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How do these limitations impact the efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems? 

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The limitations discussed in the contexts impact the efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems significantly. Challenges such as new failure modes in AI systems, unpredictable behavior, and the inability to explicitly validate due to trust issues hinder the assurance of system performance . Moreover, the bottleneck caused by data movement in modern architectures affects the performance, efficiency, and scalability of key applications, emphasizing the need for intelligent architectures that handle data well . Additionally, the lack of generality in AI systems, where designers spoonfeed methods for specific tasks, limits the systems' ability to adapt and solve diverse problems efficiently, highlighting the importance of metareasoning and intelligence at multiple levels for optimal system performance . These limitations collectively impede the overall efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems by restricting adaptability, scalability, and problem-solving capabilities.

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Limitations in AI systems, reliant on designers for problem-solving methods, hinder generality and self-sufficiency, impacting efficiency and effectiveness by restricting adaptability and autonomy.
Limitations in handling data impact efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems by bottlenecking performance, scalability, and energy consumption, necessitating intelligent architectures for improved outcomes.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 Aug 2020
13 Citations
Limitations in handling data impact efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems by bottlenecking performance, scalability, and energy usage, necessitating intelligent architectures for improved outcomes.
The limitations of AI, such as new failure modes, evolving behavior, and validation challenges, can hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems by affecting confidence and performance assurance.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 Feb 2021
11 Citations
Limitations in handling data impact efficiency and effectiveness of intelligent programming systems by bottlenecking performance, scalability, and energy consumption, necessitating intelligent architectures for improved outcomes.

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