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How are fetal mri brain images aligned in for transverse planes? 

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Fetal MRI brain images are aligned in transverse planes using various methods. One approach is to define a mid-sagittal plane (MSP) that separates the two cerebral hemispheres . This plane is commonly used to standardize the visualization of important anatomy in MRI scans. To automatically define the MSP, algorithms have been proposed that detect the position of the head and establish a symmetrical axis that minimizes the difference between the image on either side . Another method involves aligning the images to a referential coordinate system based on skull boundaries, location of the eye sockets, and head pose . This information is used to estimate an affine transformation that aligns the volumetric image to the skull-based coordinate system . These alignment techniques ensure accurate positioning of fetal brain images in transverse planes for further analysis and diagnosis.

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The paper does not mention the alignment process for fetal MRI brain images in transverse planes.
Fetal MRI brain images are aligned in transverse planes using T1-weighted sequences to analyze myelination and T2-weighted sequences to provide details of gyration and posterior fossa structures.
Fetal MRI brain images are aligned in transverse planes by using a method that involves rotating and positioning the images in 360 degrees to find the closest image to the standard fetal position.
The proposed algorithm automatically defines the mid-sagittal plane (MSP) for MRI brain scans, which helps align fetal MRI brain images in transverse planes.
Fetal MRI brain images are aligned using a multi-task fully convolutional neural network (FCN) architecture that estimates a geometric transformation matrix to align the images to a common coordinate space.

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