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Does caffeine affect gential system of rats? 

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Caffeine consumption during pregnancy has adverse effects on the reproductive system of rat offspring, including the ovary. High-dose caffeine exposure during gestation leads to a decrease in the weight, volume, and number of follicles in the ovary, as well as a reduction in the thickness of the zona pellucida. It also affects the development of different types of follicles, including primary, secondary, and Graafian follicles. The mean volume of the oocyte in Graafian follicles is significantly reduced in caffeine-treated groups. However, in a study on diabetic rats, moderate doses of caffeine did not have a damaging effect on the skeletal system. Another study found that caffeine modified the global power of brain activity and the number of peaks in the EEG trace, as well as the percentage of different brain waves. There is no specific information in the provided abstracts about the direct effects of caffeine on the genital system of rats.

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The provided information does not mention any effects of caffeine on the genital system of rats.
Yes, high-dose caffeine consumption during gestation affects all stages of ovarian follicle development in rat offspring.
The given text does not provide any information about the effect of caffeine on the genital system of rats.
The text does not provide any information about the effects of caffeine on the genital system of rats.

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Does caffeine affect gential system of rabbits?5 answersCaffeine has been found to have various effects on the reproductive system of rabbits. In one study, the addition of caffeine to stored rabbit semen increased sperm motility at a concentration of 0.2 mM/l, but higher concentrations had adverse effects on reproductive parameters. Another study showed that high doses of taurine and caffeine caused serious adverse effects in rabbits, including derangements in hepatic and renal functions, muscle activity, and lipid profiles. Additionally, the use of caffeine preparations during insemination improved the conception rate and increased the rate of male offspring in rabbits. However, there is no specific mention of the direct effects of caffeine on the genital system of rabbits in the abstracts provided. Therefore, further research may be needed to determine the specific effects of caffeine on the genital system of rabbits.
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