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How can I reduce the noise from my air conditioner? 

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Here, we propose a method that can significantly reduce this noise.
Noise from internal sources, such as air-conditioning systems, may also be important.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
27 May 2013
23 Citations
Contrary to that the air conditioning system noise is of minor importance.
The multiple regression analyses indicated that the total subjective annoyance caused by air-conditioner noise can be predicted using the delay time and amplitude of the first maximum peak of the ACF (τ 1 and ϕ 1 ) and the SD of ϕ 1 .
Acceptable limits for air conditioner noise levels can be derived from the dose response curves produced in this study.
Results show that the Zwicker's loudness level and the percentile level of 90% exceedence are the two major indices for air-conditioner noise assessment.
The results indicated that the noise characteristics caused by each air conditioner and each operating level are determined by L Aeq , and by the width of the first decay of the ACF, W ϕ (0) , which corresponds to the spectral centroid.

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