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How do rhythmic alarm sounds affect sleep quality and wakefulness? 

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Rhythmic alarm sounds have been found to have an impact on sleep quality and wakefulness. Research by McFarlane et al. showed that a melodic waking sound, which is considered to be more rhythmic, can significantly decrease attentional lapses and false starts, and improve psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) performance scores, leading to a reduction in sleep inertia . However, another study by McFarlane et al. found no significant difference in PVT metrics between a control condition and a rhythmic treatment condition . These findings suggest that the effect of rhythmic alarm sounds on sleep quality and wakefulness may vary depending on the specific characteristics of the sound and the individual's perception of it. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between rhythmic alarm sounds and sleep inertia.

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The paper does not provide information on how rhythmic alarm sounds affect sleep quality and wakefulness.
The paper does not provide information on how rhythmic alarm sounds affect sleep quality and wakefulness.
Tian Xuelong, Luo Yinpei, Li Nian, Wen-Juan Yang 
20 Apr 2018
1 Citations
The provided paper does not mention anything about rhythmic alarm sounds and their effect on sleep quality and wakefulness.

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