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How do the typhoon wind speed influence storm surge? 

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Typhoon wind speed significantly influences storm surge. Studies have shown that the maximum wind speed of a typhoon plays a crucial role in determining the intensity of the storm surge. Higher wind speeds lead to increased storm surge heights, with a near-linear relationship observed between maximum wind speed and storm surge magnitude. Additionally, the radius of the maximum wind speed (Rmax) of a typhoon also affects storm surge height, with larger typhoons causing higher peak storm surges. The translation speed of a typhoon is another factor to consider, as rapid translation speeds can induce storm surge resonance phenomena, amplifying the impact on coastal areas. Therefore, understanding and accurately predicting typhoon wind speeds are crucial for forecasting and mitigating the effects of storm surges.

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Typhoon wind speed directly impacts storm surge, with higher wind speeds leading to more severe storm surges, as shown in the study on Typhoon Muifa and Typhoon Lekima.
Typhoon wind speed, including central low pressures and forward speed, significantly impacts storm surge magnitude, as seen in the record-breaking storm surge caused by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
Typhoon wind speed influences storm surge by affecting the intensity and extent of inundation, with higher wind speeds leading to larger storm surge areas and potentially negative surges in certain sea areas.
Typhoon size, not just wind speed, impacts storm surge. Larger typhoons generate higher storm surges, crucial for accurate forecasting, as shown in Tokyo Bay simulations and historical data.
QuikSCAT wind data assists in determining maximum wind speed radii, improving storm surge simulations by assimilating accurate storm surge forcing fields, resulting in closer approximation to observations.

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