless population is aging by about two thirds of a year every calendar year, consistent with trends in several other cities.
Homeless adults are a vulnerable population.
A major contributing factor seems to be lack of shelter in the homeless population.

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