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Web application development therefore has potentially the most to gain from adopting such techniques that can offer a greater return on development time and quality factors than traditional approaches.
Web application development therefore has potentially the most to gain from software reuse approaches that can offer a greater return on development time than traditional approaches.
The article might not settle dogmatic developer arguments, but it offers objectivity and technical detail to help you assess the strengths, weaknesses, and appropriateness of some popular Web development tools.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus 
07 Nov 2010
90 Citations
By studying developer fluency we contribute by determining dimensions along which developer expertise is acquired, finding ways to measure them, and quantifying the trajectories of developer learning.
Meta-model will help end-users to participate in web application development activities.
These factors make Web application development different from traditional software development.
Therefore, web application development process and time to market must be highly accelerated.
In this paper, a novel lifecycle model for Web application development in SMEs has been proposed.

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