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How can advanced optimization techniques be used to improve the performance of heat exchangers? 

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Advanced optimization techniques can be used to improve the performance of heat exchangers. One approach is to use genetic algorithms (GAs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) for thermal analysis and multi-objective optimization of heat exchanger systems . GAs can be employed to optimize the design parameters of heat exchangers, such as tube outer diameter, tube pitch, and inlet air velocity, to maximize the heat transfer coefficient . Another optimization method is the improved stochastic ranking evolutionary strategy (ISRES) algorithm, which can identify the global optimum and optimize the geometrical parameters of heat exchangers, such as fin shape and total heat transfer area . Additionally, the prairie dog optimization algorithm (PDOA) combined with Gaussian mutation and chaotic local search has been used to achieve total cost optimization of heat exchangers, considering initial and maintenance costs . These advanced optimization techniques provide valuable insights for enhancing the performance and efficiency of heat exchangers in various applications.

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The paper discusses the use of a multi-strategy boosted prairie dog optimization algorithm (MSPDOA) to optimize the economic design of heat exchangers, including thermo-hydraulic designs, design parameters, and critical constraints. The MSPDOA algorithm combines prairie dog optimization with Gaussian mutation and chaotic local search to achieve total cost optimization.
The paper proposes using the improved stochastic ranking evolutionary strategy (ISRES) algorithm to optimize airfoil-shaped heat exchangers, resulting in improved performance.
The paper discusses the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) techniques for optimizing the performance of heat exchangers.
The provided paper discusses the use of a genetic algorithm to optimize the heat transfer coefficient of a micro-bare-tube heat exchanger.

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