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Effect of Pre performance routines on Arousal, stress, anxiety ? 

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Pre-performance routines (PPR) play a crucial role in managing arousal, stress, and anxiety levels before athletic performance. Studies have shown that PPR positively impact emotional states, performance thoughts, and actions . Athletes interpreting arousal positively exhibit higher self-confidence and better performance outcomes . Implementing cognitive-behavioral approaches within PPR interventions can help reduce debilitative anxiety, enhance focus, and boost confidence levels . Comparing learned PPR with intuitively developed ones, it was found that a structured PPR significantly influenced swimmers' emotional states before a race, highlighting the impact on emotional regulation . A meta-analysis also emphasizes the importance of task-relevant thoughts and actions in PPR for optimizing performance execution . Overall, incorporating effective PPR can aid athletes in managing arousal, stress, and anxiety levels, leading to improved performance outcomes.

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The meta-analysis on pre-performance routines in sports did not specifically address the effects of routines on arousal, stress, and anxiety.
The study found that a learned preperformance routine significantly influenced swimmers' emotional state, indicating a positive impact on emotional regulation before a race.
The study focuses on how athletes' interpretation of precompetitive arousal affects self-confidence, anticipatory anxiety, and performance, rather than pre-performance routines' direct impact on arousal, stress, and anxiety.
Pre-performance routines intervention can reduce debilitative anxiety, enhance focus, and boost confidence, aiding in managing arousal, stress, and anxiety levels in athletes like Judith.
Pre-performance routines positively impact arousal, stress, and anxiety levels, enhancing performance by regulating emotions and thoughts before engaging in self-paced motor tasks.

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