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How can systems thinking efect climate change? 

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Systems thinking can significantly impact climate change by enhancing decision-making processes and understanding the interconnectedness of various factors. It can help in assessing the effects of climate change on organizations and guiding adaptation strategies. Additionally, systems thinking is associated with a pro-environmental orientation and can foster acceptance of climate science across different political ideologies. By incorporating systems thinking into governance at all levels, it becomes possible to break free from historical constraints and address climate and biodiversity emergencies effectively. Moreover, educating future leaders through higher education on systems-related competencies, particularly in the context of climate change, can prepare them to tackle complex issues like climate change more effectively.

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Systems thinking competency among undergraduate students can positively impact addressing climate change by enhancing their ability to understand and tackle complex systemic issues related to environmental challenges.
Systems thinking indirectly influences climate change beliefs by fostering an ecological worldview, promoting pro-environmental attitudes, and supporting the adoption of climate science across political ideologies.
Systems thinking can assess climate change impacts on organizations by analyzing internal and external interactions. It helps understand the effects of climate change on systems and their environments.
Systems thinking can improve environmental decision-making in climate change scenarios by enhancing adaptation strategies, especially in low-income countries, through cognitive neuroscience tools and social science frameworks.
Open accessBook
Ray Ison, Ed Straw 
05 Mar 2020
32 Citations
Systems thinking can effectively address climate change by integrating it into governance at all levels, breaking free from historical limitations, and implementing 21 principles for systemic governance.

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