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Does the gravity analog TDS sensor need calibration? 

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Yes, the gravity analog TDS sensor may require calibration. Various methods and systems exist for calibrating sensors, including gravimeters and angle position sensors. Calibration processes involve positioning the sensor in different orientations, applying external forces, and utilizing linear models or polynomial curve fits to adjust sensor outputs accurately. Sensor calibration systems can involve rotating disks with height information for adjustment, straight-line guide rails with grating rulers for displacement measurement, and motor driving modules for movement control. These calibration methods ensure that sensors provide accurate and reliable data by compensating for any inherent errors or inaccuracies in their measurements.

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Wei Yu, 于伟, Feng Xu, 徐锋 
27 Aug 2013
Not addressed in the paper.
Wang Xiu, Ma Wei, Song Jian 
16 Jul 2019
The gravity analog TDS sensor may require calibration based on the sensor calibration system described in the paper to ensure accurate readings in the field.
Masashi Saito, Brian Wightman 
26 Sep 2005
6 Citations
The method described in the paper focuses on calibrating an analog angle position sensor, not a gravity analog TDS sensor. "Not addressed in the paper."
The gravity analog TDS sensor may require calibration, as the paper discusses methods for calibrating sensors, including gravimeters, using different orientations and a linear model based on sensor outputs.
Not addressed in the paper.

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