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How do Coulomb barrier tunneling phenomena affect nuclear physics? 

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Coulomb barrier tunneling phenomena have significant effects on nuclear physics. One effect is the enhancement of tunneling rates through the inter-nuclear Coulomb barrier, which can be achieved by increasing the effective negative electric charge in the mid region between two protons or deutrons in a molecule placed inside a molecular cage . At high energies, tunneling becomes completely transparent in the asymptote, acquiring characteristics inherent in regular potentials . Another phenomenon is Klein tunneling through the Coulomb barrier, which is observed when beams of medium-energy electrons and positrons scatter from nuclei with high atomic numbers . Additionally, a resonant tunneling model has been proposed to explain anomalous phenomena in nuclear reactions in solids, suggesting that resonant tunneling through the Coulomb barrier may play a role in low-energy nuclear transmutation . Finally, tunneling between parallel two-dimensional electron gases in double quantum wells is influenced by Coulomb correlations, resulting in alterations in the tunneling density of states .

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The provided paper does not directly discuss the impact of Coulomb barrier tunneling phenomena on nuclear physics.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Norman Dombey, Richard L. Hall 
10 Feb 2000-Physics Letters B
6 Citations
The provided paper discusses the phenomenon of Coulomb barrier tunneling in the context of positron scattering from superheavy nuclei. It does not directly address how this phenomenon affects nuclear physics.
The provided paper discusses an electrostatic mechanism that enhances tunneling through the Coulomb barrier, leading to increased nuclear tunneling rates.

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