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Does mentzer index differ in different mutations of thalassemia carriers? 

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The diagnostic value of the Mentzer Index in differentiating between thalassemia carriers and iron deficiency anemia has been studied in several papers. The Mentzer Index has been found to be reliable in detecting true positive cases for β-thalassemia trait, with a sensitivity of 89.0% and specificity of 87.9% . It has also been demonstrated that the Mentzer Index can separate individuals with β-thalassemia minor from those without, regardless of their iron status . Additionally, the Mentzer Index has been shown to be useful in initiating screening for thalassemia carriers, regardless of iron status, in low resource settings . However, there is no specific mention of the Mentzer Index differing in different mutations of thalassemia carriers in the abstracts provided.

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The paper does not provide information on whether the Mentzer index differs in different mutations of thalassemia carriers.
The paper does not mention anything about the different mutations of thalassemia carriers and their impact on the Mentzer Index.
The study does not provide information on whether the Mentzer Index differs in different mutations of thalassemia carriers.
The given information does not provide any details about the different mutations of thalassemia carriers and their impact on the Mentzer index.
The paper does not provide information on whether the Mentzer Index differs in different mutations of thalassemia carriers.

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